Busy busy! Washington, here we come...


Staff member
I've been pretty quiet for the past couple weeks because we're in SELL ALL THE THINGS mode and making final preparations for our move to the west coast. We're about to sell our car, our house is about halfway empty and everything is just a bit chaotic ;)

Blog updates and whatnot will be slow for a little while longer, but I at least wanted to pop in and let you know that I've not forgotten about Curious Cosmos and that we'll be back to normal here in a few more weeks.

In the meantime, a HUGE thanks to @PaulaJedi and @KerrTexas for picking up my slack. If you need to contact me directly though, feel free to drop me a PM!

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Planting starts in the mini-hot house, garden planning, tilling, weeds to come??, large animal foot care visits by the Ferrier." We're not at this point yet", but this is sure to come. Hope that the weather's normal this spring and summer?

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Whew, that's been a long four months of moving. Little longer than I hoped, but I'm not sure what else I was expecting to have happen after we sold everything we own, then blew up our lives by moving across the country ;)

Good to see people hanging around :)

And now the fun begins.

Whew, that's been a long four months of moving. Little longer than I hoped, but I'm not sure what else I was expecting to have happen after we sold everything we own, then blew up our lives by moving across the country ;)Good to see people hanging around :)
And now the fun begins.
It looks like you guys are having a blast up there. Hope it is still going well!!!

It looks like you guys are having a blast up there. Hope it is still going well!!!
It definitely is. Still lots of stress to deal with as part of moving, but we love it up here in the great Northwest :) Slowly getting back into the swing of things with the site; Hallie and I spent last night discussing what to do and how to do it, I think you guys will like what we have in mind :D

It definitely is. Still lots of stress to deal with as part of moving, but we love it up here in the great Northwest :)Slowly getting back into the swing of things with the site; Hallie and I spent last night discussing what to do and how to do it, I think you guys will like what we have in mind :D
When I relocated I did not have a choice. Everything for me, was a tossed casserole of lasagna on a white wall. Utter chaos. Three years after relocating, something very odd had happened to me. There was one period of time I did not know if I was going to live or die.A few years before that, I somehow had gotten a hold of and I don't know by what process this was, the entire logs of the Montauk Experiment. So what I'm thinking is that my Pleiadean relatives had tried to protect me, by overlaying another time travel predicament on top of me, that would cancel the other out.

It took a while for me to come out of these past effects, but my self identity had totally changed. What was funny however, was to my friends and family, because they could not see what I was going through, thought I was the same old person. Only now, for me Cosmo, things are starting to straighten out for me.

What a portion of my resettling was like, was being trapped in a fish net, with hungry sharks that could occasionally get in the enclosed area at me and all that I had was a sharp knife, but not a real big one. I hope events turn out good for you, but I'm forbidden from helping you. I wish that I could, but just cannot.
