conventional physics doesn't work....

The Doctor

Chrono Cadet
conventional physics doesn\'t work....

I've seen from the posts on this board that most here are dependent upon the research of others without questioning the source. The "sources" are mostly the opinions of physicists that are reputable. Man has always had that problem, but a few dared to question their masters and venture out on their own. Einstein was one of them, a pioneer in the field, but don't stop there. Question your beliefs and learn what is true. I don't have all of the answers yet, but I know the ones I'm getting are wrong as a result of My fifteen years of pioneering in various fields of physics. I had to learn the hard way that the laws of physics by man's interpretation are wrong. I had to basicially rewrite physics for myself just to understand my experiments because conventional physics failed. The interpretations of our reality by most of our modern day physicists failed to hold up. I'm not as patient as I was in my youth and tire of trying to "jump start" a group. I've deleted most of my technical posts here but they are available on my board at for your viewing. I have learned alot from the ancients and intend on continuing to do so on my own. Happy hunting. Believe whatever you want, I know my path.

...~The Doctor~...
RE: conventional physics doesn\'t work....

"I had to basicially rewrite physics for myself just to understand my experiments because conventional physics failed. The interpretations of our reality by most of our modern day physicists failed to hold up."

This is the best written piece of expression I have read yet, and comming from someone with a formal educational background in physics, bears testimony to to those who continue to be eluded from the ability to resolve the issues that continue to haunt us all, when dealing with these universal forces of multidimensional fields.

If everyone else would come to the same conclusion, perhaps they would be able to break away, and free themselves from their continuous loop of "parroting misconceptions" and find the real answers.

"Everything you know, Wrong!
soon we shall all discover the truth."

RE: conventional physics doesn\'t work....

In lieu of your comment:]"I have learned alot from the ancients and intend on continuing to do so on my own."

I thought that the post I copied below, might be of interest.

Ancient math refines theories of evolution
posted June 29th, 2000 at 10:35:22 pm

Evolutionary biologists are used to digging into the past--but rarely in a quest to unearth equations. One group of scientists, however, has dusted off a 200-year-old formula to help reconcile discrepancies that crop up among DNA studies designed to sort out how species are related to one another. In the June 30 issue of Science, John Huelsenbeck, assistant professor of biology at the University of Rochester and his colleagues show how 18th century math can help biologists grapple with the flood of DNA sequences coming from genome sequencing projects. His colleagues are Bruce Rannala, assistant professor of medical genetics at the University of Alberta, and graduate student John Masly of the University of Rochester.

"This method is a revolutionary approach to addressing questions concerning the evolution of important traits," says Paul Lewis, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Connecticut and an expert at inferring evolutionary trees from DNA sequences. "This means that determining an evolutionary tree will be less biased by one particular estimate. The investigators of this study continue to be pioneers in this field."

The mathematician to whom Huelsenbeck, Rannala, and Masly have turned is Thomas Bayes, a British Presbyterian minister who devised a formula to account for uncertainties in data--uncertainties such as when one method suggests chimps are more like humans than orangutans, while another says the exact opposite. Bayes' formula allows informed guesses to be combined with new data. As the scientist collects more data, the initial guess carries less weight, and so the most accurate answer, such as which evolutionary family tree correctly depicts how birds split from reptiles, gradually takes shape. Currently, scientists are forced to treat evolutionary trees as ironclad truth, even though the results from different studies often disagree with one another. Bayesian mathematics accommodates uncertainty about the evolutionary history of life, allowing other questions, such as the evolution of the genes of an organism, to be more accurately studied.

"The Bayesian approach reduces the chance that every new discovery completely reverses the one before, because it considers all the possible evolutionary trees and weighs them according to the likelihood that each is correct," says Huelsenbeck. "It's more robust because it compares each new bit of information against the overall understanding we have about evolution."

For centuries the scientific community largely ignored Bayes and his equation, in part because the calculations needed would take years, but the last decade has seen a resurgence of Bayes' popularity as computers have taken over the task of calculating Bayes' formula. Bayes would probably have been stunned to learn that doctors testing new drugs, chemists deducing the structure of unknown molecules, environmentalists tracking dwindling species, and researchers teasing out the last of the human genome, have all become reliant on his statistics as they sort through data.

Ultimately, the team's use of Bayes' formula will allow biologists to be surer of their conclusions, creating a more consistent picture of evolution's history.

Though Bayes may have given scientists a new and powerful tool, his critics point out that a researcher's initial biases can affect calculations, allowing different answers to be generated from the same evidence. Huelsenbeck points out that in drawing the evolutionary tree, certain assumptions must be made because the relationships between species--the starting evidence--is not absolutely known. Huelsenbeck says, "Bayes gave us a way to climb a little higher, even if we aren't so sure of our footing."

"Everything you know, Wrong!
soon we shall all discover the truth."

RE: conventional physics doesn\'t work....

I admire you Doc, you take all things into consideration and you go beyond the standard physics books to making new and exciting discoveries. alot of people cant see beyond current technologies or cant imagine beyond current theories nor do they question them.
I have never heard you say "thats impossible"
or "that just couldnt happen because my science book says it couldnt."
Just as Einstein once said "imagination is more important than knowledge."
being able to present possible theories on why something is happening instead of just denying its reality.
going beyond your current quantum physics theories. being able to think a different way and come up with new solutions and answers.
question reality. and learn what is true.

RE: conventional physics doesn\'t work....

The Doctor:
I agree all research sould be questioned regardless of source even if this source goes by the name of " The Doctor ".

It is sometimes necessary to rewrite the laws of physics, however this must be based on experimentation and observation that can be independent confirmed.

Changing physics to make experiments easier to understand does not seem like a logical approach to science. After viewing your magi-physics page I feel the changes in physics you made are of little value, unless you can provide data that can be independently confirmed.
RE: conventional physics doesn\'t work....

Doctor,Thank goodness there are still a few that realize they don't know everything. The more you know, the more you realize you know nothing. All the math and theories are based on what we know so far. We may be in for a very big surprize when we start dealing with other dimensions that may be based on new data. Without the ability to shift gears fast, we may face unpleasantness. By the way, I'm still waiting and hoping you will break down and give your view of "what is time." No more of this "ah grasshopper,do you know the answer?" I'm a dumb grasshopper.
RE: conventional physics doesn\'t work....

I agree with Mokrie....can you explain what you feel time is?... The grasshoppers are waiting......{snicker}
RE: conventional physics doesn\'t work....

"Time" is only one's perception of passing events as they relate together. "Time" by any other definition has no basis at this point. All other concepts have recognizible effects on our reality. As for "time" can anyone name one? Not I. However, there are events that have taken place in our reality that suggest other realities or dimensions simular to our own. These other dimensions have somehow linked with ours and shattered our views of reality and physics. I adhere to the formula presented earilier. Take what you know and form an interpretation for it. As you gather information, see if your interpretation of reality still stands-up. Continually try to prove your ideas wrong as you gather information. Reshape your theories accordingly to fit what you have learned. When you can no longer prove yourself wrong under any circumstance, you must be on the "right" track. But don't stop there. Never stop learning, never stop trying to disprove. In this way the truth is found. If you find something hard to believe, then prove why it isn't......

...~The Doctor~...
RE: conventional physics doesn\'t work....

Thanks Time02112 for the "Bayesian Formula". I am glad to see others using it as well. "Wisdom is revealed unto babes and the wise are make foolish" is a suitable proverb because the moment you think you know it all, you find you know nothing. Seek and you shall find, and nothing that is hiddened that shall not be revealed. Peace from the Matrix....

...~The Doctor~...
RE: conventional physics doesn\'t work....

Exclusive Offer from this months copy of Sky & Telescope Check it out!

Along with the free starter kit, I noticed they had some info about "Time~Travel" HMmmmm
this is a first, I just wonder when they will be writting history books about pioneer Time~Travelers themselves! It sure would be nice to make history.

"Everything you know, Wrong!
soon we shall all discover the truth."

RE: conventional physics doesn\'t work....

Hey Doctor, your last remark was what I said on a different board awhile back. How come it sounds wise when you said it and I sounded like a hippie when I said it? And how come you did'nt comment when I said it? I'm gettin lonely here. No one but Pamela had talked to me since I arrived! Am I a message board leper? HELLO OUT THERE!
RE: conventional physics doesn\'t work....

Morkieeeee! Morkieeee!

The stuff you say usually makes so much good sense, that people can't argue against your point. Say something stupid or contrversial and you will stirr up scads of replies. Go figure.
RE: conventional physics doesn\'t work....

Sorry, Mokrie Dela, I didn't mean to overlook you. I need to double check your post too see if I missed something along the way. Hey, send me an e-mail of some more of your experiences. The last ones were quite interesting.

...~The Doctor~...
RE: conventional physics doesn\'t work....

Mokrie Dela, I need help finding the other post you wrote. I've failed to find it and I'm a little short on time. Thanks,

...~The Doctor~...
RE: conventional physics doesn\'t work....

Yes Morkie, many thanks to your contributions on this board, are well deserved indeed. I always look forward to reading your posts as well.

Thank you!

"Everything you know, Wrong!
soon we shall all discover the truth."


<This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 03 July 2000).>
RE: conventional physics doesn\'t work....

What a shame you can't see me----- I stood up at rhe keyboard and took a bow! Thank you."YOU LIKE ME, YOU REALLY LIKE ME" (Sally Fields) Seriously, I feel better now. No more tantrums.
RE: conventional physics doesn\'t work....

What was the post and board of the post you mentioned? (e-mail at the envelope above)

...~The Doctor~...
RE: conventional physics doesn\'t work....

Doctor, I checked my own profile page and I've made 103 posts before this on all the boards that came and went. I don't remember what I had for lunch yesterday much less what I said when. Sorry. Forget about it. I never shut up so I'll have plenty more to say.HAHA
RE: conventional physics doesn\'t work....

Mokrie Dela, Pamela had me post an image on my Montauk board for you to look at. She tried to e-mail it to you but you couldn't open it.

...~The Doctor~...