Quantum Scribe
Herein is a promised account of my time slip on a highway loop:
My husband and I were living in the Alamo City. Whereas city
dwelling has never suited him, I had resisted our returning to
our country residence. After all, we had never had better
jobs and, rising, profits from my business were twice my salary.
That day, however, we forgot our conflict. We drove northward
for about an hour. Back on our former ‘stomping grounds,’
we marvelled at how much it had rained. Pastures were lush;
creeks were running and stock tanks (ponds) were overflowing.
Reflecting upon my having floated on my back down a nearby creek
while watching clouds move in the opposite direction, I dared,
“Let’s check out the pond by the old grainery.”
“Okay.” He knew I was even more interested in exploring the long
abandoned building.
We did. A barn owl flew out and startled us. I fell through the
rotten floor and, jumpy about creepy crawlers, as quickly sprang
back out. Afterward, as I was fine, my haste seemed hilarious.
Evening came. We headed back. On I-35 again, we talked about
and more laughed at our adventure. And, before we knew it,
we were back in San Antonio.
“That was quick,” I said.
We glanced at the clock on Loop 1-410 West and let our thoughts lag.
Leon Valley was nearly behind us when we gave passing thought to the
chores awaiting us and noted the time, again. Absently anticipating
the Culebra exit one moment, we were literally miles away the next instant.
“What?” we asked each other in great confusion. Equally in disbelief,
we noticed that we were inexplicably northbound, again. In unison, we read
aloud upcoming signs, “I-35?" ..."Austin?”*
We gaped at each other, and double-checked the time, again.
My cowboy started to talk himself out of believing what had just transpired
really happened, but I wouldn’t let him. Insisting that our observations were
mutually confirmed along the way with repeated referrences to the time,
I told him,“Believe it, because you’ll never convince me the fact isn’t true.”
* The exact number of miles indicated on the sign, I do not now recall. But,
for those unfamiliar with the vicinity, Loop I-410 North merges with I-35 North.
Our time slip placed us where the two interstate highways begin to diverge from
one another.
My husband and I were living in the Alamo City. Whereas city
dwelling has never suited him, I had resisted our returning to
our country residence. After all, we had never had better
jobs and, rising, profits from my business were twice my salary.
That day, however, we forgot our conflict. We drove northward
for about an hour. Back on our former ‘stomping grounds,’
we marvelled at how much it had rained. Pastures were lush;
creeks were running and stock tanks (ponds) were overflowing.
Reflecting upon my having floated on my back down a nearby creek
while watching clouds move in the opposite direction, I dared,
“Let’s check out the pond by the old grainery.”
“Okay.” He knew I was even more interested in exploring the long
abandoned building.
We did. A barn owl flew out and startled us. I fell through the
rotten floor and, jumpy about creepy crawlers, as quickly sprang
back out. Afterward, as I was fine, my haste seemed hilarious.
Evening came. We headed back. On I-35 again, we talked about
and more laughed at our adventure. And, before we knew it,
we were back in San Antonio.
“That was quick,” I said.
We glanced at the clock on Loop 1-410 West and let our thoughts lag.
Leon Valley was nearly behind us when we gave passing thought to the
chores awaiting us and noted the time, again. Absently anticipating
the Culebra exit one moment, we were literally miles away the next instant.
“What?” we asked each other in great confusion. Equally in disbelief,
we noticed that we were inexplicably northbound, again. In unison, we read
aloud upcoming signs, “I-35?" ..."Austin?”*
We gaped at each other, and double-checked the time, again.
My cowboy started to talk himself out of believing what had just transpired
really happened, but I wouldn’t let him. Insisting that our observations were
mutually confirmed along the way with repeated referrences to the time,
I told him,“Believe it, because you’ll never convince me the fact isn’t true.”
* The exact number of miles indicated on the sign, I do not now recall. But,
for those unfamiliar with the vicinity, Loop I-410 North merges with I-35 North.
Our time slip placed us where the two interstate highways begin to diverge from
one another.