Now that? Would be very interesting to see, up close and very personal. Not that I'm saying I'd like to be aboard ship when this goes off, but from a safe distance, with maybe Doplar going off? What thinks you of that? I mean, I wonder if David Copperfield would stand up to the Dopler test? (lol) But definately sounds like a good first date event! (ofcourse, as luck stands? When the gig went off? I'd be makin' out with Debbie Jo, and miss the whole damn thing!) Set up the digital recorders gents!
I'll keep watching the page you posted for further developments. I mean...the movie kicked A$$, so what's stranger than? A real life event, with CNN on hand, would definately be a a great show to say the least!
Secondary thought: Is this time travel or molecular manipulation? (Mass Manipulation Theory(? is this correct (right direction)) - All matter is made up of sub-atomic particles which are arranged in a particular pattern to form atoms that form molecules that are cohesive in either a static or non-static motion to form mass which if manipulated at the sub-atomic level could therefor be reformed into a new molecular definition (i.e. (proper example(?)) lead to gold adding the missing electron in its proper orbital path? or, I suppose vice versus) ofcourse the problem is to manipulate such a wide variety of substances from biogenetic material to petroleum amalgamates to metallic alloys from their beginning stable state to an altered state(without flux variants) then back to their stable position(s) once again. The flux variants would be very difficult to calculate, since there would be so many variables, from electromagnetic fluctuation to even a minute arc of electricity from a radio signal, solar activity (+/-) depending on earth rotation and position at time of experimentation, also if Dopler is utlized, could that offset the desired results? What I'm thinking is the introduction of another wave variance within the manipulated matrices (could this cause an echoing effect? (The fission theory? If these different objects of mass are reduced to an atomic or sub-atomic definition, could they in effect at that stage, react violently to one another causing a fission effect? could it be possible to achieve a fussion effect, if the wave length creates an energy based(? is this the right direction? Anybody please correct this *my math sux!!)) pressure differential? (what is the probability of a wave length pressure distortion being created of such a magnitude as to cause a fussion reaction?) Post thought: What data system would be used to keep track of all the streams and their variances?( Krieminy! This could give ya such horrible nightmares, simply for the lack of sleep!) any event? It should be really cool to check out. Win or lose. Take care