Comic Strip

Re: Pending Pole Shift

! And I'll throw in a no-prize for anyone who can tell me what I'm paying homage to in panel #2.

If you were put 09/15/08, The Homage were to Charlie Haynes...
" My apologies this post should have originally been posted in this form. Please find below the original post along with a new one after it.

Well, it’s good to see that amongst the many new names that have sprung up over the past four years, there’s still some that I recognise. And from a quick skim through the forum, it seems like not much has changed. For those who do not remember me or have never heard of me, please go to this link to refresh your memories....

I will put all that in a nutshell...
Originally sent to November 2003 to try and coax <font color="red"> John Titor
out of hiding, my mission changed from Search and Recover to one of Observation of events pre 2006. During that time I imparted information to the general public on this forum about my life, a basic explanation of the workings of time and time travel (Above link post timestamp 11/23/03 02:54 AM), a correct catastrophe prediction (Above link post timestamp 11/24/03 02:25 AM) and in that same post, even some mis-information that I hoped would have got a reaction from a certain group of people. It didn’t work.. but replace 2006 with 2011 on my date of birth and now it’s all accurate. I also stated other things about the current state of your society and how you may think you are free, but you’re not. How choices were being made for you without you even realising it. I talked about an internal &amp; external civil war in the United States that’s being played out right now...... and I also briefly mentioned what we term <font color="red">“The Great Catastrophe” [/COLOR] but never really went into that much detail. Well, this <font color="red">“Great Catastrophe” [/COLOR] is the reason I’m here. [/COLOR]"
Link to TTI