Bush admin apparently nuts Hist BOT flair


Epochal Historian
I am not trying to say who and who is not normal politically speaking, as of now.

Some of you that come here, from other times, to key into this board, might not know what is going on.

Here is the update that you need to know.

The population is so overed in size, that it cannot it seems function without medication.

Government at this time, due to said shown terrorist acts, seems almost overownus.

Flying on a public airplane at this time, due to security searches placed on the passengers, is not a pleasurable experience.

A low intensity world wide war, is being fought between it seems the Islamic factions and the Christians, for some reason.*They the Islamics, keep going back to the said Jihad, or the holy war, when some of us, who are innocent, do not understand what this means.

The last peculiarity, excluding every say about the current administration in Washington DC being normal, or not normal, is that they are trying to get some means of torture, the record says in the papers, the feeling of drowning, approved for the Islamic Jihad types of warriors that are captured.

Their side, when a coalition solider is caught, is to disembowel him or her, but not in the classically swift way, which would be with a heavy and swift sword.

These are dangerous paranoid times.

It would serve any such seeing time traveler visiting to these times, to be very careful in what they say, when they go and make sure that all necessary self identification is present.
The second phenomenon, which is now in the U.S. House Of Representatives, are same sex e-mails, where the representative, was shown to be exchanging e-mails with a minor same sex boy page.

This phenomenon is noted as panic excitation, where animals will exhibit the same characteristics, when under extreme social pressure.

The second, are accusations that the current administration, is somehow affiliated with both Satanists and new-Nazies, so the male to male sex antics of the Nazi party, is socially being transferred to working U.S. Government?
Science fiction writers have been trying to tell us this for the last 70 years.

What is the original Star Trek except a retelling of European colonization? They barge in to strange worlds, and if any resists they blast them. "We come in peace" means we're friendly as long as we're in control.

The Terminator movies, Blade Runner, etc. tell us the future will be a fascist state run by the police and military while the majority live in hovels and barely survive.

For all the talk of democracy, there are really only two systems of economics: fascist capitalism and socialism. The American system was a balance sometimes achieved based on a technology that was advanced with respect to the other nations, plus the wealth of one of the richest most unexploited areas on the planet.

This society is degenerating day-by-day. What it will lead to, I don't know.