Discussion Civil War Speculation: Who Wins and Who Joins?


Temporal Novice
Who wins the civil war that should begain this year after elections (just guessing and research, not a traveler)

second, do any of the 2 following people have anything to do with the war, solder,pilot general, ect on either side? Thy're my freinds and all have though about a coup a couple times so they might join them

Jon schneider
Josh methiny
ok u need to learn how to type better i had trouble understanding u. are u talking about the "civil war" john titor predicted? if you are the citizens are said to win the war with the military. accroding to john titor the russians nuke the US's major city and greatly decrease the american army. also how the hell would anyone know if those 2 people do or mean anything, john titor is not here.
To me it isnt the governemt that is worth revolting against. To me the greatest threat to all of us are the corporations that enslave their workers and the consumers as well.

The giants putting the little guys out of business and then leaving the consumer with no choice of where to shop. Don't like the service..tough..go elsewhere...problem is..there isnt anywhere else to go anymore.

I work for a huge corporation and it has been made clear...you conform or good bye. You can not leave the building on your breaks, you will be monitored for either being too early or too late for your scheduled shifts. Any variations noted will effect any possible raise that would only be anywhere from 10 cents to a quarter.

All phones in the building have had 911 blocked. Only upper management will decide if the the emergency agencies should be summoned. Funny how we can still dial 411, the information line.
Our benefits get smaller and smaller as the job market shrinks.
These Giants just work the hell out out of us and pretend to care about the individual employee. Bullshit!!

They only care about the bottom line. If necessary, to cut down omn payroll expenses for end of the year bonuses, customers and employees be damned..they cut the staff of the store to below bare minimums. This causes those few employees in the store to get worn out, burned out, and become immerssed within a hostile environment.

The customers get frustrated with the fact there doesnt seem to be any help. They rage at employees that dont have anything to do with that fact.

The violations of these corporate giants is vast and if a revolution does occur, this would ceretainly be a catalyst.
Creedo quietly enters the ampatheather, as the speaker is telling the corporation, what the order of next years projected sales might be.Excuse me, pardon me, thanks, .......

Creedo in a short sleeve Van-Heusen and dark slacks sits down.

((Did I miss much.....?Overl' No hes just starting into what projected sales will be.........The uasual bull-crap.......

Creedo hands Overlegion a glass of water, in a clear plastic cup and a bagel with jam on it, placed on a napkin.

Creedo sits down next to Overlegion and listens to what some are saying.

Notices that Overlegion is wearing nice slacks, but is really not comfortable sitting up this high in the wooden seated ampatheather.

Overlegion is listening to what the person on the stage is saying to the people in this large room.

Creedo nervously looks around, picks a piece of something from his lips.

((And we can make a difference.............I say, that by the end of this year, that our products will range a wider market and in this rests so should our sales increase and there comes the increase, in those markets?