CERN now 99.999999999% sure it has found the Higgs boson | ExtremeTech
Well Titor may of been years off but here the Higgs Boson is.... Does it lend anything more to Titor's claims
....probably not to the skeptics.... then again they seem to think a guess that the stack market will bottom out at 6500 is just a lucky guess..... maybe they are not so skeptical after all but rather men of anti faith. LOL
And so now they shall focus on the spin... Titor spoke alot about it.... give it 20 years now that we have found it... I wonder who among yall will live l0ong enough to see it.
In one of the last updates before the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) shuts down until 2015, CERN has announced that its observation of the Higgs boson (or a particle that is Higgs-like) is now approaching 7 sigma certainty.
5 sigma — 99.9999% certainty, or more correctly a 0.00001% chance that you have made a faulty observation — is the threshold for an observation to be labeled a scientific discovery. CERN crossed the 5 sigma threshold this summer. At 7 sigma, both the CMS and ATLAS teams are reporting that there’s only a 0.0000000001% chance that they haven’t found a Higgs-like particle.
Over the last few months you may have noticed the use of the phrase “Higgs-like,” rather than “Higgs boson.” This is because CERN and the scientific community can’t be certain that they’ve actually found the Higgs boson — all they know is that they’ve found a particle, with a mass of around 125 GeV, that behaves as predicted by the Standard Model of particle physics. With its discovery now completely and utterly confirmed, further analysis (due in 2013) will now focus on the particle’s spin, and other properties. Eventually, perhaps after upgrades are completed and the LHC turns back on in 2015, the particle will be officially announced as the Higgs boson (or not, which would be much more interesting).
Well Titor may of been years off but here the Higgs Boson is.... Does it lend anything more to Titor's claims
....probably not to the skeptics.... then again they seem to think a guess that the stack market will bottom out at 6500 is just a lucky guess..... maybe they are not so skeptical after all but rather men of anti faith. LOL
And so now they shall focus on the spin... Titor spoke alot about it.... give it 20 years now that we have found it... I wonder who among yall will live l0ong enough to see it.