Carefree Highway


Quantum Scribe
Herein is a promised account of my time slip on a highway loop:

My husband and I were living in the Alamo City. Whereas city
dwelling has never suited him, I had resisted our returning to
our country residence. After all, we had never had better
jobs and, rising, profits from my business were twice my salary.

That day, however, we forgot our conflict. We drove northward
for about an hour. Back on our former ‘stomping grounds,’
we marvelled at how much it had rained. Pastures were lush;
creeks were running and stock tanks (ponds) were overflowing.

Reflecting upon my having floated on my back down a nearby creek
while watching clouds move in the opposite direction, I dared,
“Let’s check out the pond by the old grainery.”

“Okay.” He knew I was even more interested in exploring the long
abandoned building.

We did. A barn owl flew out and startled us. I fell through the
rotten floor and, jumpy about creepy crawlers, as quickly sprang
back out. Afterward, as I was fine, my haste seemed hilarious.

Evening came. We headed back. On I-35 again, we talked about
and more laughed at our adventure. And, before we knew it,
we were back in San Antonio.

“That was quick,” I said.

We glanced at the clock on Loop 1-410 West and let our thoughts lag.
Leon Valley was nearly behind us when we gave passing thought to the
chores awaiting us and noted the time, again. Absently anticipating
the Culebra exit one moment, we were literally miles away the next instant.

“What?” we asked each other in great confusion. Equally in disbelief,
we noticed that we were inexplicably northbound, again. In unison, we read
aloud upcoming signs, “I-35?" ..."Austin?”*

We gaped at each other, and double-checked the time, again.

My cowboy started to talk himself out of believing what had just transpired
really happened, but I wouldn’t let him. Insisting that our observations were
mutually confirmed along the way with repeated referrences to the time,
I told him,“Believe it, because you’ll never convince me the fact isn’t true.”

* The exact number of miles indicated on the sign, I do not now recall. But,
for those unfamiliar with the vicinity, Loop I-410 North merges with I-35 North.
Our time slip placed us where the two interstate highways begin to diverge from
one another.
Herein is a promised account of my time slip on a highway loop:

My husband and I were living in the Alamo City. Whereas city
dwelling has never suited him, I had resisted our returning to
our country residence. After all, we had never had better
jobs and, rising, profits from my business were twice my salary.

That day, however, we forgot our conflict. We drove northward
for about an hour. Back on our former ‘stomping grounds,’
we marvelled at how much it had rained. Pastures were lush;
creeks were running and stock tanks (ponds) were overflowing.

Reflecting upon my having floated on my back down a nearby creek
while watching clouds move in the opposite direction, I dared,
“Let’s check out the pond by the old grainery.”

“Okay.” He knew I was even more interested in exploring the long
abandoned building.

We did. A barn owl flew out and startled us. I fell through the
rotten floor and, jumpy about creepy crawlers, as quickly sprang
back out. Afterward, as I was fine, my haste seemed hilarious.

Evening came. We headed back. On I-35 again, we talked about
and more laughed at our adventure. And, before we knew it,
we were back in San Antonio.

“That was quick,” I said.

We glanced at the clock, took Loop 1-410 West and let our thoughts lag.
Leon Valley was nearly behind us when we gave passing thought to the
chores awaiting us and checked the time, again. Absently anticipating
the Culebra exit one moment, we were literally miles away the next instant.

“What?” we asked each other in great confusion. Equally in disbelief,
we noticed that we were inexplicably northbound, again. In unison, we read
aloud upcoming signs,
“I-35? ....Austin?” We gaped at each other, and double-checked the time,

My cowboy started to talk himself out of believing what had just transpired
really happened, but I wouldn’t let him. Insisting that our observations were
mutually confirmed along the way with repeatedly referrences to the time,
I told him,“Believe it, because you’ll never convince me the fact isn’t true.”

I must say, you have the most peculiar sentence structure I've ever seen. Perhaps English is not your native language. Or possibly you are from another era in time.

Now that would be a unique angle to pursue, if ever one was to claim to be from another time period. After all, this is the time travel claims section of the forum. Carry on...
Thanks for helping me to catch a typo, Einstein.
Some might guess my last grammar professor older than the hills,
but it's possible that the gentleman is still alive.
Hmmm. Let's see. Time slip or ??
It's evening. Traveling on I 410 loop, San Antonio, Tx. Letting thoughts lag. Absently anticipating an exit. Ya gotta love those Texas ramps.
Next thing you know your north bound seeing signs for Austin.
Sounds to me like you missed your exit and absent mindedly went full circle and ended up back on N. I 35. It happens...
Thanks for helping me to catch a typo, Einstein.
Some might guess my last grammar professor older than the hills,
but it's possible that the gentleman is still alive.

It's not the typo I was commenting on. More like the words you choose to describe your experience. I have to read your post several times to understand what you are trying to say. That is what I find peculiar. Where would one come from, to try and convey a story in this non colloquial manner?

Perhaps your story isn't about a time slip. More like a reality shift from a parallel earth.
Hmmm. Let's see. Time slip or ??
It's evening. Traveling on I 410 loop, San Antonio, Tx. Letting thoughts lag. Absently anticipating an exit. Ya gotta love those Texas ramps.
Next thing you know your north bound seeing signs for Austin.
Sounds to me like you missed your exit and absent mindedly went full circle and ended up back on N. I 35. It happens...
Greetings, Gpa.

Core are two factors to my husband and I, our familiarity, then, with the city
together with our having double checked the time at crucial points. While
our minds were elsewhere*--where, consequently, both of us would return,
our 'slip' from point A to point B was too instant to allow for our having
conventionally driven from one location to the other. Therefore, whereas you
might've had to have been along for the ride to believe it, I must deduce
we time traveled.

*Please see post #10 wherein you are mentioned in this regard. Thank you.
It's not the typo I was commenting on. More like the words you choose to describe your experience. I have to read your post several times to understand what you are trying to say. That is what I find peculiar. Where would one come from, to try and convey a story in this non colloquial manner?

Perhaps your story isn't about a time slip. More like a reality shift from a parallel earth.
I was multi-lingual prior to a weather related
accident. Circumstantially fortunate, I cannot
complain. Yet, it is for faith that I can only be
in and not of this world of illusion.

Writers, even in striving to be objective,
take artistic license in omitting some
details while choosing to focus on others
that they regard most indispensable.

For example, of limited pertinence was
[...] my having floated on my back down a nearby creek
while watching clouds move in the opposite direction[.]
Still, it is a memory that tends to transport me
figuratively, if not in actuality.

That I viewed the subject time slip an omen
for me to cleave to my spouse via our
returning to the country is suggested by my
word choices, e.g. those Gpa perceptively
pointed out.

Thank you.

0 : - ) MGby'all.

Writers, even in striving to be objective,
take artistic license in omitting some
details while choosing to focus on others
that they regard most indispensable.

For example, of limited pertinence was
[...] my having floated on my back down a nearby creek
while watching clouds move in the opposite direction[.]
Still, it is a memory that tends to transport me
figuratively, if not in actuality.

That I viewed the subject time slip an omen
for me to cleave to my spouse via our
returning to the country is suggested by my
word choices, e.g. those Gpa perceptively
pointed out.

Thank you.

0 : - ) MGby'all.

I still find your story intriguing. But the thought occurred to me that if the both of you apparently experienced an obvious displacement in space, was there also a displacement in time? And if so, how much time?
I still find your story intriguing. But the thought occurred to me that if the both of you apparently experienced an obvious displacement in space, was there also a displacement in time? And if so, how much time?

'Nothing flat' here, but relative to ...?
'Nothing flat' here, but relative to ...?

Your reply was very difficult to comprehend. Anyway, I'll try and respond based on colloquial interpretations.

In your description both you and your husband noticed an apparent sudden change in your surroundings, while driving. Now we all are interpreting this to mean the both of you suddenly noticed you were further down the road than you should be. Without actually having traveled through the distance. You frequently stated you were checking the time. Now we all know it takes time to traverse through a distance. So there should be a certain amount of time 'relative' to this distance that apparently both you and your husband 'suddenly' traversed.

Was there any noticeable changes in time noted on your timepiece?

Or possibly was the 'date' different afterwards?
The only thing especially unusual
was our going from being in one place
to suddenly being in another.
"Carefree Highway,"
with a title as illusory as is this world,
is complete.
People will believe as will they believe.

Thank you.
[quote="Syzygy, post: 78703, member: 18093"

"Carefree Highway,"
with a title as illusory as is this world,
is complete.
People will believe as will they believe.

Thank you.[/quote]

Most people wouldn't believe what you described to have happened. And from your description it appears your husband wasn't willing to believe it either. But it happened.

I just chalk up events like these to some natural phenomena that we have yet to understand. But it wouldn't surprise me to find out that in the future, there could be a scientific understanding, that might label the phenomena as a natural teleportation phenomena. Possibly the basis for understanding how UFO's move the way they do.

Of course I'm still curious on your choice of your non colloquial descriptions. Since I've never come across anyone that portrays an experience in the manner that you do. It's almost like a signature that a real time traveler would have, if coming from another era in time.
It's not the typo I was commenting on. More like the words you choose to describe your experience. I have to read your post several times to understand what you are trying to say. That is what I find peculiar. Where would one come from, to try and convey a story in this non colloquial manner?

Perhaps your story isn't about a time slip. More like a reality shift from a parallel earth.

It's not the typo I was commenting on. More like the words you choose to describe your experience. I have to read your post several times to understand what you are trying to say. That is what I find peculiar. Where would one come from, to try and convey a story in this non colloquial manner?

Perhaps your story isn't about a time slip. More like a reality shift from a parallel earth.

Oh, I don't know. Stab in the dark: a creative writing course, perhaps?
Darby, I thought you dropped the "Evil Debunker" tag*...

I did take a creative writing class once,
but my best poem wound up in the can--
no surprise, Einstein?
It was about my secret love for my then prospective mate,
so I dared chase him into the men's room to retrieve it
before he had a chance to read it.

*Punny, since the evil in "Evil Debunker"
can be either an adjective or a noun.

There is something about time's being of essence in this story,
which I, made to feel overly self-conscious about my writing style,
avoided mentioning. A resident of San Antonio might learn
when this time slip occurred and wonder, "How, when they had
to have passed it twice, did she not mention the digital clock that
was visible from the highway?" Unable to remember its exact
location decades later, I omitted it. Just the same, the time lapsed
would not have allowed for the round trip by any ordinary means.

There is something about time's being of essence in this story,
which I, made to feel overly self-conscious about my writing style,
avoided mentioning. A resident of San Antonio might learn
when this time slip occurred and wonder, "How, when they had
to have passed it twice, did she not mention the digital clock that
was visible from the highway?" Unable to remember its exact
location decades later, I omitted it. Just the same, the time lapsed
would not have allowed for the round trip by any ordinary means.

I accept your story. I do know that I experience a similar phenomena occasionally. But I believe my experience is related to declining memory performance. Occasionally I will experience missing time. Minor snippets of my memory appear to be missing. I usually notice right away because the last visual record recorded, and the current visual record, have a gap between them. Apparently it only occurs for a few seconds. But if it happens when I'm walking from one room to the next, it would appear to me that I was instantly transported from one room to the other. With no memory of how I arrived in the next room. Which is very similar to what you describe. The difference in your story is that both you and your husband experienced the phenomena simultaneously. That would be kind of hard to believe both you and your husband were experiencing a memory lapse simultaneously. Of course if there is some external phenomena that does this to our brain, then that could be the cause. Possibly some type of natural electromagnetic disturbance that could be the culprit.

Of course if the military gets wind of this, I can see it being abused. Win a war without bullets. Just turn on the electromagnetic disturbance device, thus turning off everyone's memory simultaneously.

There is something about time's being of essence in this story,
which I, made to feel overly self-conscious about my writing style,
avoided mentioning.

Yes, but what really have you avoided mentioning? Darby was just guessing when he mentioned you took a creative writing course. Kind of like handing you a poison apple. And you took a bite. Now you are using the creative writing explanation as a cover story. And patted Darby on the back for having figured it out.

But the way I see it, Darby was just helping a fellow time traveler out of a bind. In order that you wouldn't have to admit being a time traveler. Just like a Narc exposes drug deals with bait. Darby managed to get a time traveler to take an offered cover story.

Of course it would probably take the reputation and writing skills of Lois Lane to blow this story wide open. So for the time being, just Darby and I have reason to suspect you are a bona fide time traveler. But suspicion isn't proof!

So the question now is, who is baiting who? I must say, your approach is very good so far. Debunking the evil debunker, has to my knowledge, never been done. Carry on....