Can we engineer Time?


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Presumption: Our primary axis of TIME is the Present. This is 1 of the 3 coordinate axes we create within. We use the axes of Past and Future to shape our creation in the Present.

Existing Technology: The pinnacle of our sciences of today have achieved wonderous abilities to engineer (control and change) elements of Mass and Space. We move things from one area of Space to another area of Space, via the use of Energy. We also transform one form of Mass into another form of Mass, via the use of Energy.

Future Technology: Since we already have established a mastery of manipulating Mass and Space, all that remains is developing an ability to master Time. This is our next step. It is the step of development that we are currently living through.

Prediction: I believe we will understand Time and develop/perfect an engineering technology for it prior to December of 2012. This technology development will change the world in ways we still cannot fully comprehend....even though we are only 8 years away from this event.

Kind Regards,
What exactly would this engineering consist of? What would be altered? I'm pretty new to this and it doesn't quite make sense what you would wish to do. To change things in the past or alter things in the future through the three axes of time? Somehow switching planes of existence in order to alter time itself? I'm very confused.
What would be altered?

I'm new to. I think if we can move space and we can move energy, we got what it takes. All we have to do is trasfer space and energy at the exact same moment in time. If we do that, we will create a temporary time gap that might take us oh, say a minute into the future or the past, maybe less maybe more.
I think we'll have the ability to put object A to point B in a cou ple seconds first... like a matter transporter (instantaneously).

I still don't know how we'll go back in time, but foreward is defiently plausable.
I agree, going to the past seems kind of inprobable. The only way I can think of traving to the past is to stop time for everyone except yourself and wait, when you resart, you'll be in the past. My theory on this is that time looks kinda like this:

So, if you imagine the top is the past, the middle is the present, and the bottom is the future. If you look, its kinda like a tredmill, and if you stop running on the tredmill, you go backwards. To do that, you would have to stop time. Theoretically possible to stop time? No. How? No clue. Am I working on this? Yes. I think I'll have a way to stop time soon.
We Can Engineer Time!..we do it every day

I find that entirely irrelavint.
Me too... even though I might spell it differently. It does not matter.

What exactly would this engineering consist of? What would be altered? I'm pretty new to this and it doesn't quite make sense what you would wish to do. To change things in the past or alter things in the future through the three axes of time? Somehow switching planes of existence in order to alter time itself? I'm very confused.
Yes, it can surely be confusing. That is because we have been taught to think of Time in a 1-dimensional manner.

I will try to describe this as plainly as I can. If you want to engineer Time, you must first understand Mass and Space. That is because Mass, Space, and Time are an integrated 3x3 Matrix of inter-relationships. If Time is the thing you want to manipulate, then you must understand how to manipulate Mass and Space, for in the interaction of Mass and Space is how we define Time.

Learn to alter Mass and Space in a manner that will produce the future Time that you wish to occur.

You have the ability to alter Mass and Space in the way that you wish, to create a future state in Time.

Take responsibility to create the future Time that you want to see come to pass.
Hi Rainman Time,

Isn't December 2012 when the X planet, the 10th planet of the solar system that has this drawn out eliptical orbit around the sun, suppose to appear? I am not sure, but I think I recall reading that is the year if not the month that the theory of this planet sets forth.

Is that your time marker for the ability of mankind to emerge.

And if so, what is your factual knowledge and beliefs about this theory?

If I am wrong, I apologize for making the assumption.

If I am correct, can you tell me more?

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