Creepily crazy


Chrono Cadet

Do you see a red pill or a blue pill? Facebook reveals optical illusions that fool the brain into thinking virtual reality is REAL

  • Michael Abrash, chief scientist from Facebook-owned Oculus reveals the illusions at the social network's annual F8 conference
  • He said we only infer the real world 'based on the 'sparse' data we receive
  • This is proved by the way optical illusions trick our senses
  • As a result, he said virtual reality 'done right' can be observed as reality

Classic science fiction film The Matrix depicts a future in which humans experience the world in a simulated reality.

But if Facebook has its way, this fiction could become fact.
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fool the brain into thinking virtual reality is REAL
Virtual reality is real.There's no doubt about this in my thinking.However, to confiscate those tools for ones own personal use, plus to misuse those instruments for an enforced attempt at power over others, is in essence to have shoved the principle of god out of the way and now function within that precept.Note that even sometimes god wishes that certain issues did not lay as they did or are and can be very regretful about actions taken?
Do you see a red pill or a blue pill?
Well being color blind I can only see a weird radioactive purple-ish pill on the left, and a green pill on the right....... Can anything conclusive come of that? :D

Good article but you shouldn't be ripping whole copyrighted articles and pasting them into a post. Post the URL and a synopsis. We can go to the site, read the article and then come back and discuss it. Doing it that way keeps Brent (Cosmo) out of trouble with the copyright police. :X3:

Well, I don't know what it says about how my brain works but, I see gray pills and I see blue and yellow on the Rubik's cubes. Maybe I don't understand the rules. :unsure:

I had something with the sky shifting that I can't go into detail about, but yes there is also virtual reality in nature.All I can say.
