Funny you should ask. Sounds like you already know something may be up huh? So, here goes....
Nancy Pelosi may have killed Michael Jackson. FF was just a coincidence.
So Nancy, in her bid to usher in Globalism and Socialism, NEEDED to have the 1300 page carbon tax and cap bill passed in the House of Representatives.
On the day before the House of Representatives was to vote on what some representatives and senators are calling the most significant piece of legislation in 100 years, the media gets a bombshell of a distraction to talk about.
Michael Jackson mysteriously dies and mainstream media covers it like flies on [censored]. Meanwhile, the House of Representatives is quietly voting on a very controversial piece of legislation that would affect every aspect of our economy by taxing carbon production.
The 1200 page law, with 300 additional addendum pages added 9 hours before voting was to begin (yes last night at 3:06 am) is meant to cap and limit carbon production. Your winter heat, your car driving, every product and food you buy will increase in cost. Many will loose jobs, some will gain jobs. Glenn Beck even claims Al Gores software company that makes carbon footprint tracking software will net him over a billion dollars. Billion. The 300 page addition was I assume line items meant to buy off, I mean appease, Representatives in order to get the votes it needed to pass.
I have to wonder how the people who make laws for the greatest country (debatable now, I know) in the world are able to vote Yea or Neah for a law not even having a clue as to what the majority of the law will do, what it will cover, or how it will affect the people of the United States of America, for whom which they represent. It reminds of the TARP bill which was intended to buy up bad mortgage assets and was later used to allow banks to buy new secured assets and pay out bonuses. I understand that this “Energy Bill†is intended to reduce global warming, but I wonder what it will be used for in actuality.
I bet Nancy knows. I bet a lot of reps and senators know. But wait! What if they really are good at heart and ARE doing this on the behalf of the American Public...
...Now leading into another talked about theory of Armageddon and planet X, Solar happ'ns, and Space Anomalies, what if this quick pass of bill is really meant to get billions of dollars of infrastructure in place to later produce solar panels, wind turbines, fuel cells, new technologies of all sorts, etc.
What if... the gov'mnt IS acting the best interest of Americans by allowing us to get set up with the capability to produce energy after a period of global destruction and choas? Think about the situation referenced in "Hello Again" post on this BBS. Suppose modern society is dealt a hand that sets it back 200yrs. If that happens, the part of the globe that produce energy will have the upper hand in first survival and second global domination. Australia can produce its own PV panels, but the can the USA to any capacity? Well, not right now, but after spending $400B on new mining-less, oil-less, burning-less energy production capacity, the USA could have.
So, what if the death of MJ, the quick passing of Carbon Cap Law, and Armageddon are ALL linked? I would think that if Carbon TAx and CAp passes quickly in Senate and spending starts immediately afterwards, it could give clues to what our government may know about any timelines regarding the future of humanity.