Conservation Laws: Momentum, Energy, or MomEnergy?


Super Moderator
If we want to learn how to Time Travel, we must understand Energy, physics, and especially the conservation laws:
Conservation of Energy and Conservation of Momentum

One is expressed as:
Constant = Mass * Velocity___________[Matter in Motion]
The other as:
Constant = Mass/2 * (Velocity)^2______[Half-Matter in Motion-squared]

If they are both true at the same Time, at any point in Time, then we could call the combined law:

Conservation of MomEnergy

Is it possible to resolve these two laws into this one Energy Metric of MomEnergy? I've got some ideas, and I've been working some equations along this line. The relationship of Momentum to Energy is one that transcends linearity. Momentum is linear with Velocity. But Energy is non-linear (squared, surface area) with Velocity. What if the quantity that we currently refer to as Energy is really something different than V-squared? What if V-squared was really something MORE than what we think of as Energy:

Is Energy really what we think of as Energy?

Stuff to think deeply about, I think..... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif I like to think about how these conservation laws relate to the Matrix of Massive SpaceTime (MMST). It can help one learn how to manipulate this Matrix in a most efficient manner.

The universe is always moving and in this context, so are the procession of galaxies.

What is also not understood, is that there are multiple frequencies, which are offset, from other frequencies.

A black hole in one dimension, acts as a sweeper to another dimension, via the veneer of the angularity of its event horizons.

This matter is probably deposited in a quick apparatus, known as a momentary white hole.A white hole is supposed to open its gate, at one onethousanths of a second, in order to exaust both matter and energy from the event horizons from black holes in other dimensions.

This is more than likely not a theoretical proposition, however necessary mechanics, as one dimension can not store both matter and energy infinity, however in some part, must share these potentials to other dimensions.

Energy may be considered as nothing more than the lubricant in order to make both this matter and energy flow from one dimensional area to another.
1-D, 2-D, and 3-D Energy Contours

The universe is always moving and in this context, so are the procession of galaxies.

Yes, I agree. The ALL of the universe can be crisply described as Matter In Motion. That is why the momentum and energy conservation laws are so central to describing physicality. Matter-In-Motion is also how we describe and define the passage of linear Time. The normal frame of time that we perceive with our limited physical senses can be called "ordinary time" or more accurately "linear time". This is momentum, as it is linear with motion (velocity). P = m * V. Momentum is a primary means that we humans use to relate to one another in a very linear sense.

Non-linear time is what we get when we square the velocity. E = m*c^2 = (1/2)*m*v^2 .
The squaring of Motion (velocity) is what projects the simple linear concept of momentum into a 2-dimensional non-linear surface. Velocity-squared defines the surface area of a spherical bubble that is dynamically growing at velocity "V" (or in the case of light, velocity "c").

One can examine time in an even more non-linear manner when you consider the hypersphere that is defined when you raise velocity to the power of 3. Velocity^3 is what provides the complete tensor representation of both linear time and hypertime. It is the next-dimensional measure of Energy (which we measure in V^2 in our reality).

What is also not understood, is that there are multiple frequencies, which are offset, from other frequencies.

Again, I agree with you Creedo! Are the planets aligning today, or what? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Distinct frequency bands of perception is a simple fact of understanding the relationship between Time and Frequency. We humans are beings that live within a specific range of frequencies that are defined by our ability to sense. But there are other beings who live and sense the universe in frequency bands that are different from ours. Isn't it Time we meet our fellow beings in our frequency neighborhood?

This is more than likely not a theoretical proposition, however necessary mechanics, as one dimension can not store both matter and energy infinity, however in some part, must share these potentials to other dimensions.

Agreed! We are 3-for-3, Dan. And this is what I would like you to understand about the Matrix math of Massive SpaceTime. Energy is a 3x3 = 9-dimensional metric. The (3x3) Energy Matrix is what is manipulated to achieve certain Energy configurations. The three parameters we have at our disposal to shift and balance are the component dimensions of Mass, and Space, and Time. All three of these dimensions are equal and interchangeable with one another.

Energy may be considered as nothing more than the lubricant in order to make both this matter and energy flow from one dimensional area to another.

Energy is the metric that seems to flow across dimensions, because it is resolved and balanced as a trinity in One quantity. Matter, Motion, Tense, Mass, Space, and Time are incomplete components of Energy, as they manifest only within any one, specific frequency realm. Integrated Energy is a 3-way, balanced integration of (Mass, Space and Time) or (Matter, Motion, and Tense). Energy can transcend dimensions in accordance with its Free Will.

There is a fractal self-similarity of Momentum and Energy with respect to their 1-D and 2-D scales.

Re: 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D Energy Contours

RMT said>We humans are beings that live within a specific range of frequencies that are defined by our ability to sense. But there are other beings who live and sense the universe in frequency bands that are different from ours. Isn't it Time we meet our fellow beings in our frequency neighborhood?

Creedo gives no comment.

RMT said>Agreed! We are 3-for-3, Dan. And this is what I would like you to understand about the Matrix math of Massive Space-Time. Energy is a 3x3 = 9-dimensional metric. The (3x3) Energy Matrix is what is manipulated to achieve certain Energy configurations. The three parameters we have at our disposal to shift and balance are the component dimensions of Mass, and Space, and Time. All three of these dimensions are equal and interchangeable with one another.

Creedo replies, The Universe is neither all one consistency, nor probable uniform density.

RMT said>Energy is the metric that seems to flow across dimensions, because it is resolved and balanced as a trinity in One quantity. Matter, Motion, Tense, Mass, Space, and Time are incomplete components of Energy, as they manifest only within any one, specific frequency realm. Integrated Energy is a 3-way, balanced integration of (Mass, Space and Time) or (Matter, Motion, and Tense). Energy can transcend dimensions in accordance with its Free Will.

There is a fractal self-similarity of Momentum and Energy with respect to their 1-D and 2-D scales.

Creedo replies>Maybe there is intent which comes across that barrier too Ray.
Sometimes this intent is coupled with presence of being and this being, is not always nice?

If you and that beautiful girl get married and one day and you two decide to have children, how would you react to the prospect of some authority coming up to you and saying, we want dibs on some of your kids to?

We want you to have kids for us too?

This is how some offworld societies think and do, with respects to the utilities of their populations.

What I'm trying to say Ray, is who or what is inback of some of these dimensions and what do they want with us?

With reference to spacetime being constant in the furtherest reaches of the universe, no I can not say that this, in realtionship to a 3-d expanse, would be constant.

Say forinstance I would be a multidimensional alien and what you apply to in the 3-D, might not apply to me, at all?
Re: 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D Energy Contours

Ray' you said meeting aliens. What type of aliens Ray, what type of aliens.......??
Re: 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D Energy Contours

Creedo gives no comment.

It would seem that I have touched upon something very real in your sphere of Energy, huh Creedo?

Creedo replies, The Universe is neither all one consistency, nor probable uniform density.

True, again. There are two different, differential equations that describe the "clumpyness" and the "emptyness" of Universal Energy. Energy due to Mass is one thing. Energy due to Space is another thing. Time, or Tense, is the mediator between Mass and Space. We must all become worthy guardians of SpaceTime.

Creedo replies>Maybe there is intent which comes across that barrier too Ray.
Sometimes this intent is coupled with presence of being and this being, is not always nice?

There is certainly intent that flows across Energy boundaries, Dan. And I will agree with you that this Energy might be either positive or negative. Isn't it our goal to always envision and create positive Energy? Singularity of Purpose............. (+). To Advance Creation...+.-.+.-.+.-.+

What I'm trying to say Ray, is who or what is inback of some of these dimensions and what do they want with us?

How about if we just investigate these frequency dimensions with normal, rational, linear science to begin with? This will tell us a lot at first, and then we can investigate alternate frequencies in the non-linear domains.

In other words, Creedo, I am not afraid of any other dimensions. Bring 'em ON! I think we should be talking more and more with these people that occupy alternate dimensions, don't you? It is all a part of Us.

Re: 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D Energy Contours

I had lusted over a picture once of another dimensional being, who was a woman from another dimension, with long black hair, that would have probably looked horrible to you.

But there was some chemistry in her and this is why I took notice.

Her boyfriend showed up a couple of months later and looked in my front window.This was looking like a tall werewolf person, with glowing eyes, but no body below the waist.

Perfectly set of normal circumstances, wouldn't you say Ray?
Re: 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D Energy Contours

Note in her dimension they eat both something like dust and little creatures that they catch, but this is perfectly normal too Ray.
Re: 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D Energy Contours

Note in her dimension they eat both something like dust and little creatures that they catch, but this is perfectly normal too Ray.

Totally normal, there is no doubt about this. In fact, I really like dust.... Brownian motion of random dynamics.

Don't say so long, and throw yourself wrong.
This could be your big chance to make up
Today will soon be....Gone.

Re: 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D Energy Contours

The font page says, MomEnergy.

Does this mean my good fired Rainmantime is stuck in a giant birthing vagina?