Yeah, yeah...I'm more of a philosopher than I am a physicist and not good at either.
Don't feel too bad about not being a physicist. James Dunn (the author) isn't a physicist himself.
Building Universes using Extreme Relativity [licensed for non-commercial use only] / QESdunn - Creating Space-Time (CST)
As you do more research into this there's one item on his site, his "physics" aside, that should give you pause to consider whether he's making sense or a typical Internet crank:
Reviewed by over 700 physicists and others interested in controlling space-time
before being published as a book.
"Reviewed by over 700 physicists and others". This is intended to leave one with the impression that the book was peer reviewed by 700 physicists. BS. Maybe he spammed 700 physicists with email touting the book but 700+ physicists didn't read the book. And his statement doesn't say 700 physicists reviewed it. Maybe 1 "physicist" (himself perhaps?) has read it and 699 "others" have read it.
When the author has to stretch (and 700+ is a huge stretch) the truth to sell his book then he's a crank. When they are selling thair cranky science as a $59.95 paperback ($69.95 hardcover) watch your wallet.
In 1998 Dr. John Baez, a physicist at UC Riverside, published a humorous and well known little paper online named "The Crackpot Index". It's a way to score possibly cranky statements and determine if the person is a crackpot. You start by giving him/her -5 points. If they end up scoring +50 points they are a kook.
Right off the bat he scores a +20 for naming his theory after himself (QESdunn) - #25 on the index.
Up to +7,000! points if he actually, without solicitation, emailed this information to 700+ physicists. +10 points for each one. #12 on the Index. (And he's still get the +7000 if the 700+ "physicists" are actually posters on any of the alt-sci several forums he posts on. That actually takes it from cranky to outright planned, intentional deception.)
At least +10 points for inventing new terms without adequate definition (Extreme Relativity is one example). #14 on the Index.
And last, +2 points for every clearly vaccuous statement...and there are a poop-load of them. One such statement is that his "theory" is ready for commercial implimentation. Another is the cry for gov'mit control to make sure the bad and evil capitalists can't control entire universes. Well, it's technically true that it's ready for commercial implimentation if you consider the commercial implimentation of the "theory" to be the $59.95 he rakes in every time someone goes onto Lulu and buys his book. But that's really not the message he's sending to the poor book buyers, correct? They're supposed to assume that he means commercial implimentation of time travel, weather control, etc. #2 on the Index.
I implore you, when reading this sort of thing on the Internet (elsewhere as well, but specifically the Internet) to look deeply into what is written; judge it - no silly New Agey open mind required - for what it appears to be. Doubly so if the potential crank is asking for your money. Not every Internet crank is an otherwise anonymous mental case. Some want you and your money to occupy different spacetime coordinates in our universe (or at least different spacetime coordinates on our planet).