CJD:it begins!!!


Temporal Novice
just watching the news and theres been loads of cattle in the US quarrantined because of CJD (mad cow disease), I only found out about all this John Titor stuff last night but its really strange, theres no way someone could say it isnt entirely possible.....bear in mind also that there will be a 1% difference between our world and his, and 1% differece could mean a lot.....
Well Titors predictions actually started with "Middle East - No Arm No Legger" and 9/11

Titor Predictions in order of occurance

His Mad Cow prediction has happened...

Whether it will be bad as he claims, we'll have to wait until 2015-2030

I left out the economic collapse out of my Titor prediction list, does anyone know if he put a year to that prediction?


I don't remember Titor predicting any financial meltdown, but if the rest of his predictions are even halfway correct, you can pretty well expect a financial meltdown the world hasn't seen yet. An American civil war by itself would send financial markets into a deep tailspin. What doesn't make sense though is Titor saying that money from the future is the same as now, only with future year dates. A financial and civil meltdown would be the end of the Fed, and the end of "paper" or fiat currency. I know he talked about decentralized banking systems in the future, but I would think that precious metals would become more of the norm. After some time of recovery, I could see some return to a more localized banking system. Part of the problem that allows governments to propagate war, keep the citizens happy with hand outs, and participate in empire building is the administration can print as much "money" as it wants because it's not backed by anthing but the "promise to pay" with more paper/electronic money. I would think a major civil war in America would result in a new banking system that is backed by hard assets. The world economy is participating in competitive devaluation of currencies. The Japanese Ministry of Finance has just announced that it is raising its borrowing authority to over $1.3 trillion between now and next April for currency market intervention to keep the yen weak and the dollar strong, at least against the yen. Even the Swiss have gotten into the act by printing massive amounts of money to keep the Swiss dollar competitive. What all this leads to is massive deflationary pressures in the global economy, and makes the whole Titor prediction more plausable, regardless of whether he was a time traveler or not. Check out the deflationary cycle, if you're interested, at the Comstock Partners fund website. I believe it's www.comstockfunds.com. There's a graphic of the cycle of deflation. We're currently approaching the "beggar thy neighbor" part of the cycle, followed by economic collapse. But I go on too long. Happy New Year.
Know what kills me?

I bet that the guy who started the whole John Titor hoax could come on here with extensive documentation of exactly HOW he did it and you guys would call him a fake, but you're so willing to look for something, ANYTHING, that confirms your fantasy that this guy was the real McCoy.

Many here believe Titor is a fake. I personally believe one of 2 options:

o Carefully picked predictions by a very educated person with access to government sponsored research
o A Remote Viewer

I do not believe 'Titor' because of the following;

o Vague predictions with exceptions of PHYSICS DISCOVERIES, NO WMD-IRAQ and REDUCED CIVIL LIBERTIES
o No Dates for predictions under 5 years
o No Slang Used
o Posting Times may indicate an office worker of some kind
o Fake Photos - Time machine is a field nuke case, Laser a fiber optic cable etc...
o Alas, Babylon story elements in his version of the 'future'

But everyone is fascinated with his predictions and anything is possible...

As his predictions continue to come true.. This fascination will only grow...

No need to berate people for their interest in this compelling story...
while i cant claim the photos are real, i dont know the motives for not placing dates on 'predictions' for the first 5 years. I can not accept that anyone who had the intelligence, credit, and position to such 'possible' information, would have the time or desire to pull off such an elaborate hoax. Beside all of that, fiber optics are used for their specific ability to NOT shed light from their circumfrence. The shape it takes (cylindrical) contains almost all light that is entering one end intact until it reaches the other flat plane at the end of the fiber. This is due to the angle in which the light is reflected inside the fiber off of the glass walls. If this were not the case, you would find very rapid fall offs in signal strength on many home and car audio applications, fiber netwroks, and telephone services, especially over seas. This property is why fiber does not need a repeater for a very long distance. If that pic is a fake which im sure it very well may be, it is not being reproduced with fiber optics.
Beside all of that, fiber optics are used for their specific ability to NOT shed light from their circumfrence. The shape it takes (cylindrical) contains almost all light that is entering one end intact until it reaches the other flat plane at the end of the fiber. This is due to the angle in which the light is reflected inside the fiber off of the glass walls. If this were not the case, you would find very rapid fall offs in signal strength on many home and car audio applications, fiber netwroks, and telephone services, especially over seas. This property is why fiber does not need a repeater for a very long distance. If that pic is a fake which im sure it very well may be, it is not being reproduced with fiber optics.

What about damaged cable? Or cable with it's outer coating of glass stripped away? Just a thought...

light intensity would quickly fall off over the distance of the cable as it is diffused over the surface area. a fiber optic may be small, but the length of if provides a much much larger surface area than the two flat end sections.