Chrono-capers - an apology


Temporal Navigator
Dear peoples of the 21st century
I am Space Commodore Jaxxon Burkstrom , and I am the clone father of the so-called ‘Chronohistorian’ who has been entertaining you on this primitive message board.
Apologies for all of the non-science and pseudo-history young Brick has been spouting.
I am here with his mother (who you may have seen referred to as ‘the doctor’ in his posts) and a small selection of floating household droids and a few quargs of sophisticated time travel equipment.
Having recently completed a tour of duty to the outer fringes of our/your solar system I was allowed to visit with my family using Time Travel Tours package to the past. Young Brick is correct in informing you of his fascination with antiquated news reports and ‘comedy’ programmes although his mother and I scarcely understand any of the cultural references or the language. Seeing every 2-d entertainment programme with a second delay while the translator works is not my idea of fun, but Brick was amused by Deimos when we travelled there so its not much of a surprise that your old-fashioned televisuals give him great delight.
His fascination for one ‘Brightney Spearz’ is also amusing for his mother and I, being as her molecules are buried beneath the New York Crater somewhere in the mists of time. I prefer ‘Marilyn Monroe’ or even ‘Yasha Nxula’ (oh Brick says you probably haven’t heard of her yet).
Please continue to humor the boy or address any further questions to me. I will endeavour to answer any questions you may have.
Trees made of muscles indeed! Children!
Yours fraternally in human community
Brick - how DARE you talk to me like that
I'm going to switch off your neuro-pleasure sensors if you continue to disrespect me!
When and where exactly did we see MUSCLE trees or even trees that look like they're made of muscles?
Io? I think not
Brick have your klarvac friends been telling you this? I warned you when we caught you ingesting nanoflax that they would lead you into trouble! You're not even old enough to navigate yourself!! If you hadn't locked your mother and I out of your neuro-web I wouldn't even have to post on this antiquated forum!!
I notice my wayward son Chronohistorian fails to reply to this parental chastisement - I believe I'll have him reintegrated into the DNA Matrix Womb when we return!
notice my wayward son Chronohistorian fails to reply to this parental chastisement

Which reminds me, have you guys ever heard of Kansas in the year 2522?