cash for demonstration


Temporal Novice
$1000 cash will be awarded to the first person to demonstrate a time event that is not a kinetic energy event. Figure that out and you've unlocked the first part of the puzzle. W=P is the final piece.
Get out of here ya (xxxxxx)?

For Pete's sake, all events are T-mass locale events and this is mass invested in time, so go away.
Sorry, did not mean to snap at you.

Time is defined this way.

This is one time direction, which flows from past to present.

This is a must as the universe always moves.

These are subdirectional movements, within a galaxy, then star systems, then planetary systems.

Each movement is separated by what is peculiar to that system.

Time within a period on a planet, or in one spot, always relates to that period of time that is measured in either mass area, or as this time is counterweight timed in stringed supposed null space.

As time goes on, it is measured by itself.

Time invest as a measured event, in a mass area, or what is known as an observed time locale, as time just invest.

There is no logic to this however it is true.

Time within a time mass location changes character with very slight changes on the mass itself.

So time, is a characteristic of a mass area itself.

The mass itself, can be out of the most durable substance ever made, however time will still occur around this mass, as time is a quality of the system.Therefore time can and always be measured.

I hope this answer is simplistic enough for your to understand?So, if it is not.
$1000 cash will be awarded to the first person to demonstrate a time event that is not a kinetic energy event.
This is a good challenge to capture in Time. But depending upon how you physically define the measurement of kinetic energy there could be a great degree of variability in determining whether or not your criteria were met to earn the $1000. A smart systems engineer wants to know the precise performance that his system has to meet before he designs and proposes such a system.
Figure that out and you've unlocked the first part of the puzzle. W=P is the final piece.
Are you referring to (W)ork = (P)ower? Or something else?

You're starting to get it : time is delta kinetic energy, from a higher to lower potential energy level, at some variable rate. Thus you can speed up a movie, slow it down, or stop it with the pause button on your VCR. The equation then is t=dKE=m=(W>P or W<P); in words : time is kinetic energy (being expended at some rate)which is mass(either inertial or gravitational)which is the temporary imbalance between W(matter wave length-force)and P(velocity of the fermion). W doesn't mean Work, it means DeBroglie's matter Waves as in E=mc^2=hw where h is the quantum and w is the "wave number", it is NOT, repeat NOT the electromagnetic wave that goes with bose-photons, it is the other, complementary half of FERMIONS, the particles you and the rest of the world are made of. Thus when the wave-particle duality of complementarity gets out of sync(W>P or W<P)you get TIME, the quantum movie thereof. When W=P you get Momentum as in not-t=PE=M=(W=P), or the balance of Wave=Particle(matter wavelength=matter particle velocity)is peace, equilibrium, stasis...NOTHING happens internally to the collection of fermions. To wit, Newton's first law is : an object continues moving in a straight line(W=P or Momentum)until an external force is impressed on it(W>P or W<P which is mass which is kinetic energy which is TIME). If you can make it this far I'll tell you the "rest of the story". W=P
Timer said> it(W>P or W<P which is mass which is kinetic energy which is TIME). If you can make it this far I'll tell you the "rest of the story". W=P

Cree answers> Corrrection, time is not an energy, it is a quality.
Hmmm, you think time is a quality...quality as in quality of life...or the quality/quantity duality in mathematics like the wave/particle duality in physics? If you were a paraplegic you would have a diminished quality of life, yes? Vision : how do you see? ans : bose-photon particle stops at your retina but the OVER RUNNING electromagnetic WAVEFORCE kicks an electron out of orbit, up the optic nerve to your brain where you actually SEE. Sound : how do you hear? ans : OVER RUNNING compression WAVEFORCE on your elastic eardrum pushes on the bones, to the cochlear nerve and thus to the brain, where you HEAR. Touch : how do you feel things? ans : OVER RUNNING matter WAVEFORCE in decelerations. The fermion particle velocity slows but the OVER RUNNING matter WAVEFORCE activates the initial nerve impulse, up the wires to the brain, where you feel TIME. Your body's nerves are your "time-eye". Thus as a paraplegic the KE or mass that you feel as W>P wouldn't be there, as a quality-of-life. What is 2x3x0? 6 units of magnitude, or lines, or areas; or 0 volumes? What was it you were looking for in the first place? What is 3/0? Infinity? Please suit up this "infinity" and trot it out here for everyone to see... You see, there are 4 laws : 1:Multiplication is repetitive addition(quantity). 2:Multiplication is vector comparison(quality). 3:Division is repetitive subtraction(quantity). 4:Division is vector partition(quality). Thus there is a quantity/quality duality in math as there is the wave/particle duality in physics. 3/0 is, by law 3 : 3-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-...until hell freezes over and the world wears flat... Simple experiment : slice a watermelon into an infinite number of pieces by cutting off ZERO slices...wearing out an eternity of air, yes? Thus, you can EITHER say nx0=n/0=n or nx0=0 and n/0=infinity; a difference between reality and fantasy. Which "quality" do you choose? W=P