Chrono Cadet
Could The Same Technology Required For Hyper-Drive Be Used For Time-Travel?
If it were possible for anyone to design & construct a working prototype of a new type of FTL propulsion unit, i.e. such as in the case of a "Hyperdrive" system regardless of components, if we could achieve such a magnificent, and revoltuionary device, would it be possible to use the same technology appiled to achieving some form of Time-Travel?
If you beileve it to be possible, then in your best ability, please explain why, and what brought you to believe that the same technology used to achieve FTL could deliver a means of Time-Travel?
What comopents do you think would be required?
If it were possible for anyone to design & construct a working prototype of a new type of FTL propulsion unit, i.e. such as in the case of a "Hyperdrive" system regardless of components, if we could achieve such a magnificent, and revoltuionary device, would it be possible to use the same technology appiled to achieving some form of Time-Travel?
If you beileve it to be possible, then in your best ability, please explain why, and what brought you to believe that the same technology used to achieve FTL could deliver a means of Time-Travel?
What comopents do you think would be required?