By how much does a planet bending space-time affect time?


Temporal Novice
How much of a difference in time is there between standing on planet earth and standing in a spaceship away from earth?

I am assuming it is a very little difference in time.

I thought you could maybe create some sort of time machine by bending space-time.

There is no simple answer to your question in that gravity is both a force and effect.

Whereas the former is a product of mass(es), its proximation to the latter is the very warping of time itself. Moreover, the answer to your question, which involves bodies with specific masses, is only quantifiable in terms of how it is measured. I’ll use a quote to example one such measurement and, then, put it in a meaningful context:

“[...R]esearchers exploited wave-particle duality and superposition within an atom interferometer to prove that an effect known as gravitational redshift – the slowing down of time near a massive body – holds true to a precision of seven parts in a billion”--

Whereas “[...]seven parts in a billion” may sound insignificant to you, such measurements are crucial to such things as the accuracy of global positioning systems.

My suggestion to you? You might research gravitational redshift or time dilation.

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My intuitional logic,

The affect of time depends on the velocity earth and the spaceship.

The way I understand it, imagine running through an infinite amount of thin sheets of paper. The faster you run the more the sheets of paper, the more they will affect you - similar to air friction in motion (air resistance-drag). The faster you run through the sheets the amount of time (space-time will be increased) age will be reduced (younger) in comparison if you run slow through the sheets time (space-time will be decreased) age will be increased (older). In motion, air friction turns into heat, in space-time, space-time turns into space-time.

So,how much of a difference in time is there between standing on planet earth and standing in a spaceship away from earth? it all depends how fast your are traveling in comparison to the other - one will age faster and the other will age slower.

My intuitional logic,The affect of time depends on the velocity earth and the spaceship.
The way I understand it, imagine running through an infinite amount of thin sheets of paper. The faster you run the more the sheets of paper, the more they will affect you - similar to air friction in motion (air resistance-drag). The faster you run through the sheets the amount of time (space-time will be increased) age will be reduced (younger) in comparison if you run slow through the sheets time (space-time will be decreased) age will be increased (older). In motion, air friction turns into heat, in space-time, space-time turns into space-time.

So,how much of a difference in time is there between standing on planet earth and standing in a spaceship away from earth? it all depends how fast your are traveling in comparison to the other - one will age faster and the other will age slower.
Yes. Though no specific mention of speed and motion, velocity, was made in my previous reply, variables beyond those stated where implicit in both what I stated and quoted.
Your conceptualization is okay.

Active threads instance the variables that must be calculated into an answer to your last question, i.e. simply put, after long journeys in space, astronauts are, upon their return, maximally out-of-sinc with the rest of us by mere minutes-- a comedic short film was done about such a variance, if you'd like for me to recommend it to you later.

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My intuitional logic,The affect of time depends on the velocity earth and the spaceship.
The way I understand it, imagine running through an infinite amount of thin sheets of paper. The faster you run the more the sheets of paper, the more they will affect you - similar to air friction in motion (air resistance-drag). The faster you run through the sheets the amount of time (space-time will be increased) age will be reduced (younger) in comparison if you run slow through the sheets time (space-time will be decreased) age will be increased (older). In motion, air friction turns into heat, in space-time, space-time turns into space-time.

So,how much of a difference in time is there between standing on planet earth and standing in a spaceship away from earth? it all depends how fast your are traveling in comparison to the other - one will age faster and the other will age slower.
But it would barely make a difference realistically?Syzygy pointed that there is barely a difference in time, so building a time machine out of bending space-time wouldn't work.

But it would barely make a difference realistically?Syzygy pointed that there is barely a difference in time, so building a time machine out of bending space-time wouldn't work.
Well, your questions shows that answer, but look at what you are asking.
As if you are asking, does the water temperature inside of pool change in different depths, and I reply with yes, depends on the amount of water, size, sunlight, and shape of the pool. Then you reply with, the small change in temperature I possibly could not travel to the lowest depth of the pool without getting wet.

Time travel is the ability to move around the pool without getting wet and temperature is the speed of the object (being a planet or a spaceship). Temperature matters because getting hot enough to boil the water around you would keep you dry and give you the ability to travel around the pool without getting wet. I personally believe this temperature ability must not be the only way to travel without getting wet, and pray that other ways may exist.

Well, your questions shows that answer, but look at what you are asking.As if you are asking, does the water temperature inside of pool change in different depths, and I reply with yes, depends on the amount of water, size, sunlight, and shape of the pool. Then you reply with, the small change in temperature I possibly could not travel to the lowest depth of the pool without getting wet.
Time travel is the ability to move around the pool without getting wet and temperature is the speed of the object (being a planet or a spaceship). Temperature matters because getting hot enough to boil the water around you would keep you dry and give you the ability to travel around the pool without getting wet. I personally believe this temperature ability must not be the only way to travel without getting wet, and pray that other ways may exist.
False equivalency. Time is not the same.Time traveling is simply moving through time. You are always time traveling. I thought you could time travel at a different pace with curved space-time. However, it turns out that large masses bending space-time make hardly any significant difference.

False equivalency. Time is not the same.Time traveling is simply moving through time. You are always time traveling. I thought you could time travel at a different pace with curved space-time. However, it turns out that large masses bending space-time make hardly any significant difference.
I understand what you mean, but my statement was not to be taken literally. I meant it as an allegory to add perspective to your question.
If you understand Time as scalar in bookkeeper form, I recommend you study Lorentz transformation and Minkowski space.
