Well, I do not speak Italian. You are doing okay with English, but still the English Language is difficult at times to fully understand how it (the English Language) is spoken and written. Yes, John Titor was here on a couple of threads on this forum, but most people here in the USA only consider his postings to be one possibility of the future while many possibilities can happen. In other words, his written word is not Gospel to us here in the USA but only remain one possibility. There are some people in the USA that do think the way that John Titor did write, but as yet those other people also like me do know the way that they think and are in a certain age group; many more people do know how some in that certain age group do think and how they view what will happen in the future. Those type of people who do think like John Titor think that the other people do not understand that those other people also like me also have considered that possibility to only be one of many possible futures. These type of people like John Titor do know that the way that they think is also considered to be "fear" thinking, or those people like John Titor have nothing better to be doing than thinking of an alternative that would make this future better. Perhaps, because of other people that will not happen because they also really do not listen to other people and consider theirselves like John Titor to be somewhat superior in their type of thinking. There perhaps is a better forum for viewing the postings and threads John Titor posted his written word. Ah, since I do know English sometimes I get ahead of myself, and at times do not fully write out the full explanation of my postings. That, sometimes comes from lack of time to continue posting about this subject and the subject of the "future". The threads can be found on the Anomalies.net forum and those threads there on that forum are copies of the original threads that in most cases do not exist anymore, except for one thread here that remains in tact (that was not destroyed somehow due to computers malfunctioning at various times.) When what I call - normal people - consider what John Titor posted, there are some engineering problems that also do not have technology solutions at this time. Those problems may or may not have solutions to them in the future. Some real physicists think that those problems will not be solved as John Titor posted and still other people think that it remains a somewhat defined possibility that John Titor could be telling what he believes is the truth when he made his postings. Knowing other poeples various personalities help in this endeavor much as myself stating that I know how some of those other people like John Titor think right now in the present concerning other Countries in this World, like Iran or China or Russia. Now, it enters into the realm of religion, and that is also why I stated on another forum that the history of the Catholic Church is that since humans seem to go insane at times on this Planet, thus sometimes in its (the Catholic Church) history, it is written down what Catholics thought of doing at that time in history because of other people. This time, I think it will be different, and the Pope may allow these things to proceed, and humans will have to think about the future of this Planet and consider all Countries and the real possibilities of what can be achieved for the future concerning once again, the other major religions on this Planet. It is clear that the future for those extremists Muslims only grant that they also consider they want to rule with their type of future, while denying other people like us the "Freedom" to choose a more "Secure" future. It is also clear that the religious Leaders of the Muslim Religion in Iran do not help with securing a better future and that they blame supporting Countries of the U.N. at the end of WWII (1948) like England and the USA for placing Israel where it is at (geography location of the Israel Nation) today in the region of the Middle East. I well know that some people think that perhaps that will lead to Armageddon, but as yet, there is no defined cause that can actually be placed by that possibility because that would mean that the intepretation of The Bible is only their type of thinking, and that scholars actually do not know exactly what The Bible means by Armageddon. In other words, it is a type of insanity of the human mind that does not lead to a more secure and free future but only to a future that is humankind driven to be a type of human-made Armageddon, and really is not the result of God or of Jesus on this Planet and again, no one really knows the Time of God's Chosing for that endeavor called Armageddon. Thus, it is merely human guessing about the future, instead of cold-hard thinking and verifiable facts. Thus you can read the postings of John Titor, but as with anything that is written, you should (with an old saying that is considered in this Country) take it with a grain of salt. (that necessarily you should not believe it and if you do believe it than perhaps your Faith is not as Secure and Free as other people deem it to be.) All in all, then some possibilities are discarded for the future while other possibilities become more pronounced because of this type of thinking about the future. Thus is the reason I call it "Fear Mongering" instead of productive clear-thinking about the future. So, with all that introduction into only my view of anything John Titor posted the threads can be found at this various links:
The thread entitled: "I am from 2036":
Also that same thread can be found in the Time Travel Discussion Forum at Anomalies:
at the link above there are also other various threads and other copied original threads when John Titor posted and also what other people thought and posted about the postings of John Titor.
The 1998 faxes to Art Bell
Dr. Robert Brown's Reply to Darby about the Titor Postings.
also there are other websites that continue to post about preceived future events and technologies concerning the John Titor's postings.
web archive of the pictures from John Titor.
and many discussion topics on forums that discussed his postings.
The thead here on this Forum is entitled: "Topic Limited to 11 Pages" is the only thread of his postings still on this forum here:
found on page 4 of this Forum since it was brought up front from a long time ago when it was about on page 130 or so. (who knows?)
Some other pages on the Anomalies.net website concerning John Titor links can be found here:
That mainly is about it although there are pages and pages of forums that have or may be still discussing John Titor around on the Internet.
Next, you probably will have to enroll in the John Titor University and take subjects perhaps such as:
Planet Terraforming
Temporal Mechanics
Physics and Quantum Theory and Quantum Mechanics
Calculus and Differential Equations and other math subjects.
Of course there is no John Titor University and that paragraph above is just some humor about the John Titor subject.
And also if you would wish to enroll at the Vatican and perhaps their University, you will also have to consider the Papel Prophecies (which is considered a hoax) and other religious courses I guess they deem necessary.
But perhaps, all three major religions have just bonker (crazy) people in their religion that are trying to make your future as you do not wish it to become.
Ah, that would be Judism, Isalmism, and the Christianity religions.