Re: Civil War? Article from today\'s headlines...
Yes. And an interesting portion of this analysis is:
"As David Brooks pointed out in Saturday's New York Times, after every election, political types come up with a storyline to explain the results, and every storyline has two components: "First, it has to be completely wrong. Second, it has to reassure liberals that they are morally superior to the people who just defeated them." It should be plain that any storyline which says the Red America/Blue America divide resembles the antebellum Slave State/Free Soil divide fulfills the first criterion. If you think the United States is headed toward Civil War, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn that you might be interested in buying."
The paragraph after this one is also telling. It tells it like it is: The ultra-liberals are "hurt" that they lost. So they must console themselves by pretending that they are morally superior. And one way they do this is by whipping up a frenzy of how "divided" we are, "just like before the Civil War".
We all need to catch a clue from history: The Civil War was based on slavery, and its moral implications towards freedom of the peoples of this country. That was an internal struggle of our country with regard to our internal laws and freedoms. The majority of this election and its "divide" tend to deal with how America deals with the rest of the world (especially how we maintain our security against terrorist threats). Rather than start a civil war, I would think it would do nothing more than cause people who think the elected administration is "wrong" to simply leave America and go live somewhere that aligns with their idea of morality.
Me, I am happy and content living in the greatest, most productive democracy in the world.