China to invade North Korea


Temporal Novice
China intends on invading North Korea after the close of the 2008 Olympics. They will do so because they can with out too much unrest in the international community. They will do so under a cover of "Humantarian" reasons. Stating that they are going to save the North Korean people from starvation and disease. South Korea will protest the invasion but the US will not be able to do anything about it since they are technically still at war with North Korea, and with China as an important trade partner they will not want to risk starting a conflict. The plan has been offset though due to the the Earthquake earlier this year. So it will most likely occur some time near the end of this year or early next year. This is also a small chance that they will move against a disputed region of India that they have had their eye on, however China is hoping that India will go to war against Pakistan over their current border disputes. If that happens China will invade the disputed lands there claiming they are there to protect the civilian population there that has Chinese ancestry. Interestingly enough they will not make any moves against Taiwan during these actions. China has nothing but time.
Personally I will have to see it to believe it. Question, how can communist nations foster communism in other nations if it invades communist nations. It can not. The goal of America is to foster Capitalism which is the opposite of Communism. If America invaded England that would send a very bad message to other capitalist countries. So, if China invaded North Korea that would end what ever chance China has of spreading Communism to the rest of the world. There are not many communist countries left. Russia is reverting to its old communist style ways while trying to contain its picture of capitalism. If China Invades North Korea don,t think for one minute that Russia won,t care because it will. Along with every body else including Japan. But the real reason communism can,t work because it goes against mans nature. Man by nature is greedy, power hungry, and given the chance will take what ever his neighbor has and tries to control his neighbor(s). Capitalism best fits mans nature where communism is about sharing the wealth and the responsibility which goes against mans nature. China seems to be reinventing communism where a communist style government runs a capitalist style economy. Will it work for the long run. No, why? Because there is always unrest among its population and when the time or chance comes they will flee their country or work to over throw it or ignore its laws when ever they can. One day when China is at its weakest its own population and its enemies will work to overthrow the government.
Ah but China care very little about spreading communism. Russia will not protest, they owe to much to China for supporting their governments economy by purchasing all the then state of the art technology during the 90's. Thats not just the Russian military technology but also all their space technology as well, including the Mir II blueprints which are more then a space station they are actually a space ship intended to be used to reach Mars. Also China will most likely assume the debt owed to Russia by North Korea.
Ah but China care very little about spreading communism. Russia will not protest, they owe to much to China for supporting their governments economy by purchasing all the then state of the art technology during the 90's. Thats not just the Russian military technology but also all their space technology as well, including the Mir II blueprints which are more then a space station they are actually a space ship intended to be used to reach Mars. Also China will most likely assume the debt owed to Russia by North Korea.

You've made some good points about Russia's debt to china. I could believe this scenario. Russia ignored Hitler until he invaded them and they seem stupid enough to make the same mistake twice. I would not doubt it.
Ah but China care very little about spreading communism. Russia will not protest, they owe to much to China for supporting their governments economy by purchasing all the then state of the art technology during the 90's.

I wouldn't be too sure about that. To most people communism is communism. The same can't be said of communists themselves. We've seen the problem in the US before.

Back in the early 1960's RYM (Revolutionary Youth Movement) was formed in SDS (Students for a Democratic Society). The organization was part of CP-USA (Communist Party USA) and run by Moscow. Bill Ayers and his (future) wife Bernardine Dohrn were leaders in the organization as was Bob Avakian. But they had a problem. Avakian was a Maoist, Bill was a Leninist. BIll wanted to get the revolution moving right now. Avakian wanted to build a vanguard revolutionary cadre and then carry out The Plan. THey went to war against each other and the Maoists split off into the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) with loyalty to China. Bill and Bernadine founded the Weathermen with loyalty to Moscow.

Though both are communists they do not trust each other and their Marxist "scientific dialectic" is at odds. This lack of trust is not just personal it is fundamental in the two brands of communism. China and Russia do not trust each other not to mention that both governments are historically extremely xenophobic.
After Kim Jong ill dies China will make its move.

He is probably already dead. However, it seems we are on the verge of an "important announcement" from North Korea. Are you saying the invasion of North Korea by China is imminent?

I think China would rather take Taiwan than have to take on the burden of North Korea.