RE: Can Major; Yellow saves TTA\'s life.
As the Great White circled, within the storm swept sea, the intent of the thirty foot fish, was to take now helpless TTA and devour him, with one swift finnal bite
Deep blue waves pushed out of the way, by the masive nose of the intruding shark, gave clue to rows of razor seariated sharp teeth.The distance was now gradually closeing by the slate gray colored denizen.
TTA's mouth now parched by sea water, cried for fresh drinking water, as he desperatly clung to ropes at the side of the fishing boat. The waves ever increasing, buffeting within their inensity, as the storm rose to it creshendo.
TTA tilted back his head to those who knew and loved him on the wooden deck of the Stellar Marie, crying a last fairwell.
"Tell all my friends and relatives, that I love them and to that special one, I will always care for you darling"!
The White now ten feet from TTA's dangeling legs, intent on dismemeberment, the gapping mouth now opened, as to devour what little pride that TTA had, as he waited for fate to consme him.
Then as if in a flash a spectre sailed from the deck of the Marie, spashing inbetween the white and TTA, with powerful intent and determinate speed.
High in the air, the bannana was raise, frozen to a solid fixtured state, by total imercement within liquid nitrogen.
DOWN!, DOWN! splash came the stroke from the sinued armed holding the frozen bannana, a blaze of yellow, to fast for the human eye to observe without blurring.
Down' onto the nose of the giant squalis, the water turning both yellow and red with the definace of one friend for another.
After blows battered the nose and turned away the Great White, Yellow Man swam over to TTA, so gentily cradeling him within his arms.
"I HAVE HIM NOW, I HAVE TTA, AND HE'S SAFE"! Shoutted the masked spectre, as the giant dark shape was now only a point in the distance.
Yellowman placeing his lips very closely to TTA's ear, wispered the magic words.
"My best bud, TTA, the Oswald hateing Kennedy for personal reasons, is only a sucking ruse, in order to gather a fine fellow such as you in"!
TTA now supprised opens his eyes and repiles "Yes' I think I see the light, this was a conspiracy!
Oh I'm so glad that you had saved me!!!
Nothing to it, muttered Yellow Man intent on suddenly disappearance, in a cloud of yellow bannana peels.
In other words, the greater boss of John F. Kennedy's demise, must have been grander working, that were impenged upon by Kennedy himself, not so much Oswald's hatered for Kennedy by himself?
By the way TTA, I wanted to know this coming Saturday night, can I double with you and your girl?
TTA:Your still dateing that female Orangatang?
Yellow man;Yes'.... ahhh" I love her very much and you know that, so what's the problem"?
TTA;Well your not brining that ape in my car, dressed up in a Piere Cardan Dress.
If my ex-homies here that I had doubled with some crazy guy in a yellow outfit, who love giant apes, my rep is ruined?!