Chance of a lifetime?...


Temporal Navigator
Just had an interesting thought...

If you were given the opportunity to be sent 20 years into the future on a one way trip, would you take it?
Mind you - without any forewarning of what the world would be like!

Tell me what you think...

I don't know? it all depends on if I have time to prepare and if I could take some friends with me, but I don't think I would.

But if they said they could take me back to 15th century france/england or 12th century england, then I'd probally go.
If you were given the opportunity to be sent 20 years into the future on a one way trip, would you take it?

Nope, can't say that I would. I'm having too much fun in this time creating that future!
I would always be bothered by what sort of stuff I may have missed out on...great parties, a spectacular super bowl game, first contact with an alien race...

Now, if you asked me the same question about 20 years in the PAST, my answer might be different. I'd have to put a lot more thought into that one.

Kind Regards,
Wow,about a year ago I'd have said no.
Now I'm not so sure..I use to be really scared of the future and paranormal sci-fi stuff. But someone I met has taught me to be unafraid and daring.
Like someone else said..If I could prepare and take a few things and a few people along..sure..but I would also wonder what I'm missing out on.
If it wasn't for my family I would go in a heart beat because I KNOW the people of the United States have to face the penalty for intentional ignorance. No problem has ever been solved by ignoring it, but the people of the U.S. act as though they can ignore the environmental problem, starvation, the reasons for terrorism, the rich using the government to get richer, etc. Just too many things that are uncomfortable for people to think about so they ignore them. When these things get bad enough (and they will soon) there will be a LOT of sufferring so that they learn to deal with problems instead of ignoring them. Our lives are a "in your face" situation. All personal problems and defects of character will be "in your face" until you deal with them. Ignoring them makes them worse.

No problem has ever been solved by ignoring it, but the people of the U.S. act as though they can ignore the environmental problem, starvation, the reasons for terrorism,...

I've got a bit of a bone to pick with you on the "starvation" and "reasons for terrorism" portions of this statement. First, since when does the US "ignore starvation"? Are you aware which country on the face of this planet provides more FREE (as in non-loans) aid to ailing people in depressed countries? Hint: The initials of this country are USA. And I am not only talking about total dollar amount of aid, but also percentage of GDP. Before you make such trashy statements against the concern expressed by the American people and government, perhaps you should trash some of the other countries that stand by with their hands in their pockets...or donate measly sums just to make it look like they are doing something.

What do YOU think are the reasons for terrorism? Yes, yes, you may claim "disenfranchisement" of certain groups, but let's look a little more closely at how the leadership of such groups try to improve their lot. Folks like Yasser Arafat have set the tone for how they do business. Rather than participate in and use the political process (as most UN countries have learned is necessary to do), they simply stomp their feet when they don't get exactly what they want (e.g. failure of Oslo accords), and then they start suicide bombing. How is this the US's problem just because rogue groups (who pretend to be political partys representing their people) refuse to deal with cultural differences in a civilized manner?

I have no beef with your concerns about environmental and the abuse of government by industry. It is my hope that REAL campaign contribution reform can solve at least one of these.

Kind Regards,
The best government is no government, and the land is ruled by roving bands of biker gangs with suped up cars and bikes, HEHE Mad Max.

I think the countires should just look out for them selves, then other countires won't feel like there being treated unfairly by the countries that are giving aid to people.
I think the countires should just look out for them selves, then other countires won't feel like there being treated unfairly by the countries that are giving aid to people.

And what if one country decides to invade a neighbour? You know, just to look after themselves - a growing population might need some extra breathing space. That's what Germany was doing before France and England finally decided to do something about it.

I think what you are trying to say is 'why can't we just all get along?' - unfortunately that idea seems to be beyond our understanding. For example the basic driving force of current economies is to get rich - the problem is that to make a profit, some one has to be exploited.

It's quite funny, because thats not what I'm saying, we can never "all get along" until there is one government under absolute rule, because everyone will always want more and more until there is a giant world war again and again, greed is always a factor. At least under one government everyone would be equal, to a degree.