The Case of Charlotte Anne Moberly and Eleanor Jourdain
What exactly happened to Charlotte Anne Moberly and Eleanor Jourdain in a garden on August 10, 1901?
On this day, the women took a trip by train to the Palace of Versaille. After the tour of the palace, they decided to walk through the garden to see Petit Trianon, a small chateau where Marie Antionette used to frequent. On their way, the ladies became lost. After wandering, they found a deserted, old farm house with an old plough outside of it. They were growing very tired, but finally saw some men that appeared to be gardeners. One man told them to keep walking straight. At this point, they felt an atmosphere change as they came across another cottage with a woman in the doorway handing a jug to a girl. The women described the experience as seeming artificial like a wax museum. Something didn't feel quite right. There was no breeze, no shading, no twinkling of light coming off any object. It was very strange, indeed. They came across another man wearing a very large, sombrero type hat, and they described him as being extremely homely and rough. He brought them to the Petit Trianon. So, the women crossed a bridge and came upon a woman in an old fashioned dress sketching in the grass.
The women eventually had tea and went home, comparing notes on the incident a week later. The women agreed that the palace grounds were haunted. They decided to return one day and could not find the path they previously walked upon. It disappeared. Later, the ladies published a book about the incident called An Adventure (1911), under the pseudonyms of Elizabeth Morison and Frances Lamont. In the book, they claimed that they saw Marie Antionette.
So, what really happened to these ladies one fine day in 1901? Were they simply tired and disoriented? Were the grounds haunted, or did the ladies experience some sort of time slip or worm hole? You can read about some of the explanations here:–Jourdain_incident. There are many possibilities that could lean towards the incident not being paranormal, but what do you think? Were these ladies accidental time travel tourists?
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