Crop Circles, Are they Coordinates for otherTime~Travelers?


Quantum Scribe
I have this theory;
"Perhaps Time~Travelers are using these "crop circles" as an effective means of communication between one another. Due to the global vastness of these pleantiful fields, it would appear to be an ideal format.

"Everything you know, Wrong!
soon we shall all discover the truth."

If this is true, then most likely they are "rest stop" signs like you see on the highway. They stop-poop-and move on with their kids whining "are we there yet?" The UFO's that buzz jets are probably their teenagers with their first saucer. I'm not being sarcastic, I really think this is a strong possibility.
Poop-rest stops?
did they ever find poop amongst all that swirling mess?
hee hee.
I dont think it is a good way to mark things for a time traveler after all they dont last that long do they? however it would be a good way to mark a doorway or to show what direction they went in for the others who are still in this dimension that maybe came with the group. or others who were to come through to this dimension around the same time.

<This message has been edited by pamela (edited 12 June 2000).>
It's nice to see that we have shifted our attention from our conventional discussions of Time Travel. To something practically no body has taken into account yet. I think it could be some of your above reasons. It's obviously some sort of Alien form of communique. But for what purpose, remains a mystery. Keep up the postings =).

-Javier C.
What about the disruptive interference of rowdy college kids making their own crop circles with boards and rope? Wouldn't that "degrade the signal quality", to use radio parlance? They wouldn't want their friends to accidentally read the wrong sign, would they?
In all practicality, given that this is in fact a "Singpost" of sorts from other Time~Travelers, I would think that the creators of these crop circle formations would have the ability to detect a "Fake" one at that. (Dugh!)

"Everything you know, Wrong!
soon we shall all discover the truth."

wouldnt the real ones have either radiation or electromagnetic disturbances?
I think they would be able to tell the difference also they would recognize their own language and symbols just like we would.
Im sure there are plenty of fake ones also.
if they have a sense of humor that is probably funny to them when they see the fake ones.maybe they even take holographic pictures(cameras in the future) of them to take home to show their families.