complicated equations are not needed

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Remember when the first "blue" LASERs were manufactured, no one cared about the way it was done, just that it got the job done. All that was important was that the storage on the scattering input discs was increased. All the "complicated" equations and "big" words that brought about the manufacture of the LASER do not have to be known if someone puts together his own with the right materials. My friends, we are traveling through time everday without the use of "fancy" equations. My question to you is if I asked you to turn on a nearby light switch, would you first calculate the proper vectors and biochemical reations needed to safely land your hand on the switch? No, you would simply just do it. Again, the answer lies "closer than you think".
Please note, A1

If I read one more simplistic, sweeping, 'flower child' like statement, with no theoretical basis whatsoever from you again, it will be the last of your messages that I ever read, period.

I'm really not being as funny about it as that sounds, but I get the impression that you're simply taking the piss.

If I'm wrong, then say something interesting with a theory behind it. If you do, I apologise in advance. Otherwise, don't waste your time typing it in, ok..

PS..If you're planning on submitting a lengthy cutting rebuff, get it right the first time, because that will be the only one that I'll read.

PPS..You'll also make no friends here by submitting 'offensive' subject titles..
Re:I\'ll try to contain my disappointment..oh and you\'re out \'friend\'.

Quick SimonB! Start a cult! You already have one potential member (a1) who is ready to fork over all his money!

Yes. I noticed something "interesting" when I frst read the post way back when...

Remember when the first "blue" LASERs were manufactured, no one cared about the way it was done, just that it got the job done. All that was important was that the storage on the scattering input discs was increased. My question to you is if I asked you to turn on a nearby light switch, would you first calculate the proper vectors and biochemical reations needed to safely land your hand on the switch?

It's a rather silly statement. Of course it's easy to flip a switch but someone had to build the switch for you. Try building a laser diode and all the other components necessary to construct a YAG laser from scratch with no formal education in the field of quantum mechanics, optics and electrical engineering - and then go into surgery and tell the patient that you're about to perform laser eye surgery on, "All the 'complicated' equations and 'big' words weren't necessary. A guess here, some intuition there, a bit of spit, bubble gum and bailing wire and Viola! A YAG surgical laser. Now, open those baby blues wide."

The truth is that, in the case of the laser, at least three physicists were involved in its invention: Dr. Arthur Schawlow (Stanford University - Nobel Prize in Physics 1981), his brother-in-law, Dr. Charles Townes (Columbia University - Nobel Prize in Physics 1964) and you might have heard of the third physicist who initially proposed the idea of stimulated emission of light. His name was Dr. Albert Einstein (Princeton University - Nobel Prize in Physics 1921).
Remember when the first "blue" LASERs were manufactured, no one cared about the way it was done, just that it got the job done. All that was important was that the storage on the scattering input discs

That too I suppose.
I was referring to blue lasers being used for reading/writing discs.
They weren't released to mainstream public until April 2004.
The actual consumer LD optical drive began it's invention December 2002.
and i thought i was the only one that read every friggin post on this site. looks like ive got competition...
I'll be impressed if you can beat that video in the 'test' forum.
Oswald Bates, now that's a blast from the past /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif lol

Yeah, birds 'of a feather man ^^