Creedo and RMT in virtual:


Epochal Historian
Creedo,..Rain I'm sorry about that thread.

I wasn't trying to make a fool of you, however this is from the real book the horse whisperer.This is shown, that if you get your tack on, then you get to understand yourself a little better.

RMT,..You mean like an acceptable form of dress-up bondage?

Creeds,..Yes' you've got it.
You see, sometimes a mare will get mad, as she does not have her halter, bridal, blanket and saddle on.

RMT,...Oh' I see what you getting at.A little bondage, is a good thing?

Creeds,..Yes that's right.What I;m trying to get you to see, is yourself, not to hurt you.
I've had a few jokers in the past close to the family unit, who could not handle their booze.
So that's the why?

RMT,.Oh' that's wonderful, I guess we're still friends?

Creeds,.. you bet.Oh' that thing with Sigmund's writing style, will he be okay?

RMT,..I think so, he wears safety glasses.

Creeds,..What I brought you here to show everybody, is that if you can define little cast balls?

This was as pictured in Aviation Week and Space Technologie's issues on, materials and manufacturing methods.

If you can change all of those little spheres via a bombardment via an electron gun, with an added element to this bombardment, then you can change the nature of these little tiny spheres?

RMT,..So what you saying,. Dan, is that if you change each little spheres, that you can add a quality to each spheres, such as a super-heavy weight.

Creeds,..Yay, that. What I'm getting at too, is how would one simulate the near weight of Element 115?

RMT,..Are you thinking instead of only heat casting those little spheres, of also ramming them into a very thick density, after their bombardment?

Creeds,..Yep, sure am.

Then you have something that's near the with of 115, but not the same exact thing.

RMT,..Then why do this?

Creeds,..What I think you don't see here Rain, its the actions of the electronics passed over these shapes, the difference engine if you will, that effects dynamics from these shapes?


Credo,..RMT popcorn and Teletubbies? RMT,..Yay sounds neato, bro!

You know, I have heard you speak of all the fringe UFO/alien web personalities: Betty Andressen, Nancy of Zetatalk, so many that I can't list them all. But there is ONE person who I have not heard you quote at all, and it is funny because the kind of stuff this person BLOGs on and on about seems to be right up your alley.

So I am wondering... are you also a Sheldan Nidle groupie? Are you one of those people that hangs on his weekly posts, where we have been "just about" to see the "big changes" and "first contact" from aliens... for several years now?

I really want to know,
I guess you could enter in Sheldon Nidle, in any search box?

No, my product of learning about aliens, as it seems you are intrested, is transferred effort, which was solely intended from the aerospace indstry.

I have about one wheelbarrow, full of UFO E.T. contact books, under my belt.

This knowledge was learnt, in a brass tacks technical way, for future applications, along aerospace lines.

This person your referring to, does not offer key access utilization, to anything posed.So for all I know, this is all bunk?

Your virtual you, you could learn something from.

He's a nice guy, energetic, socially malleable?

I'm not a groupie.If I got a call on the phone, that said they had a contact, that was acceptable and I could grab you to take along, I would go for that.

There have been one or two contacts just like this, as the government does not know everything and depends on people like me, to fill in the missing blanks.

Keep in mind, were I try to be nice and funny as well, this area is deadly serious business to me.

Please don't forget this?
Rains is sitting in his labcoat, as they watch the simulation of the microspheres drip down red hot, then cool to the rotating fast plate.

Rains,..What you didn't tell them Creeds, is that you can make the desired size of each sphere, to be dropped onto the plate.

What you want to do, is fashion a way, that each grouping of spheres, can be bombarded, with a central ray, so that your super heavy nuclei qualities, can be inherent in all of your spheres.

So a dilution of lead and steel mixed toghater, bombarded,, then compressed under a hydraulic ram; you think will result in a compact new elements? This new element will act as a difference engine, when either magnetic power, or electricity is passed over this set-up?

Creedo,..Yes Rains, something ought to happen?
"What you want to do, is fashion a way, that each grouping of spheres, can be bombarded, with a central ray, so that your super heavy nuclei qualities, can be inherent in all of your spheres.

So a dilution of lead and steel mixed toghater, bombarded,, then compressed under a hydraulic ram; you think will result in a compact new elements? This new element will act as a difference engine, when either magnetic power, or electricity is passed over this set-up?"

Is this the recipe for the key lime pie I asked for? If not, I'll be pissed!