
Epochal Historian
Please note with reference to an actually doorway near the Planet Of Jupiter, outside any fictional movie say about such said doorway.

By chance Clarke did get it right, on the possibility of an electromagnetic doorway, near the placement of one of Jupiter's moons.

This doorway is thought to be a passageway to other dimensions.

At this time of the 6/19th/2003, there are people posting here, with storyline segments from Lord Of The Rings, as well as some segments of past probable contactee reports, mixed in with other storylines from other author's materials.

No I don't think that this is either funny, or productive to any good cause, other than to raze honest people here.

Weirdness noted, Ha ha ah.....real funny.

You made your points, now go away.
im assuming that this board is being attacked by people who would try to thwart our progress in discovering certain things...I would see this as an act to discredit us people that have knowledge of future events and peoples.

you will never stop us from discovering our futures!!!
And what future would that be Xanadar?

Your acceptance of this dark force and use as medium to them makes it clear to me that the future as you call it, is in fact their future.

And I am afraid that is unacceptable... The TimeTravelAcitivist knows all to well the "us" you are referring to, and the progress is not really progress at all, but enslavement of the human species.

Your going to have to come through me first to do it!

so be it, I do not fear the forces that may be influencing our progress, from what ive seen so far, it would be better to be enslaved by a super race from another planet than to be hoodwinked by our own leaders here on earth, if we are enslaved by higher powers, I will be the medium to bring about their conquest of this planet earth and bring about a new era of enlightenment for our future man.

I am going to try harder to maintain fluid communications to XANADAR,and give him more information so that when he makes his landing here on our fair earth ,he will step over our poor defenses and bring about victory swiftly!

and I will be the ambassador of the united earth protectorate!!!
So the beast shows his true nature… And so quickly too.

You talk about surrendering ones soul to these “higher beings” in exchange for enslavement by them.

I see no human enlightenment, nor nobility in that… And none in you.

You would rather sell out humanity, manipulate and exploit it because you feel that you are enlightened and know of a better direction for our future.

You pathetic soul, you know not the forces you are meddling with… You will serve all of humanity their doom and you wouldn’t even know the consequences that will entail until you realize your enlightenment was bull****.

You would want to have our defenses stomped on swiftly and allow your higher beings to commit acts of terrorism against your own people? Obviously you feel that you’re to good for humanity anyways.

Just know this you waste of a soul; The TimeTravelActivist will take you down and your little demon of a $*** master you call Xanadar and knock you so hard up your @** that you’ll regret ever underestimating my people.

But make no mistake about it, the TTA can care less what you think you might be able to do to him. Because whether you like it, whether your deranged demonic forces like it, the fact of the matter is this, as long as the TTA still breathes, the TTA will ensure that you and your kind threaten humanities freedom no longer.

hmmm your fear of the other worldy beings is noted.

could this fear be a reflection of your own fear of ,let us say "other people?" ,"other races?".

why is it you fear the fact that humans could be lead by something from another universe? is it your own ego of humanitys places in our universe? does your god still exclaim that earth resides in the center of the known universe?

does your mind not take it into account the infinite depths of the universe? does it not take into account the myraid of lifeforms that extend out into space?

maybe we are dominated by one small race from one small star,who runs them? who runs the ones who runs them? dont you see your isolationist veiws of the universe probably extend into your own life on earth? we are apart of a vast ocean of life and stars that we cannot escape ,we cannot move our earth to some hidden realm,we cannot move our minds to the scared little place that you cultivate,we must work with the people of other stars ,we must be able to adapt to ideas ,you immediate reaction to lash out like some romantised guerrilla fighter is probably the one reason the aliens do not show humanity they exist.

your calling of the idea of XANADAR demonic already shows your steeped nineteenth-century view of the universe,anything that doesnt agree to your small static world veiw,of you romantic notion of yourself existing in some nuclear holocaust fighting off aliens and subjugating small villages with you gun collection,cannot exist in your universe,things are not what you percieve,just because you think they are so right,you could only be seeing the smallest part of the larger picture,and thats exactly what i think you see.not much.

and the idea about us being enslaved like some bad hollywood serial is bullcrap,and the idea of us being farmed for our organs and our blood only works in bangkok,you'd think a race of beings who can fly across the universe would totally forget about making pit-stops at inter-galactic mcdonalds,thats utter crap!

the fact you live out of some nineteen fiftys idea of aliens and the amount of work that has to go into farming an entire planet with out us knowing about it is ridiculous.

let me guess you are totally pulled into the idea of aliens having big white heads and black eyes,just like the ones in old comic books,and the ones that have naturally progressed in the human mind and mass produced by hollywood.

i pray for the day we are visited by higher powers,and that will be the day you wake up from your long sleep,and you realize we are all here wondering whats going on,just the same,no conspiracys,nothing you have ever had the help of hollywood of conceiving will happen,something will come that will shatter all of the false ideas,and it will make people think,for the first times in their lives.

i cannot wait until your childish ideas are shattered by pure realitys,and truths.

*<<hmmm your fear of the other worldy beings is noted.>>*

My fear?

No no my friend, I do not fear them, they fear the TTA.

*<<could this fear be a reflection of your own fear of ,let us say "other people?" ,"other races?">>*

If the TTA has any fear, his passion and respect for humanity is no reflection of it.

*<<why is it you fear the fact that humans could be lead by something from another universe?>>*

The real question should be, why do you want humanity to accept this notion?

*<<is it your own ego of humanitys places in our universe? does your god still exclaim that earth resides in the center of the known universe?>>*

The TTA’s ego has nothing to do with humanities place in the universe or religion; the issues are basic if you have not looked closely enough. It is the fundamental principles of humanty to breethe and be free from those that would exploit them.

*<<does your mind not take it into account the infinite depths of the universe?>>*

Does yours not take into account the lack of humanity you are proposing?

*<<does it not take into account the myraid of lifeforms that extend out into space?>>*

And the conquest and exploitation of others that could very well serve their purpose.

*<<maybe we are dominated by one small race from one small star,who runs them? who runs the ones who runs them? dont you see your isolationist veiws of the universe probably extend into your own life on earth?>>*

Yes-yes, I heard this reasoning before; And if everyone was jumping off a bridge, would you too?

There is no justification for control of another race unless to serve a selfish agenda.

*<<we are apart of a vast ocean of life and stars that we cannot escape ,we cannot move our earth to some hidden realm,we cannot move our minds to the scared little place that you cultivate we must work with the people of other stars ,we must be able to adapt to ideas>>*

The reasoning you are using to explain that we are unable to escape this earth is false. Just because we haven’t done it yet, does not mean we cannot escape. One does not need to reach any certain level of consciousness or make a pack with an Alien species to see the truth of the cosmos. You made that requirement for humanity… but unnecessary to accomplish escape.

*<<you immediate reaction to lash out like some romantised guerrilla fighter is probably the one reason the aliens do not show humanity they exist.>>*

How about your reaction to accept something you do not have any clue about? How about your impetuous notions of assuming their arrival will be beneficial for humanity.

How humbling your principles, you point the finger to the soldier who’s fighting for his/her people, then to the traitor that betrays and sells them out?

*<<your calling of the idea of XANADAR demonic already shows your steeped nineteenth-century view of the universe,anything that doesnt agree to your small static world veiw,of you romantic notion of yourself existing in some nuclear holocaust fighting off aliens and subjugating small villages with you gun collection,cannot exist in your universe,things are not what you percieve,just because you think they are so right,you could only be seeing the smallest part of the larger picture,and thats exactly what i think you see.not much.>>*

Here’s a tip, learn to use a period.

Primitive nineteenth century thinking has nothing to do with the use of my language and ideas. The TTA has dealt with these demonic forces on the opposite side of those who welcome them. You may not be aware of it because your new here, but the TTA always see’s the larger picture.

*<<and the idea about us being enslaved like some bad hollywood serial is bullcrap>>*

Prove it!

*<<and the idea of us being farmed for our organs and our blood only works in Bangkok>>*

Who needs blood and organs, when there is a far greater need for souls?

*<<you'd think a race of beings who can fly across the universe would totally forget about making pit-stops at inter-galactic mcdonalds,thats utter crap!>>*

No I don’t think that, you do…!

The TTA says that these Alien SOB’s can kiss his @**.

*<<the fact you live out of some nineteen fiftys idea of aliens and the amount of work that has to go into farming an entire planet with out us knowing about it is ridiculous.>>*

Again, that’s what you believe I think. Where do you come up with this stuff? I never said anything about farming… Let me guess, you were raised in a farm? Must of spent one to many nights with the goats ehh

*<<let me guess you are totally pulled into the idea of aliens having big white heads and black eyes,just like the ones in old comic books,and the ones that have naturally progressed in the human mind and mass produced by hollywood.>>*

Now your making guesses of how you believe I perceive Aliens.

You gotta be kidding me :D.

Just because Hollywood has “mass produced” many fears of Aliens and machines, that does not explain how any clear thinking individual will see that as an excuse to accept or not accept them... Again, you’re missing the point.

*<<i pray for the day we are visited by higher powers,and that will be the day you wake up from your long sleep,and you realize we are all here wondering whats going on,just the same,no conspiracys,nothing>>*

You pray to have your soul taken and your people enslaved… I pray for my people’s freedom and independence. The TTA is far from being asleep

*<<you have ever had the help of hollywood of conceiving will happen,something will come that will shatter all of the false ideas,and it will make people think,for the first times in their lives.>>*

HAHA /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif you must be very unhappy with the bum rap your alien buds must be getting, aren’t ya?

*<<i cannot wait until your childish ideas are shattered by pure realitys,and truths>>*

Childish huh? Right… certainly not you Mr. I am all grown up and know how to construct a paragraph 1 sentence long. Mr. I know why you put down Aliens, because Hollywood polluted your mind. Or how about, nineteenth century thinking is keeping you from accepting them.

Yeah! You got the TTA, you exposed him. You’ll certainly shatter his little world he’s in and make him see “pure realities” with your great examples, even though they make no sense and don’t apply

I hope you come back to this statement in a couple of weeks and listen to your self.

did you take your medication today?

i will not argue with your illogic,you maintain your stereotypical view of the universe,ill maintain mine.its pointless to argue with you ,you are a violent particle .

you should probably stop with the personal attacks with the grammar and spelling,it only makes you look desperate.

i do not agree with your scared racist/speciest view ognter-galactic relations,you are a slave right now,you are enslaved in the only alien that has taken over your galaxy,ITS YOUR BRAIN DUMMY!

nd somewhere in your rant you said "prove it" well it goes both ways ,send me a photo.

Xanadar' On the peril of dependency and the alien equation.

Technically all a human is, when you look at it more definitively, is a modified ape, with alien genes slaped on there.

The Khyla interview in George C. Andrew's book has said this.

So the slave dependency goes both ways, Xanadar.

They can't live without us and we them.

In this mix, is a scared Christian God that says, "Yeha' uhhungh, uh'hungh, I've got everything in control and everything is alright"!

God's okay in my book, however what man is and what aliens are lies within a consortium dependent upon one another.

The species who have genetically engineered up to live a long life span, can not do so without taking genes from Earthbased man.

So the title monkey-boy, for Earthmen is not so bad, as aliens sure can't do without monkey-boy and monkey girl, in order to keep their own lines going.

I think somewhere in the midst of the annals of my reading and viewing there was a movie starring actress Kim Novak.

The title of this movie, as well as book, well into publication was, (Of Human Bondage).

The funny thing that I had never realized, is that aliens in their own way, are very hooked on humanbeings as a resource consideration, to make their own lives possible?

I'm sure the misery comes out of the fact, that a supposed aliens, are not as well place within a free perspective, as we thought that they might be?

I would suggest a symbiosis as a possible reason why these so called aliens need our help,is it help after all that they need? I am guessing they come in peace.if they even have come at all.

then as human beings awaiting the next step in our evolution,the symbiosis of hybrid aliens and man,the next step in our ability to transverse stars without the biological diffucultys that currently plague our ascensions into the deep regions of space,not our generation,but maybe future generations will show the effects of the alien hybridization,and that is when they will show us the grand we are to feeble to comprehend the concepts,now our bodys weaken and atrophy outside of our thin atmospheric bubble,one day we will be ready and one day our planet will be ready.

the conquests of the future will not be of weapons and war,but of binding minds and creating infinite metaphysical possibilities,why destroy what is ,when you can change it!

they will bend us and bind us ,warp us and combine us.and we will become more like them.

the day when we are all free,is coming...

Is the silent takeover coming?

should we fear it?

No!!! for we will be in the middle of it,and not know when they have come nor when they have left.

the storm will pass,and we will be left stronger for it.

Re: Techical note, not a rebuttal

Please note from the information that was given by the Zetains themselves, that their society had become not only population overgrown, but technically corrupt as well, is very true within the two million or more year range ago.

This was the old Reigel Star System, before and during the Procyion Reigel Wars, which had destroyed the planetary homebased of the before changed Zeta Retuiculans.

It was said that the combinations of over-technology, lack of morality and availability of sex, like candy, even at the workplace, had morally decayed Reigel, with reference to the more like human then Grays.

The war with Procyion commenced and in the tactical affairs aspect of events, Reigel lost, however outmaneuvered Procyion and Reigel won the war.

The Zeta Reticlean binary Star System was migrated to by the Reigilians, as most of what made the Reigilan what they were was lost due to a number of factors.

Please note that in the re-engineering of Earthbased man, that the new children, the Star Children, even through capable in many ways all seem to have lots of birth defects within them.

These are manifold, such as orthopedic irregularities, vision problems, hearing as well as other formative problems; which makes these type of children, not perfect.

The hidden at base children, are very fragile and can not leave their at alien base homes, due to being crosses between Grays and more Earthbased humans, so in this sense, they must live very cared for, existences.

What is not noted by most scientist, is that most of the replication validity, probably in the viability stage of how genes copy, has been spent long ago, by the actions of an overcrowded, polluted weary from war Reigilian Planet.

This gene should have stopped production, eons ago, however by the stubbornness to carry on, did not, by the Zetians part.

Yes to Xanadar's quest for a new hybrid human, this might be true, however based at a terrible cost.

This cost, may be also added to the Pleiadean race who also barrows from Earthbased man, as said in an interview with a Pleiadean.This was said where it is known that in the future tense, Pleiadean females are looked upon as no better than street tramps.This was said to be their future status based here on Earth, by the content of the channeled interview.

I feel that there is a lesion of barrowing morality here.

This is that when one assumes that the gene stuff of another civilization is theirs to take, principally became that barrowing race has a technical superiority and they can simply do this, then most often than not, a hidden peril comes with the design of this barrowing?

This statement of mine, lies in the area of quality control.

In what accepted fashion, is it right, or moral to lead the development of a fledgling race, in order to do whatever one wants with that race, and then have the right to call this interfeance, some level of measured progress?
*<<did you take your medication today?>>*

Quite the opposite…

The question is, did you take your meds. today /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif?

*<<i will not argue with your illogic,you maintain your stereotypical view of the universe,ill maintain mine.its pointless to argue with you ,you are a violent particle.>>*

Show me what I have said that is illogical? Quote me.

*<<you should probably stop with the personal attacks with the grammar and spelling,it only makes you look desperate.>>*

Right… makes me look desperate huh?

Well you’re the authority on knowing what’s desperate I guess
statements like this don’t come any more desperate: *<<XANADAR WILL LIVE!!!WE ARE XANADAR!!!>>*

*<<i do not agree with your scared racist/speciest view ognter-galactic relations>>*

No $***! Damn you’re a genius. And here I thought you did agree :D.

*<<you are a slave right now,you are enslaved in the only alien that has taken over your galaxy,ITS YOUR BRAIN DUMMY!>>*

That’s just to cute… bytheway, very funny movie that Dumb and Dumber’er, you were full of $*** in that too.

*<<and somewhere in your rant you said "prove it" well it goes both ways ,send me a photo.>>*

I’m not sending you a photo you pervert. You sick freeaak!

Back to The Topic

You can view aliens and therefore humans that way if you look at it from an evolution perspective. I on the other hand believe in Creation. In this case, aliens were created by God and IF they differ from animals in that they can actually think about thinking and therefore have a conscience, then they WILL have to comply to the same moral laws that God has given to us.

I do not believe man has evolved from anything nor will he evolve into something else. This is another topic, but if you wish to argue the "Evolution vs. Creation" theories, I will be more than willing.

However, let's just SAY that Evolution IS true. Perhaps the aliens ARE humans that have simply further developed. But we know that humans have not developed to that state YET. Therefore, if there are any aliens existent in the present, it is merely because they have, perhaps, traveled backwards in time. If the physical structure of humans have reached a point that is seen in the aliens' physical structure, that would definitely take a long time. So perhaps at that time, we (humans/aliens) would have developed a means of time travel by then.