Controlling Time = Controlling Mass-via-Space


Super Moderator
If you wanted to turn this subject line into a simple, linear equation, it would be of the form:

T = M x S (Time = Ms from Hudson)

What it means, in conventional terms, is that you CAN actively control Time (your own personal Time) if you learn to Master the mixing and integrating of the 3-D concepts of Mass and Space. This is what we do as conscious, physical Beings.

Science and Engineering uses equations of similar form to the above to advance our knowledge and improve our Energy Efficiency. Just a few of those equations are...

F = M x a (Force=Ma from Newton)
V = I x R (Voltage=IR from Ohm)
P = V x R (Power=VR from Watt)

There are many, many others... this is how we define "linear models" of reality. So I am proposing my own little linear model with T = Ms. If you want to control Time, you must do so by manipulating Mass and Space.... err.... Massive Space! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

IMO, fiddling with Massive Space is how we will come to control (and therefore travel in) Time.

9 is the key rainman.
its good to see a name i know here. i was here before but under another name of wich i do not remember.
it seems that the talk has moved away from time and more towards makeing fun or bad things about each other and this is not progress.
you are the one that seems more in tune with what is the truth, you as you where "before" close to lift the veil.
9 is the key rainman, 9 is the key rainman, geez you're like a broken record.

Why don't you tell us why 9 is the key. why can't it be 8. or 10. or 8.999999999. Why I thought someone said it was 42, and others 3.14, and still yet I believe its closer to 1.618.

Why is 9 the key?
i will let rainmantime explain why 9 is the key or 3x3 as he calls it. dont let your anger and confusion get in the way, you sound frustrated at the little progress you have made. i know of a saying...dont get angry get even. let me hear why you think it is diffrent than 9 young one, and maybe then people will sit up and listen too you.
Sure I will tell you why 9 is not the key, why a 3x3 matrix of what Rainman calls Massive Space Time is more than likely accurate in a way however it is not the meaning of life, the purpose, or even the thing that is the basis of all life. It is only the basis of the arrangement of time/matter/energy in our universe.

Now take your 1.618, PHI if you will. can be expressed as [Sqrt (5)+1] \ 2

Phi is the ratio of your upper leg to your lower leg, the face in a sunflower, the swirl on a pinecone, the exact twisting of a snail shell, the mathematical precision that even Leonardo DaVinci used in all of his paintings including the Mona Lisa, the Last Super, and the one with the guy who's got 4 arms and 4 legs (I forget what that one is called).

Phi appears to be the way in which the DNA in our cells tells our bodies to grow in particular ratio's so that our arms aren't 10 feet long and dragging behind us.

In Fact, the closer someones face is to Phi (meaning the eyes, nose, mouth, all the features of the face), the closer that person is to what we consider Beautiful. I know a lot of studies have been done on this and its apparently Universal, crossing over every culture and every race.

Phi is found everywhere in nature and every living organism.

In Conclusion, sure 9 might be grand, and 3x3 a great expression, but Phi is the only number for me.

besides, everyone knows the Key is 42. lol
I would like to say something about the number 9 though. Base 10 math and encryption using Base 10 math is inherantly flawed. the huge prime numbers (sometimes thousand digit primes) we use to protect our secrets with PGP type encryption, can be broken with an 8088 if the programming is correct. Base 10 math is not secure. However Base 9 math cannot be broken and must be brute forced.
It is only the basis of the arrangement of time/matter/energy in our universe.
Is this not what makes life possible?

I'm a big phan of Phi, as well. But Phi is the integration of all separate, individual dimensions. When we seek to break things down into resulting, orthogonal measures we do so in 3 groups of threes. This is in accordance with the 3-dimensional nature of how we perceive reality, and how we have described it in terms of higher (tensor) mathematics.
