Compulsions for interest in Time Travel (JT etc.)


Quantum Scribe
- Whether you believe in it or not, you all keep coming back, making the rounds, hitting the same places, but do any of you really know why?

- As for John Titors most recent email (true or fake) I have an interpretation but I am still unsure just how the picture is related. I welcome all other interpretations and I am still studying it, trying to figure it out like a riddle.

of now, for what, and thus they therefore should ask.

Then surely (Oh So) tell [us]. Those some, furthermore,

therefore and whenever, now and the two after doom.

- As for predictions I feel something big is going to happen and it will only be the start. There is a great likelyhood it happens November 9th. Also possibly Dec 31st (New Years Eve) however this prediction is much more geographical and centered around Time Square.

- I welcome any and all discussion, and I believe I have travelled in time and even alternate time lines (more recently) although I do not have a firm understanding of how I know the things I know. I have no time machine, I am not here to prove myself, if anything it would be better if most people didn't believe me. Because its only when you don't believe someone and something happens they told you would happen that you start Truly believing them.

So, to conclude, I just wanted some of this posted, and if I'm wrong no harm no foul just a few pissed off people. But if I'm right, well, hmmm doesn't really matter either way I guess but maybe I can help some people who are scared. I like to help and everyone says I know things I shouldn't know. So take all of this with a grain of salt please.

So tell me, why are you so interested in Time Travel?
Re: Only probable futures...

RenUnconscious, I will not except this!

I am not a fortune teller. I don't make predictions. However, I see probable futures. If it continues in the same direction it will have a certain outcome by our co-creating it.

The thing about predicting the future is that no one really can because we can always change it. Maybe just awareness and talking about it will help prevent something from happening, or shift it to something else?

For those aware of how thoughts create reality, this is a good time to be centered and focus on being calm, and reflect on how we value life. Change does not have to be catastrophic and deadly... Seeing something in a future vision gives us the opportunity to decide if we want to change the future. Whether you believe it or not, the future has a infinite number of outcomes...

However, I believe being psychic is something that is inherent in the workings of nature. I think it works something like lightning. Rather lightning is generated from the ground first determining the connection so it knows where to strike. The brain is like a grounding device and a conscious receiver/antenna constantly searching and sifting through random thoughts; sort of like searching for frequencies and tuning into stations on the radio. We can compare this to the pre-emptive time before lightning determines its striking path. There's a real connection...when in fact its real life information, but only temporarily within a certain duration of time from the initial thought... Likewise time was already there ready to happen (or perhaps just passing) allowing us to pick up the signal, arrange it in our brains and receive the message. As intelligent beings this gives us the ability to predict slightly into the current future, but only if the initial information is already out there waiting to make the (already happening) connection...
In all honesty, blame Doctor Hawking and his Lucasian Chair. He keeps saying that it can't be done, and I'm a stubborn son of a truck driver and a office manager. :D
It looks like Dr Masaru Emoto has just stolen Hawkings chair! :eek:

"The messages from water are telling us to look inside ourselves"...