Cern The Hadron Collider

Michael Janks

Temporal Novice

This subject is really becoming interesting with the reactivation of the Collider. Interesting to watch Sky News where the scientists are speculating on the discovery of perhaps Multi Verses and found it very interesting that the general consensus is that they are charting new territory where the possibilities of every thing is possible.

Any one have any comments regarding?

HiThis subject is really becoming interesting with the reactivation of the Collider. Interesting to watch Sky News where the scientists are speculating on the discovery of perhaps Multi Verses and found it very interesting that the general consensus is that they are charting new territory where the possibilities of every thing is possible.Any one have any comments regarding?
Nobody seems interested in this topic and I see why.The LHC deals with actions inside of a nonstandard model of how the Higgs Boson would function, if that eventuality would rise.So technically what the Higgs is based in descriptive similarity, is a hunk of meat with large fishhooks buried into it.A graphical article was shown in National Geographic Magazine basing theory on the Higgs, that the pre-starter conditions in order for the Higgs to in effect itself, is highly compacted liquid form of media.
So this is a created media under tremendous pressure to the tun of billions of tons of pressure per square inch.Even though then, the Higgs will not enact unless there is a mathematical quadrature, (said in simplest form here), which will enact the dynamic of the Higgs.This may be in a media light years across.

What is wrong about the Higgs, is that it's operating in a past universal standard of happenings, so you really can't apply our, humans, methods of logic to how this particle with media will enact itself.

Now for your question, that much power splitting dimensional branes, might be a bit of overkill as the original premise for finding the Higgs at all, was based in making conditions which would allow the Higgs to be found.So the machine itself is tainted.

I would not perform this experiment with a machine that is geared to find signatures of a particle past actually what the universe is in a fully functional dynamic.There are also lawsuits filed due to worker complaints about LHC related causes placed on people who worked there.

I do not see enough logic exercised in what they are doing now with the enormity of that machine, in order to feel safe around it.It's too darned big and powerful.The worst that might happen is a cascade effect of this time and space for thousands of light years around.

Sources, Post Ghost Veil explosion spectroscopy of per section of space creational dynamics.W. Friedman et. al. San Diego Observatories Scientific American Magazine.

Note, in our file archives here at TTI, I believe that there is a mentioning that a time travel also used his smaller based said TT machine to be able to jump dimensions to other para-worlds besides this dimension we find ourselves in.This jump as this travel told here, was also at great peril as he had been detected before arriving at that point.He went onto say that he was almost caught by the police of that reality.This unit cost about $325.oo

So I have to ask you, are you playing with fire here?

To my compatriots here.If they are crossing the membranes of reality, what about other dimensional life being unwantedly brought into this dimension.What do you all say to that?

The fabulous Paulajedi with a gigantic car, with lots of bling, shining teeth and money shooting out of her pockets like an italian fountain said,

Not true. We already have a thread about it.
Pinter holding up his chin ask Paula, "Then why didn't you have the decency to tell me ahead of time.Don't you realize I almost made an ass out of myself in front of this person?!

The fabulous Paulajedi with a gigantic car, with lots of bling, shining teeth and money shooting out of her pockets like an italian fountain said,Pinter holding up his chin ask Paula, "Then why didn't you have the decency to tell me ahead of time.Don't you realize I almost made an ass out of myself in front of this person?!
Cuz I'm not a moderator and it's not my place, but I went ahead and mentioned it anyway. So.. um....
