Calling John Titor...


Temporal Novice
Firstly let me say hello to you all;

Secondly let me ask you for your thoughts, opinions, and ultimately beliefs regarding the one we have all come to know as John Titor.

I would like to know as much about John as possible; i trust i am in the right place to ask for such assistance.

Kind regards in anticipation.

JC <font color="blue"> [/COLOR]
JC, welcome to the board! is your friend and probably your best bet. Entering "John Titor ~ time traveler" should produce an abundance of hits for him and his story. There are still some people around who were posting during the brief time Titor was posting here and at a couple of other boards online.

Hopefully, they'll be glad to give you some additional background info on him too as well.
Thank you kindly,

So your personal opinions on Titor?

Real, fake, wind-up or legitimate?

Tried the Google thing by the way; thanks.

Well John, its like this:

I came rather late to this site. I'd been lurking here for a little over a year and a half - before I signed on and started posting last month. Titor was long gone by the time I arrived at TTI. I've done one heck of a lot of reading /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif And snooping around all over the internet looking for other aspects about the man, and his mission.

Please don't be swayed by my personal take on all this, instead come to form your own conclusions based on what you learn about him - and reason it through for yourself.

Much of what I've read leads me to believe John Titor was a complete and finely woven hoax.

Others might disagree with me here, but I've always believed theres a dangerous aspect in putting stock on the word of anyone who comes on like John Titor did - out of left field, and without warning. Sure - on one hand, he came across as being charming, and he never got angry with the people who posted their questions to him, and he seemed to have answers. Its some - or all of these aspects about him, that are still being debated here and elsewhere many years later.

But -on the other hand, Titor had a few things in common with people we've all seen rise up and come to our attention through other means; those such as David Korresh or Jim Jones come to mind. In a way like Korresh and Jones - Titor was so convincing in conveying his message, and information about what our (his) future holds, that in the process - he swayed people into questioning the value of their own core beliefs, into accepting the possibly he could be the real deal. A genuine time traveler.

After the fact - I feel sorry for these people. They've been tampered with in a way thats akin to being pychodynamically manipulated in my opinion. My only wish for them - is they get some resolution to any questions they want answered now - and perhaps an appology from this person they chose to give a benefit of the doubt to.

Actually, this site and are your best sources for the original posts. Titor, using the name "TimeTravel_0" first appeaed here as a poster. He appeared briefly in 1998 by sending two faxes to Art Bell which were read on the air. There are copies of those faxes on Anomalies. Anomalies took over the Art Bell side of the discussion when he pulled his BBS down in 2001.

Though Art Bell's old site "Post-2-Post" no longer exists we do have copies of the original "I Am from 2036" thread available on Anomalies. Two of the three original "TimeTravel_0" threads are still on the board here. The actual original thread, "Time Travel Paradoxes" became corrupt here because we went beyond 11 pages of posts - the BBS software couldn't handle threads that long at the time. But we also have copies of that thread available on Anomalies.

The best choice, to start it all off with, is to read the original threads. Then get into the umpteen follow-on threads that have come bye and bye during the past 7 years.

The site really isn't a good source if you want to read his posts both in context and in the original unedited form.

PS: Because I've probably made 5,000 Titor related posts over the past 7 plus years, including posting directly to Titor/TTO while he was posting, you can probably figger out my position by reading the historical posts. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Thanx for the in depth replies.

My curiosity lingers!

From what i've read John Titor supporters can dismiss the fact that his predictions failed to come true by labelling that he either a] changed things by arriving in our time or b] he's from an alternate universe.

Score draw. By the way - don't get me wrong; i'm not necessarily a John Titor oponent; far from it i dare say.

My next thoughts drift towards the butterfly effect: [the theory rather than the pretty lame film that prompted Peter Griffin to build a panic room!]: surely any prescence in our time would have dramatic repuercussions on the future? If i were to spend a week in say 1975 surely i would inadvertantly create a new future based upon the changes my being there would induce?

Surely John would have been banned from such frivolities as to share his blue prints with the world of 2000...?

My last is more of a challenge and a test of my own source: i am told that John Titor is still with us. John, if this is the case would you be so kind as to rejoin the embers of the debate you left behind...
"What do you think the odds are that John Titor will come out of hiding just because JOHNCOLE asked him to?

Slim to none - only slim just gave up the internet.

Say jmpett - did you find the dude you were looking for??
Well if John Titor is the hoax that most people tells me he his then he is not in 1975 or 2001 or even 2036, but of course right here and now with the rest of us. And if John Titor is who i'm told he is then JOHNCOLE is a name he will know well.

Perhaps John Titor simply goes by another name these days - perhaps he's been chatting to us for ages. Besides, why would John hide? Perhaps another round of games, another return visit, another ste of predictions may tickle him.

Providing of course that the scepticism is just....
Hey Darby-

I also noticed all time travellers tend to talk in a formal way of speaking. I believe this is because they are writing their response in advance and editing it before posting- to make sure it makes sense before they post it. As such, their text ends up overly-formalized- partly because of editing and partly to make sure they sound superior-sounding (as a time traveller should, naturally).

And of course you always have to throw in a zinger or two, as JOHNCOLE just did- to pique everyone's interest.
Ha! Me a time traveller! I wish. No, Marty McFly i'm not. A student at a lesser known University i am. One of our lecturers has been singled out as John Titor. Probably isn't him by all accounts but if you ever took a class with him you'd understand why people think he was behind the John Titor hoax. The guy knows everything there is to know. And we know he hangs out in these sites with the other "time travellers"...!

I don't believe time travel is remotely possible; but it wouldnt be the first time i've been wrong and i dare say it wont be the last. Try and keep an open mind i suppose. That said, it's been interesting spending a few days in your chatroom. But now i have to get back to the serious task of preparing for battle of the bands; we're doing "Power of Love" with a Jonny Be Good intro.

Time travel; may or may not be possible - Eddie Van Halen is one hell of a guitarist, well that;s one thing we all know for sure.

John Cole

PS Jmpet - would you believe that i wrote that whole reply after readign yours with no need to pre-write or re-edit...!

Do you actually do that?

Pardon the pun but you have way too much time on your hands...
"One of our lecturers has been singled out as John Titor."

This first sentence is rather intriguing: Who singled this guy out - and why?

"Probably isn't him by all accounts but if you ever took a class with him you'd understand why people think he was behind the John Titor hoax. The guy knows everything there is to know."

What people? You came here looking for information about John Titor. You seem unsure in your own mind what to make of him or his story - but now your labeling John Titor a hoax? Would you be so kind as to give us an example or two of what you meant by 'the guy knows everything there is to know?'

" And we know he hangs out in these sites with the other "time travellers"...!"
Whose we... are you more than one person? What other sites have you tracked your lecturer to?
John Cole,

"John Titor" based on the posting times was one of many things:

o Goofing off at work when he got in, before/after lunch, before he left for 5:00pm ish
o From a Corporate Environment
o Maybe a Think Tank - Unversity or Washington
o Maybe just a jokey sci-fi writer commenting on currents

That's as close as I got...

Doubt people can actually "float thru time"...

Time is linear...
