Charlie's earthquake prediction!


Temporal Novice
Charlie\'s earthquake prediction!

Hi all....
Having perused this and other time travel boards for the last few days, i came across this message from Charlie posted way back in may,(see below)
there has been a lot of talk as to why John Titor and his fellow travellers haven't mentioned the Tsunami...
so wondered if anyone else had noticed this or remember Charlie saying this, apologies if this has already been mentioned...

Charlie says a large quake a few months after an eclipse!

There was an eclipse on the 28th October 2004

Earthquake/Tsunami 2 months later!!!!

in a message from Timeline 39

Thank you & Goodbye
05/21/04 05:17 PM (

Hello everyone, Charlie here. Some of you might remember me and some of you won't.
Some of you are wondering why the earthquake I mentioned has not happened in your prespective when I used the word, soon, in relation to a timeframe. The information I had at the time was that an extreme large quake was a few months after an eclipse.

The only information we had on an eclipse before the end of 2004 was the one last year until further studies of the information I brought back to the future were analysed. We then realised that we had the wrong eclipse.

Seeing that it was me who volunteered this information in the first instance, we felt it relevant that a correction be issued thus authorisation for this incursion was given.
Re: Charlie\'s earthquake prediction!

Charlie was a hoax.

BUT it is safe to say that Titor DID in fact predict the Tsunami's. He predicted an event in which "100,000 will be dead overnight". A lot of us used that prediction to prove he was a hoax. I know a lot of us believed that it was impossible to lose 100,000 overnight.

But surprise! Current death toll: 150,000.
Re: Charlie\'s earthquake prediction!

Derek no offence, but that is just luck. 100,000 death is normal in a big event like this one. 100,000 died in an event some years ago or something like that. OR look at 9/11 lot of people died there. It was justluck, not necesarilly he predicted it. Now this Charlie seems to be real because of his ACTUAL prediction.
NOTE: I am not saying that John Titor was not for real. Just in case.
Re: Charlie\'s earthquake prediction!

Thanks for that info derekpacisalive,

As a relative newcomer to the TT boards i have yet to sort the who is who and the what is what, so to speak, and i havent read as yet the conclusion on Charlie, so thanks for filling me in early on that...
Re: Charlie\'s earthquake prediction!

Keep in mind how Nostradamus got so popular: if you do a whole lot of predictions, you're bound to hit on SOMETHING.

And about Titor saying 100,000 people will be dead overnight... that doesn't really mean anything, especially in the light of his other predictions never coming to fruition.
Re: Charlie\'s earthquake prediction!

""And about Titor saying 100,000 people will be dead overnight... that doesn't really mean anything, especially in the light of his other predictions never coming to fruition. "

"Derek no offence, but that is just luck. 100,000 death is normal in a big event like this one. 100,000 died in an event some years ago or something like that. OR look at 9/11 lot of people died there. It was justluck, not necesarilly he predicted it. Now this Charlie seems to be real because of his ACTUAL prediction.
NOTE: I am not saying that John Titor was not for real. Just in case. "

...The amount of deaths so far are like 3 Vietnam wars. 100,000 is common? Actually, 100,000 deaths in one night is kind of a biblical disaster. it doesnt happen often. You'll have to wait 100's of years before that happens again. oh, and there wasn't even close to 100,000 deaths on 9/11.

Charlie just said there will be a huge earthquake. lol. that says nothing. California constantly has huge earthquakes.
Re: Charlie\'s earthquake prediction!

Just wait that Nibiru end its first 270 degrees roll, its north pole will be heading Earth, so we will experience another Earthquake season, most severe, before the geographic pole shift...
