Chemtrails by Hazmat Equiped Aircraft


Temporal Navigator
It is possible and obviously acceptable that secret flight missions conduct national or international environmentally atmospheric research that is not completely devoid of hazards. Afterall most aerospace administrations may not have complete awareness (that is by knowing their thorough agenda word for word) of these tests as certain craft belong to a higher clearance of secracy. Therefore unsubstantiated deniablity by the underprivileged is imperative to ensure license and credibility for command and workplace ethics. A resource of information about Aerosol Crimes & Cover Up, researched by Clifford E Carnicom and others can be found here at - The argument does not need to be complex but can be simple. If civilians cannot enter Area 51 (example) they cannot know what is inside the super-secret aircraft being built there. When a leak occurs detailing restricted information where than circulates the mainstream "free-to-know knowledge highways", it is really easy to warp it substantially quick by conventional or allowable and acceptable deductions of its quality.

Here is one of hundreds of contrail and chemtrail photographs I take as a hobby:

And here is some random photo being tossed around by the rampant Internet:
Bottom photo appears to be a refrigeration system, probably for a high-energy,
megawatt-class chemical oxygen iodine laser (COIL), which is now all but obsolete since the introduction of the the more efficient free electron laser systems (FEL).

It is more likely that the "Chem trails" are actually a side effect of cleaner burning jet turbines producing high amounts of h2o vapor which when it exits the engine is then rapidly cooled in the higher altitudes producing "Cloud trails" or man made clouds. Also another interesting fact is that after all US air traffic was shut down on 9/11 there was a slight rise in then continents average air temperature. This was attributed to the lack of so called "Chem trails" which were reflecting X amount of solar radiation from reaching the ground. Much like how it is cooler on a cloudy day vs. a sunny one.
The bottom pic has been debunked over and over (but does not stop the conspiracy theorists pointing to it as evidence).

What you are seeing is a 777 flight test airplane. Those barrels are filled with WATER, and they are used for center of gravity control during flight tests. Since the dynamic performance of an airplane is highly dependent on where the longitudinal CG is, and since ALL CG ranges have to be tested, it is economical to have a system that allows you to shift the CG in flight, so you do not have to land and reconfigure the airplane!

That is the Boeing system. At McDonnell Douglas we had a much more primitive system called "pigs". Small, high-density ceramic slugs that were mounted on rail pallets in the airplane. When we wanted to shift the CG in flight, we unlocked the rails, pulled off the ceramic slugs, and had what we called a "pig party" where everyone on the airplane (except the guy flying!) would carry two pigs from one station to another.
