

Temporal Novice
I know hes gone. But if he can read this, I believe every word he said. Im not gonna waste my time telling people here emotionally and mentally incapable of embracing the truth; that which goes against their belief systems and ego, to do such a thing. Just want to say that all signs point to logic in his posts- the best kind of system for understanding.

For example, if he really wants people here to 'believe' he was a historian (and not a 'fake') do u really think he would mistake the date of the WTC attacks? I dont.

2nd example, I read that recently cancer has been found to be thwarted by an in-born virus that 80% of the population has. Thus, he was on the money regarding a vaccine.

I'd give more, but why waste the time?


PS- Im a sociologist by nature (and am doing a degree in it).
Furthermore, while I do understand the fascination with time travel, the point of all human existence is to obtain a state of the true human essence. While the future with the, say, virtual reality helmet that allows you to do whatever u want in your own bedroom (that Chrono was referring to) seems sweet and helps individuals obtain somewhat of a feeling of the human essence, your brain is damn well powerful enough (even moreso) to do the same thing. That is, if u have the ability to tap your brain.
The human essence, if you didn't know, is a state of self-actualization within the brain that allows one to feel pure pleasure. What I mean is, your brain is so secure that it can enjoy all the pleasures the planet and humans have to offer. It doesnt have to give a sh!t about flying cars.

The future will help, but, the brain along with many resources today can help achieve the same along with the willpower of the individual.

Also, if you haven't noticed, every future generation of human civilization looks down on the previous. So why should we look up to them?

In my opinion, the only people who look to time travel are the ones not happy with their own time(things not goin, well, etc.), and see the future as a crutch to having a 'better' life. Judging by what Chrono said about 'recycling everything', Im totally happy screwing around with the environment and couldent care less if things were in balance. Of course, even if it were in balance, I can use my brain to pick up memories in which it wasn't and revel in that.
Thats how the elderly of today survive.

By the way, after undergoing much estrogen treatment to undo my testosterone-induced insecurity (much reason for violent behaviour in men and sometimes women), I have reached a state of tranquility unmatched with my brain reigning supreme.
That is all.
I spoke to chrono quite a lot through email.

The guys so backwards he should wear a hazard sticker on his arse.

Socially and mentally, He was not a 22 year old from 500 years into earth's future. Trust me. I still have some of he emails.

maybe i'll write a book about it..... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
Have you just answered the meaning of life? Come on mate, no one KNOWS that yet, maybe no one ever will! What is certain? Someone who believes Chrono would be unlikely to discover the answer.

Good Scietist