Cal Red\'s Album Officially Finished
that's right Cal Red has finished his 3rd solo album "Our Civil War". 11 songs total. Another sample has been added to the website ( )
All of these songs are about the hypethetical situations that are possible to exist under the circumstances that John Titor---SPECIFICALLY JOHN TITOR [no other person claiming to have traveled through time] has provoked mine and my community's thought. If you are interested in your own copy then please email me at [email protected] .
If the election tonight turns into awful rioting that causes something catostrophic, I thank you all for the time you have granted me for I will be gone.
that's right Cal Red has finished his 3rd solo album "Our Civil War". 11 songs total. Another sample has been added to the website ( )
All of these songs are about the hypethetical situations that are possible to exist under the circumstances that John Titor---SPECIFICALLY JOHN TITOR [no other person claiming to have traveled through time] has provoked mine and my community's thought. If you are interested in your own copy then please email me at [email protected] .
If the election tonight turns into awful rioting that causes something catostrophic, I thank you all for the time you have granted me for I will be gone.