Computer Time Server or CTS.
Concept: Set up a dedicated computer time server ( linix box would be nice more reliable
check for $299 box) with battery back up and all redundant back up possible
this would sink to atomic clock through phone or gps.
Step one: Construct message program that will send text or Morse code pulses or test
pulses at a precise dedicated time, this would be possible for current and future time. In
other words enter simple message and then enter time of transmission (insertion) then time
of reception (released time). The first step would be to get this box to work with in itself.
In other words to type test message then send in 5 minutes the program would do itself,
than receive in 3 days. You have just sent a message to the future. So far this is similar to
a time announce or digital assistant program. A wake up call if you will (but with your
message). Also a complete log would be kept of transmitted and received pulses.
Step two: Send message back in time.
Enter message time of transmission than time of reception, the message would then leave
on a digital or analog I/O card (basically a card that interfaces your computer to external
hardware similar to remote control devises or PLC’s Programmable logic controllers)
this message would be inserted into the external Hardware i.e. (transmitter /receiver)
External hardware: This is the tricky part, obviously the computer is always on ready to
transmit and receive from this external device. It must be left on and message event must
proceed at a designated time. At first it would be easier to send a series of cascading
counting pulses that vary each transmission so you can decipher when in the future that
pulse would occur. Example you no that on Tuesday 1000 hours it will send 10 pulses so
if on pre-Monday you receive 10 pulses you have received a message from the future
(assuming theses pulse have come from your external hardware not internal from the
computer remember the computer can send pulses forward through time not back) This
future event would be controlled by the computer not you! no time paradox here, like I
forgot to type the pulse so how could the past receive it.
External time box this is where I am brain storming. The box would transmit/receive
Light, RF, Radiation, Particles or what ever method or modulation proves time
susceptible, it good be an accelerator or decelerator (absolute zero). maybe the reflections
of the past would be show in the future (remember we are talking simple pulses here) This
external hardware would also need to be vary reliable, always on so to speak.
To me this is the elemental basis of a workable time server or traveler, the pulses travel
they are better equipped to do it..
Pro’s: No time paradox, no living matter, simple pulse transmission- reception
Con’s: no proven time transmitter (at least for sending to past)
Please send me your ideas for time transmitter or field generator to transmit into,
sendto: [email protected] “Vision through electronics.†I am planing to build in
my garage, not joking, if it doesn’t work out, hey I still get some good electronics out of
the experiment.
Project title: Time Server Project
related equipment, Time server, Time reference, Time transmitter.
Imagine sending the lotto numbers to the past! HAHA that would cover the costs!
Concept: Set up a dedicated computer time server ( linix box would be nice more reliable
check for $299 box) with battery back up and all redundant back up possible
this would sink to atomic clock through phone or gps.
Step one: Construct message program that will send text or Morse code pulses or test
pulses at a precise dedicated time, this would be possible for current and future time. In
other words enter simple message and then enter time of transmission (insertion) then time
of reception (released time). The first step would be to get this box to work with in itself.
In other words to type test message then send in 5 minutes the program would do itself,
than receive in 3 days. You have just sent a message to the future. So far this is similar to
a time announce or digital assistant program. A wake up call if you will (but with your
message). Also a complete log would be kept of transmitted and received pulses.
Step two: Send message back in time.
Enter message time of transmission than time of reception, the message would then leave
on a digital or analog I/O card (basically a card that interfaces your computer to external
hardware similar to remote control devises or PLC’s Programmable logic controllers)
this message would be inserted into the external Hardware i.e. (transmitter /receiver)
External hardware: This is the tricky part, obviously the computer is always on ready to
transmit and receive from this external device. It must be left on and message event must
proceed at a designated time. At first it would be easier to send a series of cascading
counting pulses that vary each transmission so you can decipher when in the future that
pulse would occur. Example you no that on Tuesday 1000 hours it will send 10 pulses so
if on pre-Monday you receive 10 pulses you have received a message from the future
(assuming theses pulse have come from your external hardware not internal from the
computer remember the computer can send pulses forward through time not back) This
future event would be controlled by the computer not you! no time paradox here, like I
forgot to type the pulse so how could the past receive it.
External time box this is where I am brain storming. The box would transmit/receive
Light, RF, Radiation, Particles or what ever method or modulation proves time
susceptible, it good be an accelerator or decelerator (absolute zero). maybe the reflections
of the past would be show in the future (remember we are talking simple pulses here) This
external hardware would also need to be vary reliable, always on so to speak.
To me this is the elemental basis of a workable time server or traveler, the pulses travel
they are better equipped to do it..
Pro’s: No time paradox, no living matter, simple pulse transmission- reception
Con’s: no proven time transmitter (at least for sending to past)
Please send me your ideas for time transmitter or field generator to transmit into,
sendto: [email protected] “Vision through electronics.†I am planing to build in
my garage, not joking, if it doesn’t work out, hey I still get some good electronics out of
the experiment.
Project title: Time Server Project
related equipment, Time server, Time reference, Time transmitter.
Imagine sending the lotto numbers to the past! HAHA that would cover the costs!