Could a Hyper-Drive Unit be Used For Time Travel ?


Chrono Cadet
Could The Same Technology Required For Hyper-Drive Be Used For Time-Travel?

If it were possible for anyone to design & construct a working prototype of a new type of FTL propulsion unit, i.e. such as in the case of a "Hyperdrive" system regardless of components, if we could achieve such a magnificent, and revoltuionary device, would it be possible to use the same technology appiled to achieving some form of Time-Travel?

If you beileve it to be possible, then in your best ability, please explain why, and what brought you to believe that the same technology used to achieve FTL could deliver a means of Time-Travel?

What comopents do you think would be required?
The FTL drive is a type of time machine, the whole point of the drive is to try and circumvent the limits imposed on lightspeed by finding a route around or through it. So, if you travel in hyperspace you are abandoning known laws of time and space. How you may use the ftl drive to actually move to any point in time is another problem entirely! To travel in time you need to accept that time moves along a line, something you can travel along as well, but from what I have read the known laws of how we perceive time is all skewed, it's a real mindscramble trying to figure it all out, I just wish I was a few IQ points higher, then maybe I'd hit upon the solution?
Well' as the girls sat in the hot tub, you could see the curve of the tub.

All the water does, is race from one point to another?

If the pressure is right, I would say, why go any-where else.

When I went to this bar, I was really turned off, as the big football players, were so ego driven, as they had to go for long distance, in order to get the things that they wanted?
The first one, when they sounded the horns, all of those morons went dumbly, as any group of morons go to a firehall.

When the second train came along, that good looking babe, fixin he bike, wanted a cappuccino, but then not.
(You know how wimen are...?
When I took her to the eye doctor, her glasses were so thick, "the poor thing"?!

I had to kick myself in the but, as the glass that acted as a planter, was as thick as her glasses.

Im really an as*, as I love her as a friend, but those glasses?
Re: Could a Hyper-Drive Unit be Used For Time Trav

When I took her to the eye doctor, her glasses were so thick, "the poor thing"?!

I had to kick myself in the but, as the glass that acted as a planter, was as thick as her glasses.

Im really an as*, as I love her as a friend, but those glasses?

Wouldn't this be more appropriate in the Fiction thread?

"The FTL drive is a type of time machine, the whole point of the drive is to try and circumvent the limits imposed on lightspeed by finding a route around or through it. So, if you travel in hyperspace you are abandoning known laws of time and space.


How you may use the ftl drive to actually move to any point in time is another problem entirely!

As you examine the propulsion systems that our teams are proposing, you should be able to discover that we are perhaps the only ones out there making a serious attempt to build such a device.

Ref: UFO Physics - From "In The Know" To "Into The Now"

"To travel in time you need to accept that time moves along a line"...

Yes, but that "Line" you speak of is Time's Arrow which moves along the much larger "curvature" of space, think of it like in terms of a force like thermal ionic winds that rise up in bubbles, then form a vorticular motion that hanggliders and birds use to ride upon~ in this case the "Vortex" is conducive to generating a wormhole effect that is "parallel" between two planes of existance between the "fold" of that warped space. This parallel plane is the location of direction in which Time's Arorw is pointing to.

...something you can travel along as well, but from what I have read the known laws of how we perceive time is all skewed, it's a real mindscramble trying to figure it all out, I just wish I was a few IQ points higher, then maybe I'd hit upon the solution?

Thanks For Your Comments Malcom, I hope this helps~

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