Contested 2004 Election Start of Civil War?


Rift Surfer
A protracted recount or court action in the 2004 Prez Election is a very real possibility.

A 269 count with House of Representatives selecting President may also be a mathematical possibility...

A contested winner as Prez is a very real possibility....

A reminder...

John's War... The President or "leader" in 2005 I believe tried desperately to be the next Lincoln and hold the country together but many of their policies drove a larger ... - 85k - Cached - Similar pages

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Yeah, i also have a feeling that this is the start of it all, the downfall of global society. After all there has never been any bumps along the US election road before has there? (the US voting system is perfect - there never any dispute of the results, is there?). From my memory the last US election was a total breeze...

I would also say that the dispute is more to do with incoming civil war then the fact the US voting system is flawed. After all its not even like this election was close or anything, why would anyone make a fuss about such issues?

If you ask me i'd run for your lives, get out of the cities. Do it now, or you might be dead tomorrow. THINK OF YOUR CHILDREN!!

Whats more alarming is that in a private Email between me and titor in 2001, he told me that Civil war would break out on either a monday, tuesday or wednesday. He also told me that if worst came to the worst it might also break out on a thurday, friday saturday or maybe even a sunday.

Well, its a wednesday today. This falls into one of his predicted days. Is civil War upon us, well i for one am not taking the chance the car is packed up with water bottles and canned fish, i'll see you all in 2036.

Kind regards,
Olly B.
Note particular to this thread:

Please note that the Alpha Dracoians had advertised to take selected humans off this Earth at this point in time.

I wont say my sources, other than this claim is proven to be true.

It was said by our people here, that the Dracs on Earth, were rebel factions apart from the homewold of Alpha Draconis.

If this statement was true, then why did the Dracoians make the offer to relocate humans to wherever they had wanted to go, without any strings attached?

I make this say, under the seal of the ambassador's office and only wish this note, to be part of this thread.
Nice try, fear monger.

Kerry concedes to Bush. So much for your long, protracted election result. Are you ever going to give up?

Since when does Rainmantime fly into buildings?:

A variant of Roel Van Houten's saying, (since when do earthquakes fly into buildings?
i just wonder if the protests in washington dc this time will be as big or bigger then the ones four years ago.

Uhhhh.... well, I'd say that this would be as likely as said John Titor actually being from the future! You see, the challenger HAS CONCEDED the election to Bush. Do you understand what this means? That means anyone who is going to turn up and protest the election results is going to do so WITHOUT the approval of John Kerry.

Ya know, I realize that other people in the world might not like Bush (or Republicans in general) but this is not a good enough reason to stir-up discontent in our country, or try to pretend that there is some massive conspiracy. The people have spoken, the system has worked, and the challenger has gracefully conceded. Can we get on with the topic of cracking time travel now?

Big tall reptile people, from the constellation Draconis Major, I think.

There were two said factions.

One was the homeworld Alpha Draconians and the other were a roving warrior band of Draconians, who once used Earth as a based of operations it is said.

The script for Predator verses Alien Book and movie, is based on the same premise as what the Draconians say.