Circumstantial evidence for teenage John Titor


Temporal Navigator
I would like to use this forum as an opportunity for us to examine the possible present validity of the claims of the person referred to as John Titor.

I think even if John Titor did exist the version of him in our present day earth is not him. He could grow up to become a marine biologist instead. The John Titor you are looking for lives in an alternate timeline and earth to ours. Or as he put it an alternate worldline.

Judas Titor, why can you not grasp this simple concept; the tale spun by "john titor" refers to a worldline that is different to this worldline.

I do seem to recall reading that John Titor is just the screen name chosen at the time of the postings. I believe John states it's not even his real name. So figure it out from there.

I did walk you through the math to show how impossible it would be for a mortal man to take such a picture. How do you propose to dismiss the math?

Perhaps you mean the self-rightous Government who may only do things with the people whom they agree with, while there is anarchy all around.

People in the Past who were disciplined and others proven to be cons, frauds, phonies blaming other people for what they do, like they do not exist, while only saving theirselves with their non-informative actions since the '60's who attacked other people and also with some other Veterans still run around like they can do anything they want to, while not paying fines when they are no more really authorized to do so and did it on their own to help their own kind in the end. Discrimination by people who do discrimination is not justice or caring for some people attacked and addicted by such people and their acts and no one asks any questions, just think that some people are a hunk of meat and a playtoy as long as they can get by with it by others who do not know about it or do not care enough to do anything that costs real money because there must be more important issues than having a Nation First and only claim to love this Nation. I wonder what God thinks about all of it. Peace and Justice the new Pope states for the New Year - does that include the division of the Eastern and Western Catholic Church or does that mean according again to whims of those who assert who have higher authority until people can afford a lawyer because what was done was done and the people victimized should have known better in the first place and just kicked their arse or just shot the Perpetrator thus agreeing in the end for other such people to decide if it was justified or not according to their own whims, while they all shout Freedom they fought for, came but, and decided to make it all into a bigger War (actually it is a War) while denying the victims any speech about it, all decided by perhaps their whims of choosing to allow some others more leeway for the same Acts or Not. In this cast, it includes a Jewish person who is dead now, and another person who is died now from disease. All the while others thinking that there is a society in this Country find out there is not real Society and you must be ready to defend yourself or not depending on how a city or State runs.

Well, perhaps look at the economy, and see if there really is an economy or a bunch of people who have more education than the Perpetrators or less actually are being treated in this real World, the way it should be, or just the way some others decide how it should be, because they have more importance to preserve theirselves, and will in the end because in America anything can happen even Israel having Jewish Lawyers in the end that take their money away because they were "Bad Boys" and all "Bad Boys" not repenting should be cast somewhere else where the Sun does not shine but the rest of the World went on with their version of Peace and Justice denying the victims any so-called Light at all. With all the Laser Brains around, it's a Wonder that there is even room on this Planet for all such people to live and well, who cared, as long as they got their own, whether they lived on Hate or Love and usually it appeared in the end that it was more Hate then anything else and everyone was Kung-Fu Fighting or something else more or less deadly in this World, while some other people decided to help the victimized out and other booed the decision others were making, and the Vatican only told other people that all should give to them because...........................................................there is nothing there at the Vatican they could sell to make money, while the Eastern Othodox Catholic Church claimed that there was still a rift of division between the East and West Catholic Church and Rome may be Nuts to a degree of keeping their Arts and Riches from Constantinople because such Acts were safer after stealing it all from them and the Great Schism was still going on.

And then perhaps another person decided that they might all belong in Hell and the only decision to make was to follow them all down there, and then regroup and continue on really fighting them on the Spirit Level, and John Titor is just a figment of anyone's imagination but the real Acts going on by people living nowadays ended up being something other than what they are really stating and the World is indeed in threat of annihilation due to people who could not know anymore, or subject to all the information because the Devil made them do it.


One of the first things people do when investigating the legitmacy of Titor is track down and stalk people.

That's pretty much incorrect. A couple of people got out of control and were bugging Haber with incessant inquiries and a couple of schizophrenics from this site sent strange and possibly threatening emails to him. Rick Donaldson and I were able to talk Haber and the JTF through it without much trouble. It lasted a week or two.

That wasn't actually all bad. Through our contacts with JT Fan, the eBay auction site for The Book, The Book writing group, Larry Haber, Buzzmaker and the John Titor Foundation we discovered that they were all using the same email address. "The Book" was not written by Momma Kay Titor. It was written at VISI Corp in Celebration, FL. Buzzmaker the PR guy and promoter of The Radio Program told us in no uncertain terms that he observed them writing The Book. He was a bit confused about all the posts because, he said, everyone [in and around VISO Corp/JTF] knew this was a work of fiction and commercial creative endeavor. VISI Corp was a movie studio, sound stage, graphic art studio and CGI lab. Larry Haber is an attorney specializing in putting movie deals together. Doh.

I do seem to recall reading that John Titor is just the screen name chosen at the time of the postings. I believe John states it's not even his real name. So figure it out from there.

He never posted here as John Titor. His handle on this forum was TimeTravel_0. He made up the name John Titor virtually on-the-spot in order to be able to post on Art Bell's forum Post-2-Post. We learned this directly from Pamela.

Up until the spring of 2001 we could post here anonymously. Premiere Radio and Art Bell knew better and required a first and last name and a "real" email address, i.e. they would not allow Hotmail or any other freebie email addresses. So he had to make up a name and he used a female friend's email account ([email redacted]).

That's part of the irony about this saga. People have said that Titor obviously had to keep everything about himself top secret so the gov'mit MIBs couldn't track him down. But he sent Art Bell his return address and phone in "The Faxes", AOL knows who the owner of [email redacted] is (or was - the account is still in use) and he messed up here a few times and forgot to log in using a proxy. His real IP address was recorded here. Raul (MOP) didn't have "reveal poster IP address" turned on while TTO was posting. He turned it on sometime in 2002 and it remained on for several years thereafter. But it was turned off when Titor was posting and that's why Raul would never divulge it - revealing the IP was not a part of the TOS agreement when TTO posted.

"That's pretty much incorrect."

I consider cyberstalking a form of stalking. I'm sure Pam has stories about that. I am not incorrect.

Pam? You mean Pamela. She never used the short form of the name.

What you consider stalking isn't really important. What actually occurred is the only import point. You weren't here and you didn't have the private contacts, as a Moderator and SysAdmin, with all who were involved. I did. You're opining and you're wrong. The case is as I stated above: a few people got out of control for a short period of time. Pamela was one of them, in fact. In several cases I stepped in, took corrective action and it soon stopped.

When people stop taking their psychotropic medication, start believing in Internet fiction as if it is real, rant and rave incoherently in posts and start emailing all concerned it gets pretty weird pretty fast. If they don't listen to reason and warnings a TOS Ban from the forum solves the immediate problem. I did that to the three most obvious Fruitbats - more than once. Yes, I relented after a reasonable period of time and let them back onto the forum only to discover that a Fruitbat cannot become anything but a Fruitbat. In the case of two of the three I let them back twice before finally giving them the GTF Out of Here Forever ban. That was on Anomalies. I worked closely with Raul here and he enforced the same bans on the same people here at TTI.

Pam? You mean Pamela. She never used the short form of the name.What you consider stalking isn't really important. What actually occurred is the only import point. You weren't here and you didn't have the private contacts, as a Moderator and SysAdmin, with all who were involved. I did. You're opining and you're wrong. The case is as I stated above: a few people got out of control for a short period of time. Pamela was one of them, in fact. In several cases I stepped in, took corrective action and it soon stopped.
When people stop taking their psychotropic medication, start believing in Internet fiction as if it is real, rant and rave incoherently in posts and start emailing all concerned it gets pretty weird pretty fast. If they don't listen to reason and warnings a TOS Ban from the forum solves the immediate problem. I did that to the three most obvious Fruitbats - more than once. Yes, I relented after a reasonable period of time and let them back onto the forum only to discover that a Fruitbat cannot become anything but a Fruitbat. In the case of two of the three I let them back twice before finally giving them the GTF Out of Here Forever ban. That was on Anomalies. I worked closely with Raul here and he enforced the same bans on the same people here at TTI.
I'm not talking about the original people involved nor am I talking about anyone on the website. I know of people, including film makers, that have done physical stalking as well and record themselves doing it. I'm sorry that you feel I am lying and that you are being defensive. My statement wasn't meant to offend anyone. It really does happen. I'm sorry this upsets you.The whole topic of Titor upsets you greatly, but this is where it all started, so I personally feel that it is unreasonable to expect people not to dicsuss it. Perhaps you should look deeper into yourself and ask yourself why it makes you so angry. If you think it's fiction, then wouldn't it be easier on yourself to take the "entertainment" stance, like Einstein? Just my humble opinion. Anger causes health problems.

I'm sorry that we disagree, but it is not personal in any way and my statement about stalkers was not referring to you, Raul, your friends, or anyone here.

Pam? You mean Pamela. She never used the short form of the name.What you consider stalking isn't really important. What actually occurred is the only import point. You weren't here and you didn't have the private contacts, as a Moderator and SysAdmin, with all who were involved. I did. You're opining and you're wrong. The case is as I stated above: a few people got out of control for a short period of time. Pamela was one of them, in fact. In several cases I stepped in, took corrective action and it soon stopped.
When people stop taking their psychotropic medication, start believing in Internet fiction as if it is real, rant and rave incoherently in posts and start emailing all concerned it gets pretty weird pretty fast. If they don't listen to reason and warnings a TOS Ban from the forum solves the immediate problem. I did that to the three most obvious Fruitbats - more than once. Yes, I relented after a reasonable period of time and let them back onto the forum only to discover that a Fruitbat cannot become anything but a Fruitbat. In the case of two of the three I let them back twice before finally giving them the GTF Out of Here Forever ban. That was on Anomalies. I worked closely with Raul here and he enforced the same bans on the same people here at TTI.
darby is the fella that reigned me in. i consider what i did to be an investigation, but i did violate her privacy and i feel bad about that. if it wasnt for darby though, i quite possibly couldve ended up a "fruitbat" as well.

darby is the fella that reigned me in. i consider what i did to be an investigation, but i did violate her privacy and i feel bad about that. if it wasnt for darby though, i quite possibly couldve ended up a "fruitbat" as well.
Because of his profession, a certain person calls everyone crazy. It's very unprofessional. It's good that you saw the error in your ways. Life is a learning process, but I also don't agree with this person diagnosing everyone that he doesn't agree with. People will always have different opinions. People are in different stages of learning. There are many levels of people coming to this site, from absolutely beginners to people who consider themselves scientists. I gather, from my frienship with Cosmo, that ALL LEVELS are WELCOME HERE. People should not feel that they will be called a "Fruitbat" for having an opinion. That's wrong. Stalking behavior is wrong as well, but again, it's not his responsibility to moderate this website and scare people off by offering medication. That is wrong in many ways.
