Cryonics as a time travel method


Temporal Navigator
The cryonics idea originally was made for people, who wanted to be immortal, or who died from diseases, that are untreatable at this moment. Cryobiology is the science, that explores the freezing of biological structures.

The people are being frizzed very close before their death, or right after their death, at temperatures so low, that the atoms and the molecules literary stop moving and the biochemical processes literary stop. A frozen like that corpse can stay like that indefinitely. Their hope is, that one day, the science will be able to refreeze them, heal them, and will bring them back to live.

Unfortunately, at this moment (2014) the freezing and refreezing of a mammal is impossible. E.g. cryonics is not possible so far, and it is only a dream and a hope.
The cryobiology so far has successfully frozen and refrozen back to live live single cells (including the majority of the human cells), some tissues, and one team managed to do it with single animal organs - rabbit kidneys.

Maybe the science of cryobiology and the cryonics (which is not considered so far as a real science) will develope the first time machine - a one way time machine to the future, before the physics.
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Why you do not comment it? Th true is being born in the conversations. Even if you do not think, that this is a method of choice, say it.
This topic has been discussed here;
A Paradox Question | Time Travel Institute

It doesn't seem cryonics is a comparatively valid form of time travel. You may wake up in the future but you got there at the same rate as everyone else. Time travel is commonly considered moving through time at a faster rate or opposite direction than everyone else.
Hi Gpa,

I red the topic
A Paradox Question | Time Travel Institute
and it discusses what possible paradoxes may happen, etc.

But the only comment, that I found, that says, that cryonics is not a valid form of time travel is that our bodies are only vessels for the soul.

Explain me more about your point of view, about why do you think, that cryonics is not a valid method for time travel? If it works out, it will be a way to go in the future after all. The device might not be based on quantum physics or something similar, but if it makes you go in the future, even if it is a freezer, it will be a time machine.

That would work assuming that we can freeze a body and successfully revive it. It can be done with frogs but we aren't frogs unfortunately (or fortunately :) ) and so far we don't know how to do it with humans without killing them.

But time travel to the future is really an engineering problem and not a theoretical physics problem. We know how to do it and we know that it is real. You just need to travel very, very fast. And like cryonics it is a one way trip.
Yes, you are right, unfortunately noone can revive a frozen human body...
So... the idea sucks until being fully developed.

I remember from my schoolboy years, that one of the Newton's laws was, that if no forces are applied to an object, this object either stays in a rest, or is moving in an uniform acceleration motion. If we rush a spaceship in the space, and if we turn of the engines, since there is no friction will the spaceship start moving uniformly accelerated? And will it manage to develop a very high speed only because no stopping forces are applied to it?
I think some form of cryogenics is possible. Say you took all your organs and replaced them with artificial ones. In the future we will probably be able to construct artificial organs that out last humans. Now say you had some sort of machine that kept you alive in a comatose state. Then you could possibly be preserved alive. Now this isn't really cryogenics but as far as traveling into the future it is the closest thing. I mean aren't we all traveling into the future? I think the point of his post was that even though that form of travel is the same we use everyday, you could be some what immortal. If you are immoral you might as well be a god. Even if you weren't you would still live longer than most people. I think every one on this forum wants to see more of what tomorrow holds.
Unfortunately, today (2014) can be cryopreserved only single cells, some tissues, the maximal acheivement, that I know of is cryopreserving a single organ, achieved by a research group, naming itself "21st Century Medicine" 21CM: living tissue cryopreservation & vitrification technologies

Replacing all of yours organs with artificial ones is still impossible. Keeping you alive in a comatose state also is not an option. In comatose state you actually can not be kept alive forever, and it appears, that you will actually live shorter, than if you are awake.

"I mean aren't we all traveling into the future"
Yes, we are :) For the ordinary people (those, who are not fammiliar with the quantum mechanics and simmilar things) it is considered obvious, that time goes only in one direction - from the present to the future. We all actually travel one-way to the future, second by second :) but with a limited speed :) only one second per second. If you want to see what will happen after lets say 200 years, you will have to: either 1)find a way to remain alive for 200 years, 2)will have to speed up the time for the entire universe, except yours, or 3)you will have to slow down your time and remaining the time of the entire universe the same. You may also 4)do some combination from the 3 above. In terms of quantum bla bla bla all of these are possible. But... none of the technologies above is still working (2014). Possibly it will be done in the future....
If you had no organs it could be possible. If you could preserve yourself in some way that you can not deteriorate or do so slowly it could be done. Maybe in some crazy thing like a bio computer. Back to time, time is a relative thing. It is something perceived by us. Sure you see the sun rise and set, but in a different solarsystem that would be different. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, years would work but they might prove obsolete. Even in our own solar system we use terms like earth years or days to mark other planets. Is that really correct? We are only observing that planet from the Earth therefore we use the reference of the Earth to measure its time. And with the Earth we use the sun as a reference. I do believe in some point of history we thought that the Earth was the center of the galaxy. I think currently that is our view of time. We only see the sun and the stars to base our time off of. In another part of the universe time could be totally different. And I know I've got way of topic but I just wanted to throw that out there. A lot of older people say time gets faster the older you get. To a person that can live 200+ years time wouldn't mean the same to a normal person. It would be less meaningful. From their view a person growing up and graduating would be like a bink of an eye. This is just my opinion of it. I'm sorry I got so off topic. Really none of us know what the future holds, so this is just theories and speculation.
If you had no organs it could be possible. ... Maybe in some .... bio computer.

Do you mean something like your consciousness to be recorded in a bio computer? Then, when you die, the recorded consciousness will proceed to exist. Thus you will go in the future.

Yup, but then it will not be you who will be alive - it will be a very good copy of your brain, that will be. You will be death, decomposed and forgotten. The copy of your brain will be a copy, no matter how good copy is it.
Do you mean something like your consciousness to be recorded in a bio computer? Then, when you die, the recorded consciousness will proceed to exist. Thus you will go in the future.

Yup, but then it will not be you who will be alive - it will be a very good copy of your brain, that will be. You will be death, decomposed and forgotten. The copy of your brain will be a copy, no matter how good copy is it.
One thing that we don't quite understand yet is what make you, you. I'm going to say something crazy and very unscientific. What if the part of you that makes you who you are, your life, your conscience, how you are, is in your soul or something like it. We already know where our memories are. But we don't know where the alive part comes from. Yes you are alive when all your vital organs are functioning properly, but I get the feeling there's something more to it we haven't quite figured out.
My point of view is that the part of us, that makes us who we are, etc. is actually the result from the work of our brains. When the neural networks of the human brain be fully understood, then these questions will be directly answered. There is not a soul.
My point of view is that the part of us, that makes us who we are, etc. is actually the result from the work of our brains. When the neural networks of the human brain be fully understood, then these questions will be directly answered. There is not a soul.
I'm not the kind that belives in ghosts, but I do tend to think unscientifically at times. One thing we still don't fully understand is how the brain works. I used the world soul as a kind of place holder. A more scientific way of saying it its the part we don't understand yet. (Which is very broad lol)