Can we be more positive?


Temporal Novice
It would be nice to hear more positive statements from would be time travelers instead of the more frequent doom and gloom predictions.

How about the steady decline of heart disease in the 20’s?
The global embrace of the use renewable energies by the early 20’s, which will have positive impact on the environment for years to come.
The positive role time travel has for researchers to collect information from the past to fill in gaps left by fragmented information set in the future, so our grandchildren may know of our legacy.

Just some thoughts
I think the reason that we hear doom and gloom, is that most of the would be frauds that claim to be time travelers are influenced by the Titor story (who is a fake himself.) and they all try to follow the same format.
If those who have traveled in time tell us of grave news, wouldn't we somehow change that future, so it may be more or less grave than foretold?
positive future daydream?...hrm

Genetically engineer humans that are capable of breathing salt water...seems to be alot more water than land, would solve overcrowding...
-And before someone mentions it, yes I'm aware of the negative effects of water pressure.
Predicting catastrophe is a hook and also an alibi. Catastrophe is more dramatic and exciting, and it offers better escapism for the introverts who drink the Kool Aid each time. As for being an alibi- all gaps in knowledge are explicable if in the future some DOOM! has destroyed records, etc.

Whereas a positive or even "normal" future is going to raise a thicket of questions...

EricC got it correct.

These would-be time travelers aren't here to tell a time travel story. Just about all of the stories seen here over the past 9 years fall into one of three catagories:

1. The author wants to see just how over-the-top their stories can get before even the "usual suspects" here who believe anything tossed at the wall start to complain. They're here to laugh at everyone because they believe that everyone here is a kook and needs to get a life.

2. The author has an off-the-wall political message that they want to gift wrap and send to someone, anyone - but they don't have the skill to pull it off on a straight political discussion board. They've a better chance of coming across a schizophrenic on Prozac who will listen to their rantings here than on the poli sci forum.

3. The author is a post-teen mid 20-something mental train wreck who hasn't made the developmental transitition to adulthood, who does a better job of directing their TT psots to 12-13 year olds and who's pissed off at the entire world, "because the world and everyone in it is laughing at me and is evil because they all hate me and make fun of me and no one in my real life pays any attention to me but they'll see. Oh, yes! I'll show them! I'll get my revenge on the whole wide world because they're all going to die for being mean to me, so there!."

Holy Christ, they're the scary ones. They're the ones that you read about in papers with headlines refering to Columbine. They actually want the doom and gloom that they predict to come true so they can take vengence on their imaginary enemies.