Temporal Navigator
Hello TTI,
About 17 years ago, in 2007, I was contacted by an agent who represented a prominent position in the U.S. Air Force at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio. They had identified themselves with their full name and .mil account email along with the seal with a black background of the United States Department of Defense (DoD).
Quotes from my original post on TTI in 2007:
I turned 31 in the year 2020 during the pandemic and I went viral on the social media platform Facebook, reaching hundreds of thousands of people. My phone would receive messages and phone calls from people around the world asking questions about the pandemic, UFOs, extraterrestrials, conspiracy theories and the like.
I had a vast array of knowledge and links to reference material that had proven the pandemic was a globally planned event. Followed by information about the next several decades until the year 2054 that would include famine and depopulation up until a global one world government run by A.I. and a collective consciousness.
By the year 2021, I lost my viral social media connections and accounts. I'd begin the next several years gradually becoming isolated, including the loss of my mom, Lisa, born November 1, 1969 and had passed away November 15, 2022. The following year, my grandma with whom I was close to as well, passed away on September 23, 2023. I didn't find out about her passing until much later the following year last spring (2024).
Family and friends had become fairly distant as I had been marginally ostracized and alienated. Since my mother's passing, I experienced homelessness for the first time in my life and to this day I'm finally with a good friend of mine with a home and a small fortune coming around the corner.
In the winter a few years ago from today, I was in the emergency waiting room of the Regina Pasqua Hospital. For a brief minute, something happened that profoundly changed my life furthermore. An apparition of an extraterrestrial lifeform appeared in full physical form but only visually. It had long slim arms with elongated fingers and overgrown black nails. Interestingly, a lot of alien abductees report their encounters of aliens having black nails. I immediately knew what I was looking at because I knew about the true story about Whitley Strieber and his alien abduction experience. I had also his Communion (1989) movie. The extraterrestrial lifeform was very much similar and comparative to the being on the front cover of his novel; in particular, the alien seen floating around the spaceship in the movie.
Sometime later, I noticed a sign in front of the hospital's main entrance that titles, "Allan Blair Cancer Research Center". I thought that sounded familiar. Agent (confidential) at the time in 2007 had mentioned "Ellen Blair". The research center spelled "Allan". I put two and two together and realized maybe (confidential) was cryptically alluding to the west wing of the hospital. If that were the case, I did in fact just sat calmly and studied the extraterrestrial lifeform that could be seen holding onto me from behind with relaxed arms upon my own.
After the very vivid apparition, I was the next patient called in to see a doctor. I got up from the emergency triage chair and looked at my hands. There was dark hairline-like goo seen in between all my fingers and on the surfaces of all the chairs. I was directed to a room where I sat in a comfortable chair and had another apparition of human arms reaching out lively from the curtain in front of me. I looked down at my wound on my arm and there could be seen strange black tendrils moving in my wound. Eventually the apparitions subsided and I remained at ease; which is usually the case especially with all the close encounters I've had with UFOs following me.
The extraterrestrial lifeform had pink/magenta pigmentation. As I sit here typing this post, to my right is a graffiti mural of a cartoon paint bucket spraying pink/magenta paint over a pool of dark liquid. The mural was created in 2016, the year I had woken up one morning and noticed a dark spot in my left eye's vision. It was that year I obtained some substantiative evidence of being abducted that night by other worldly beings. I obtained high-definition scans of my macular wall (back of my eyeball) that shows laser precision surgical cuts of an operation I have no memory of.
Several years before the blotch in my vision, "Black Operations" told me something that I later learned this year to be taken quite literally. I have an electronic or bionic eye. An acquaintance showed up at a shelter I had been staying several months ago (Salvation Army) and began telling me about a guy in the military that has a black box engraved, "Eye of God - NASA". It shows an operative everything an individual sees from their eyes after receiving a covert surgically inserted special injection in their eye(s).
Watch via YouTube:
"Behold the voice of God.", "Remember I'm watching. I see everything."
I discovered the Black Operations had left a post way back in 1997 as follows:

And finally, I too am one of those who know the truth. We're not alone and there's more.
Everything I have told here is the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God. *swears it*
Matt "ANVIL" N.
About 17 years ago, in 2007, I was contacted by an agent who represented a prominent position in the U.S. Air Force at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio. They had identified themselves with their full name and .mil account email along with the seal with a black background of the United States Department of Defense (DoD).
Quotes from my original post on TTI in 2007:
"Something happens in your early 30s that isolates you even more so than now."
"When somebody by the name of Ellen Blair contacts you, do not engage in any contact or conversation with her. This is imperative as you are key to an event in the future along with a few others. DO NOT ENGAGE IN ANY FORM ON CONTACT WITH ELLEN. You may not understand now but when the time comes you will, remember my words. Just walk away from her when it happens. Goodbye."
"Remember this warning."
Hello TTI,
You may call me, "Matt". I'm 18 from Saskatchewan, Canada. I've been contacted by a United States Department of Defense and Wright Patterson Airforce Base Agent. I've confirmed his identity, however his almost science-fiction story is hard to believe. He warns me about having contact with a woman named, "Ellen Blair" originally from the year 2036. That she is a part of a special operations unit. He talks about C204 with the equipment her and her team uses. He says I'm a key to an important event in the future. That I'll understand why I am to back away from this woman when the...
You may call me, "Matt". I'm 18 from Saskatchewan, Canada. I've been contacted by a United States Department of Defense and Wright Patterson Airforce Base Agent. I've confirmed his identity, however his almost science-fiction story is hard to believe. He warns me about having contact with a woman named, "Ellen Blair" originally from the year 2036. That she is a part of a special operations unit. He talks about C204 with the equipment her and her team uses. He says I'm a key to an important event in the future. That I'll understand why I am to back away from this woman when the...
- Cubikdice
- experience
- Replies: 72
- Forum: Titor Continuum
I turned 31 in the year 2020 during the pandemic and I went viral on the social media platform Facebook, reaching hundreds of thousands of people. My phone would receive messages and phone calls from people around the world asking questions about the pandemic, UFOs, extraterrestrials, conspiracy theories and the like.
I had a vast array of knowledge and links to reference material that had proven the pandemic was a globally planned event. Followed by information about the next several decades until the year 2054 that would include famine and depopulation up until a global one world government run by A.I. and a collective consciousness.
By the year 2021, I lost my viral social media connections and accounts. I'd begin the next several years gradually becoming isolated, including the loss of my mom, Lisa, born November 1, 1969 and had passed away November 15, 2022. The following year, my grandma with whom I was close to as well, passed away on September 23, 2023. I didn't find out about her passing until much later the following year last spring (2024).
Family and friends had become fairly distant as I had been marginally ostracized and alienated. Since my mother's passing, I experienced homelessness for the first time in my life and to this day I'm finally with a good friend of mine with a home and a small fortune coming around the corner.
In the winter a few years ago from today, I was in the emergency waiting room of the Regina Pasqua Hospital. For a brief minute, something happened that profoundly changed my life furthermore. An apparition of an extraterrestrial lifeform appeared in full physical form but only visually. It had long slim arms with elongated fingers and overgrown black nails. Interestingly, a lot of alien abductees report their encounters of aliens having black nails. I immediately knew what I was looking at because I knew about the true story about Whitley Strieber and his alien abduction experience. I had also his Communion (1989) movie. The extraterrestrial lifeform was very much similar and comparative to the being on the front cover of his novel; in particular, the alien seen floating around the spaceship in the movie.
Sometime later, I noticed a sign in front of the hospital's main entrance that titles, "Allan Blair Cancer Research Center". I thought that sounded familiar. Agent (confidential) at the time in 2007 had mentioned "Ellen Blair". The research center spelled "Allan". I put two and two together and realized maybe (confidential) was cryptically alluding to the west wing of the hospital. If that were the case, I did in fact just sat calmly and studied the extraterrestrial lifeform that could be seen holding onto me from behind with relaxed arms upon my own.
After the very vivid apparition, I was the next patient called in to see a doctor. I got up from the emergency triage chair and looked at my hands. There was dark hairline-like goo seen in between all my fingers and on the surfaces of all the chairs. I was directed to a room where I sat in a comfortable chair and had another apparition of human arms reaching out lively from the curtain in front of me. I looked down at my wound on my arm and there could be seen strange black tendrils moving in my wound. Eventually the apparitions subsided and I remained at ease; which is usually the case especially with all the close encounters I've had with UFOs following me.
The extraterrestrial lifeform had pink/magenta pigmentation. As I sit here typing this post, to my right is a graffiti mural of a cartoon paint bucket spraying pink/magenta paint over a pool of dark liquid. The mural was created in 2016, the year I had woken up one morning and noticed a dark spot in my left eye's vision. It was that year I obtained some substantiative evidence of being abducted that night by other worldly beings. I obtained high-definition scans of my macular wall (back of my eyeball) that shows laser precision surgical cuts of an operation I have no memory of.
Several years before the blotch in my vision, "Black Operations" told me something that I later learned this year to be taken quite literally. I have an electronic or bionic eye. An acquaintance showed up at a shelter I had been staying several months ago (Salvation Army) and began telling me about a guy in the military that has a black box engraved, "Eye of God - NASA". It shows an operative everything an individual sees from their eyes after receiving a covert surgically inserted special injection in their eye(s).
Watch via YouTube:
"Behold the voice of God.", "Remember I'm watching. I see everything."
I discovered the Black Operations had left a post way back in 1997 as follows:

And finally, I too am one of those who know the truth. We're not alone and there's more.
Everything I have told here is the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God. *swears it*
Matt "ANVIL" N.