Covert Gray Alien Abduction


Temporal Navigator
To start with i would like to call recall15 in this thread and give me as much as information. I have already read the blue planet project. I also collected a lot of information, but still i am really unsure what is the real motive of these gray alien abduction. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

My story goes like this. I used to attend training in my training academy for becoming a seaman. That time while travelling by bus, i saw a girl, STARING at me. Its eyes were large and unusual. I never knew her before, and i turned aside and looked at her again, with her eyes staring at me again. It was unusual for me, and i found her trying to make me love her. She was strange, her body was very weird, her face was large, her hair was very thick and long, her body was unusually very thin and child like. Her back side, where the legs join the body was very weird in a non human shape. But she dressed as a normal human being and she was living as a normal human. She was doing her dentistry and she is a Christian, i know nothing more about her that time. Also i had no knowledge about these aliens at that time.

I started to have a feeling if pity on her after seeing her trying to impress me. But she never gave away her dignity. After i showed interest in her, she insulted me several times and it was really IRRITATING and mind itching. Then i found all my friends sending sms to me in a strange way. I first thought this girl was sending sms to me through my friends. 99 percentage of the messages are irritating and stress inducing and made me cry and it is solely intended to SUPPRESS my ego. It was totally misleading and untrustworthy and terribly insulting.

Being an egoistic personality i am, i could not take it anymore. I threw that girl, i told all the friends who sent sms to keep away. But they were intent in seducting me again. My friends ditching me for something i do not know and want to act in such a way that is treacherous and demonic to make me fall for the seduction again. I even manhandled one of my friends and told him not to do that. he was talking he had no idea about what i am talking about and he does not know any girl that was trying to contact me through him. Me and him were working on a ship and once a manhole was unusually left open after our work there. Nobody knows who left it open. Several such incidents happened hoping to threaten me. I even sustained a minor finger injury intended to scar me. Also once on land i was driving a motorcyle, and i had a skid on the road even though i was driving very slowly.

All these strange events, and still i dont intend to fall for this abduction. I am brave and evey night i get paralysis of my hands and neck. But i did find a way to counteract this. I put my paralysed hand on my mid section and the paralysis would decrease which otherwise would take a long time after regaining conciousness. Yesterday night was terrible, continuous sleep abductions which were irritating. Sometimes i have had some very painful times after when i am awake, that i have lost all my memory. I wouldnt call it an out of body experience though. It was something intended to manipulate my memory or to create an illusion that i will die and they can take my mind out if i dont do what they say. But still i never intend to fall for their seduction.

Clearly the abducting aliens want to abduct my friends and send messages to me and irritate me like before. But since i dont give in to it, they are adopting these tactics to make me fall again. Eveything is done in a COVERT way and there is no physical evidence of these crimes. One of the abductee friend told me to go a hypnotist, but i know doing that is suicide.

Why woould these aliens be desperately interested in abducting me? Now anyone who replies to this thread can also be abducted to influence my thoughts. So i request only members who are STRONGLY against these gray aliens to reply. By experience i have found that people having a kind heart and a high ego and truthful can never be abducted. But whereas people with cunning attitude fall an easy prey. Sure i see it as a GOOD Vs EVIL, and i chose Good.
To start with i would like to call recall15 in this thread and give me as much as information.
I`m here...

most grays want your DNA, select "their targets" based on RH factor and blood type... for Clones or Hibrids...

Her back side, where the legs join the body was very weird in a non human shape.

This is a Key, because part of your memory was ereased... but instead of focus on the event your memory is stuck on "these images"...and you got the feeling that something happended...


I put this image here to start unblocking the memories...

One of the abductee friend told me to go a hypnotist, but i know doing that is suicide.

This sound like a mind controled program from the "Govermint" aka "manchurian Candidate" MK-ultra
and so on...

To deactivate this:
-disclaimer: i not a Doctor- but this will make on your own risk!-

The words are: "it's just a . . ." Once the curse is in action,
you only have to fill it in with whatever makes you comfortable for the full effect to kick in.

Read aloud, please:

"i know doing that is suicide."

It's just ... a dream

It's just ... my imagination

It's just ... stress

It's just ... an optical illusion

It's just ... a trick

It's just ... not logical

and so on...

i give some related links to deal with it...


Stop Abductions...made easy

The Reptilian connections

This is a Key, because part of your memory was ereased... but instead of focus on the event your memory is stuck on "these images"...and you got the feeling that something happended...

This is not about sex. I have read a lot of alien abductions involving sex. But the girl i told about was extremely telepathic and induces a stress in the mind. I had absolutely no physical interaction with her. Once i talked to her, she did not even look at my face. Her face turned pale and i saw the fear on its face. Dark scars appeared on her face and she walked away. It was then she started interacting with me through my friends. I dont know how she is interacting with them, either directly or indirectly. When i tried to ask the abductees, they say they know nothing and they are normal. They also ask me this question:

"Are you a psycho?"

Which is absolutely stress inducing.

The aliens i am interacting with does not seem to be interested in sex. But once, when she came near me, i felt a feeling of high sexual orgasm suddenly triggering in my body. But that is for attracting me and make me fall in the trap. After that i know i had no experience of sexual encounters.

The creatures that are abducting me are interested in my STRESS level. Their aim to induce excessive stress in my body and they are experimenting something with the power that can be generated using that stress. I am unsure of what it really is, but i am sure it is not sex.

These aliens are extreme CRIMINALS i know that for sure. They will do ANYTHING to get their goal satisfied. Their tactic of abducting is controlling the emotional feelings of people.

Forgetting them and their tactics is of course, a solution to stop this abduction. My spiritual advisor also told me the same. But i get a feeling that all evil on earth is absolutely contributed to these creatures who are demonic and untrustworthy.
"The creatures that are abducting me are interested in my STRESS level. Their aim to induce excessive stress in my body and they are experimenting something with the power that can be generated using that stress. I am unsure of what it really is, but i am sure it is not sex."

very interesting. i go through something similar. the best i can tell you is to become strong physically, menatally and spiritually. and remember, knowledge IS power. you can turn the tables if you want. you have that ability. why else would they even bother? when you are afraid of what someone can do, you hold them down.

many lose this game. few win.

you have my advice, good luck.
you may break the control of these aliens using the "earworm" effect:

wiki link

cause your brain will be working on this:
When no sound is coming from the ears, the brain may still generate occasional, random impulses that the music-processing regions interpret as sound. They then try to match these impulses to memories of music, turning a few notes into a familiar melody.

you must find a song that get stuck on your mind, try youtube for an alternate language music... or a tibetan mantra if you want...

and these aliens can stop messing with your emotions...

When no sound is coming from the ears, the brain may still generate occasional, random impulses that the music-processing regions interpret as sound. They then try to match these impulses to memories of music, turning a few notes into a familiar melody.

Astounding. This is the exact way to counteract the emotional tactic.

Would you please let me know from where you found this cure?
That's like asking the wind why it blows.

No offence, please read:

Why woould these aliens be desperately interested in abducting me? Now anyone who replies to this thread can also be abducted to influence my thoughts. So i request only members who are STRONGLY against these gray aliens to reply. By experience i have found that people having a kind heart and a high ego and truthful can never be abducted. But whereas people with cunning attitude fall an easy prey.

I have researched several tactics to counteract it. How do you think i KNOW its the exact way? I combat these aliens using astrology and vedas which are very powerful. My dream is to one day bring them to their dust.

Please be advised that i am not running a service institution that cures people from alien abduction for money.

The grays would be reading this and also the PMs through which we interact. Their technology is advaced.

But what we have in our DNA or GENETIC structure is much more powerful and it can ONLY be activated by us USING meditaion or yoga. This in any case proves of no use to the person who is a yogi, who has to forfeit all his material wealth and greed for pleassure to achieve them. So it is impossible for a normal person to achieve levitation or invisibility or other superhuman powers. If he does, then he would become a King in no time. Hence these superhuman powers were suppressed in human DNA since using them for ones selfish needs would be injustice. Whereas to a person like a yogi, who has forsaken the materialistic world, it will be of no use.

But the aliens are researching this SUPERNATURAL powers dormant in our DNA to use it for the intergalactic wars.

My aim is to preserve these precious abilities within ourselves.
As far as my knowledge is concerned, there is no specific rh factor or blood type the aliens target. It is essential to think in a mature way and not in a commercial way. Commercialising these aliens is the biggest crime people are doing to humanity.

The aliens create hybrids not to survive, but to build an army. They have still not succeeded in creating the deadly clone they dream of. Logically, they never can. But it will not stop them from messing with our lives. They create clones, they are telepathic, they cross breed their species with human to make their abduction easy. What happened in my case, was an advancement in their technology. Their hybrid specimen could easily induce stress in me for their experiments.

Their genetic science aims in creating a specimen with the dormant superhuman powers. Once successful, they would clone that specimen in millions to conquer the universe. Doesent this seem logical?

While most humans sit here and thinking "How can i make money using alien abductions?"
Don't be decieved into thinking you are being abducted because you have some superhuman latent powers in your DNA. These do not sound like technically advanced beings they simply sound like evil ones.

_________________________________ in the days of Noah
Don't be decieved into thinking you are being abducted because you have some superhuman latent powers in your DNA.

No. I am not deceived because i am not investing large amounts of money into harnessing this power. Nor i am doing meditation or yoga to achieve it. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif It was part of my research and i found this more convincing than any other reasons people give for alien abduction. Aliens are evil, i know, but why would they trouble us? If they found us as enemies, they would destroy us. Why do they abduct? Why do they induce stress? Why suppress ego? For what? As far as i know, attainment of the yoga siddhis(or supernatural powers) involves stress, and perfecting the body. History says centuries ago few people are able to accomplish these powers through tapas or meditation, who became kings and used it for evil purposes. They were only destroyed by incarnation of Gods.

But by the descent of time, normal people could not accomplish it. Even if they tried, it took a long time and they felt it useless.

But the aliens feel by inducing "stress" in the mind, they can artificially stimulate these abilities in humans and imply that technology in their genetic study. By this, i do not say they will give us the abilities, but they will study them and imply it in their genetic specimens.
The info is here:

quoted from:

Abductee’s have reported that their Blood type changed to O after the abduction? Anyone know anything about this? Are their children being born with O blood? Many have talked about burned cornea’s and implants, but not much is said about a rare blood type change.

<font color="blue"> John Carpenter of MUFON was director of abduction investigations who was fired for his controversial reptile/blood type opinions due to the abductees testamonies.While you won't find many of my sentiments reflected in the "scientific" community, it is interesting to note three possibilities exist to explain the O-neg blood type (known as the universal donor type).

These are: 1) re-emergence of a dormant gene;
2) Exobiology &amp; Inter-dimensional;
3) chance mutation, happening within the last 20-35k years.

1. First it is important to realize, sentient life on our planet can be traced back over 2-million years. Many advanced civilizations have risen and fallen. We have no direct way of knowing what were the conditions giving rise to these civilizations, nor their physiology. A good primer is "Forbidden Archaeology" by Richard Cremo. Given this longevity, it is conceivable that extinct races could pass on certain of their genetic traits.

For example, let's consider there were two sentient branches of the human race in existence at the time: Cro-Magnons from which gave us modern humans, and Neanderthals, of tall stature who became extinct. If you follow this line of succession, it is highly likely that sometime after Cro-Magnons became dominant, there was some degree of cohabitation with Neanderthals. Rh-Neg may have been found within this extinct race, or may even have predominated - allowing it to cross over into Cro-Magnons decedents.

2. Exobiology is the search for life elsewhere in the universe. There is a very high probability that sentient life on this planet has interacted with visitors from elsewhere in this universe, or perhaps more likely, Interdimensional.

Whether through laboratory research (cloning or invitro fertilization), offspring were produced having traits (RH O-Neg) received from their off world, or out-of-phase visitors. I once communicated with an enigmatic individual who suggested O-neg would be the ideal blood type for space travellers. Of utmost importance would be the treating of wounds, minor operations, and other conditions involving blood loss. During long space voyages, perhaps with no possibility of ever returning to their homeward, it would be convenient if all members of a crew were of the same blood-group, or failing that, a large proportion where O-neg. These would most likely be specially engineered crew members . . . living blood storage banks, so-to-speak.

3. There is always the possibility that this is a true mutation, arising - given its relatively low distribution - within the past 20k - 35k years. My studies have not extended into how precisely this would occur. Personally, I consider all variations of RH-neg as derived from an original O-Neg donor, which factor has recently and selectively mutated through the human race to give the low incidence within other blood groups, but maintaining the alien (non-monkey) factors.

As a matter of interest, all O-negs are highly monitored and studied. [/COLOR]

<font color="blue"> FACTS:Rh-Negatives are RARE. But, strangely.... a person with type O negative blood is considered to be a "Universal Donor". It means his or her blood can be given to anyone, regardless of blood type, without causing a transfusion reaction.The Rh-Negatives Factor is considered a "Mutation" of "Unknown Origin", which happened in Europe, about 25,000-35,000 years ago. Then this group spread heavily into the area of what is now Spain, England, Ireland, etc.O negatives have pure blood, no antigens , no rhesus monkey gene.many articles said these O- people have these traits.

TRAITS:There are certain similairites that occur to those having rh negative blood - according to some who have it there are common patterns found, which include the following:

1. predominance of green or hazel eyes that change color, also blue eyes
2. reddish hair , brown
3. low pulse rate
4. low blood pressure
5. keen sight or hearing
6. ESP
7. extra rib or vertabrae
8. UFO connections
9. love of space and science
10. a sense of not belonging to the human race
11. piercing eyes
12. para-normal occurrences
13. physic dreams
14. truth seekers
15. desire for higher wisdom
16. empathetic illnesses
17. deep compassion for fate of mankind
18. a sense of a 'mission' in life
19. physic abilities
20. unexplained scars on body
21. capability to disrupt electrical appliances
22. alien contacts [/COLOR]
they sound like the winmakers` -ANIMUS-


<font color="blue"> The Animus are a powerful, subtle, purposeful and conniving synthetic race whose purpose was not to destroy planets or even colonize them, but rather they were seeking a way to become human by virtue of having a soul or spiritual essence within their body. They wanted to become part of the universe matrix of life forms because they knew that without a soul, they would be quarantined from the higher dimensions of the universe.

This unique mission of the Animus makes them fear-provoking enemies of humankind, but not repulsive or incomprehensible in their motives. The Labyrinth Group and the Corteum fear that if the prophecy of the Animus is accurate, earth – and the entire Milky Way galaxy – would forever and radically change for the worse. Humanity would become slave to an unsavory genetic experiment to transform a synthetic race into a hybrid of a cloned body and individual soul – [/COLOR]

Re: How to prevent alien abductions...

To Kanigo, Friend...

some tips:

Most people searching for a way to prevent getting abducted by aliens have already been abducted in the past. Therefore, they may be familiar with specifics to the aliens that abducted them. These tips to help prevent getting abducted by aliens are more general and may not work with every alien species.

Things You’ll Need:

* Dark window shades
* Thought screen helmet
* Portable locks

Prepare your house before you go to bed each night. All windows and doors should be locked and covered with dark shades. Portable door locks on every door prevent tampering.
Sleep with the lights on or a flashlight by the bed. Since some aliens will knock the power off before they attempt abduction, you should connect the light to a battery backup. A device with an alarm will also alert you when the power goes out.
Pray or meditate each day, asking God, Allah or the spirits to protect you. Ask for protection for you, your family and your house. A spiritual shield is one of the most powerful tools to prevent an alien abduction.
Consider building a thought screen helmet or hat. With basis in the aluminum hats of yesteryear, new thought screens prevent telepathic abductions or mind probes.
Place crystals around your room to ward off aliens. There are many theories on how crystals work, but many believe simply having a crystal amulet or hanging them from the ceiling can change the aura of your surroundings, making it stronger.
Be mentally prepared for alien abductions. If you come to terms with the possibility of abduction and prepare yourself physically and mentally, the aliens may see you as more of a threat. They will usually move on to someone who is less protected.

Re: How to prevent alien abductions...

recall quote:
Pray or meditate each day, asking God, Allah or the spirits to protect you. Ask for protection for you, your family and your house. A spiritual shield is one of the most powerful tools to prevent an alien abduction

If one needs to do this then one has to assume they are evil.

If you intend to make friendship with these aliens, please read:

The thrust of UFO research is into the metaphysical, where things are not always as they seem. In the case of the Gray abducting aliens, my judgment is this: they are diabolical and completely untrustworthy. I get a strong of sense of conspiracy by them--a vast, subversive plot of long duration and careful coordination which aims at nothing less than the complete enslavement of humanity. I see nothing--absolutely nothing--about their words and deeds which indicates anything but deceit, evasion, misdirection, manipulation, exploitation and total disregard for human values, personal property and our concept of respect for the inviolability of personhood. We humans consider kidnaping and violation of civil rights to be criminal, rape to be loathsome , brainwashing and mind control to be heinous, lying to be despicable, unauthorized surgical invasion of the body to be monstrous, and damage to personal property to be vandalism. The Gray aliens exhibit such behavior. On the other hand, I know of no behavior by them which is clearly intended to show respect for our personhood, property, civil rights, moral values and concern for truthful speech; they routinely violate all that. As I view the situation, it's a ghastly picture which emerges. It is not me rely alien; it is profoundly evil in precisely the sense given in the Book of Revelation and other sacred scriptures which describe a battle between the forces of light and the forces of darkness for the salvation or damnation of humanity and the planet. So when abducting aliens say, "We're here to serve you," I take it to mean they have have cookbook recipes in mind.


My blood is not O negative but i have not tested it after abduction. But i know for sure it will be the same as that before abduction, which is A1 Rh positive, not a very rare blood group. All my friends are abducted, not all of them are O negative.

I do not know about you, but how much ever the aliens try to make me fall again in their trap, i will not give in to it. Because of my inherent ego.

Also with my experience, i have seen absolutely nothing creative on their part.