check it out...

my guess... the secret is probably just some publicity stunt to hype someone's point of view.
the first thing I thought of by looking at the clues aka promos, is that is looked as if it could
be related to the davinci code hoax, the hoaxed list of members of the secret group of people which was found later to be a hoax, but whatever it is I doubt it's a secret and if it is I doubt it's worth knowing.
what is the Secret Everyone??
While I don't know what "their version" of The Secret is, I would be willing to bet that part of "The Secret" that their teaser clips refer to is something I have been discussing; namely, that Information is more powerful than raw Energy. Beyond that, I must say they have used one of the most effective forms of marketing to get people to tune in: titillation, mystery, and suspense. I tend to agree somewhat with Razimus that this may turn out to be a whole lotta nothing. But yet again we see that Time Will Tell! Just trying to stay on topic!

That's a phenomenal trailer not worthy of a TV movie. But it is "TV" so my guess is it's an incantation that puts you into a trance that lets you see the future.