I know hes gone. But if he can read this, I believe every word he said. Im not gonna waste my time telling people here emotionally and mentally incapable of embracing the truth; that which goes against their belief systems and ego, to do such a thing. Just want to say that all signs point to logic in his posts- the best kind of system for understanding.
For example, if he really wants people here to 'believe' he was a historian (and not a 'fake') do u really think he would mistake the date of the WTC attacks? I dont.
2nd example, I read that recently cancer has been found to be thwarted by an in-born virus that 80% of the population has. Thus, he was on the money regarding a vaccine.
I'd give more, but why waste the time?
PS- Im a sociologist by nature (and am doing a degree in it).
For example, if he really wants people here to 'believe' he was a historian (and not a 'fake') do u really think he would mistake the date of the WTC attacks? I dont.
2nd example, I read that recently cancer has been found to be thwarted by an in-born virus that 80% of the population has. Thus, he was on the money regarding a vaccine.
I'd give more, but why waste the time?
PS- Im a sociologist by nature (and am doing a degree in it).