changing the near


Temporal Novice
i have always been interested in time travel, however admittedly, the thing that prompted me to actually started researching it extensively and actually register on a board like this is when someone very close to me passed away last tuesday. i won't go into details, but lets just say the death and the age was not fair and this person did not deserve it so young. all i want from any kind of succesful time travel is to get back to like... a week ago, friday, and change a few things. i dont know how i could do this, i dont know if i could change things through astral projection... i'm kind of a crazy person at the moment, but i'm determined and i dont care what it takes. if anyone has any ideas but wants to have more details and talk to me about it privately, my screenname is xkarmaxcomax or havocinthestars, and my email is [email protected]
I know, but I figure it's a worth a try... you never know.
I wonder if standing on your head and trying to drink cabonated beverages through a straw inserted into your nose might work? That's worth a try as well... you never know. And it probably has an infinitesmally larger probability of changing the near past than asking anyone here! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif


You need to move on in "your" life. Becoming obsessed with trying to go back into the past, via any means, will cause you to lose out on things are important for you to learn in your life experience.

Astral traveling can be done by some rather easily, for others, it takes alot of discipline and practice. Even so, I dont think you can change anything in the past. I've been taught that you can effect the future through the astral realms, but hazards do exist.

Whether it wasnt fair or not for someone to pass on at a young age, is something determined by powers beyond our scope of changing. Why double the tragedy if you do something that risks your well-being ?

Everything that is of an esoteric ideal, requires sacrifice that most are not able, nor willing to do. And the people involved, that are worth a hoot, are very difficult to locate, and the ones that are easy to find, probably dont know what they are doing anyway.

Best to just let it go. If you are a believer in the esoteric, then you should be aware that this person may have been needed elsewhere, to accomplish something their soul needs to ascend towards home.