Bug Bite Mystery and the Pope on Stilts


Epochal Historian
Tiny bug bites:

Creedo is going over to Roel's office and when he walks in the office, he finds now, that Roel is sitting at his desk, (definalty at his desk), but now has six arms.

One pair of arms is filing his fingernails, the other workin a typewriter and the other, well me thinks is just scratchin his head.

Creedo enters, Roel says, sit down.

The conversation begins.

Roel, you look different today, but I like it!

Roel,..I've always said, that I could use an extra set of hands around here, so I got some?!


Roel,..What's on your mind Dan?

Creedo,...Roel' the other day I was going to the library vault and this tall guy was inback of me, that I never saw before,.....and and all of a sudden something bit me on the left side of my neck.

Roel,...Turn your head Dan and let me take a little closer look at that?

Over here more,.....hmmmmmmmm?

Creedo,..What do you think it is Roel?

Roel,...I don't know, this is more in Darby's line of abilities, let me call Darby?

Roel,....Hello Darb?!

Darby,...Yeah this is Darby.I'm being holy on the Santa Monica Freeway right now.
What can I do you for Roel?

Roel,.....Creedo, Dan's got some bug bites can you holy it over this way a bit and take a look at Dan's neck.

Darby,...Rog' be there, I'm putting it into overdrive.

Roel takes out a box of Dutch Chocolates and places one on the small gun-like apparatus and tells Creedo, "Open your mouth"?

Creedo does so and a delicious Dutch Chocolate is fired into Creedo's mouth, which he chews on and enjoys.

In the distance a very tall being approaches.

It looks like his holiness the pope, but this dude is up so high, well' it couldn't??

All of a sudden Creedo starts to jitter in his chair, up and down. Now clapping his hands, bouncing up and down in his chair, Creedo shouts in a very controlled way, "It's his holiness, Darby"!!

Roel assures Dan at this point everything's going to be okay, as it's not every day that one sees Darby on stilts dressed up like the pope.

Darby ducks, then enters Roel's office.

Darby,...Hey Roel, how the Hell are ya?!

Roel,..Not bad crab-ass, how's yourself?Heard you had some terse holy moments on the old Sonata Monica, while doing your thing?

Darby,...Naaha' I got this outfit from a mail order store....I've always wanted to be an elevated holy figure, so I thought I would take it out for a cruse and see what the public option would be.

Roel,.Hey' why I called you over, is that Dan, well Creedo's got some bug bites on his neck and I wanted your opion.

Darby,..Well Dan let me get down off my stilts and take a look here.
Turn your head?......Ahhhh, let me get out my portable electron microscope and my super-fine needle....?

Jab!!,....Creedo ,....""That hurt, what was the needle stick about""??!!

Darby,..Shut-up for a second while Roel and I take,...a.....look?

Darby and Roel look at the skin sample under the micrograph and then the electron microscope.

Darby starts to talk about the fish he caught the other day, then the sample.

Roel,....Dan' you say this guy was inback of you and you got two stings on your neck, but he entered the library with you?

Creedo,...Yeah' he was a tall guy, looked relative Caucasian, but could speak perfect Spanish.....I mean he was talking to some Hispanic Americans.....

Darby puts his finger to his chin and says,....Dan these could be bee bites, mosquito, or alien bug bites.

Creedo,...Is that serious?

Darby,.No' not if your'e not in California.

Are you in California now Dan?

Creedo answers,..No' at least I don't think I am.

Darby,......Let me tell you what I'm thinking. These COULD be alien bug bites, as the happened so fast.

And if that's the case, they could have injected nanobots into you, that when activated, might disco dance!?

Creedo, Dan starts to cry. Roel puts all six arms on Dan. One rubbing his back the other stroking his hair and so on and so on, you get the point!??

Darby,..There's only one thing you can do,,

Creedo,..and what's that Darby?

Darby,.....Well sort-of become Catholic once more?

Creedo,....I don't have the money? I mean' like what do I do?

Drary,..Forget Michael Jackson and all the other loosers.
This is a home study kit, on how to become a space-Catholic.

This is equipped with a whistle, a yo yo, some dog briskets and a range finder.

Creedo ask,..Range finder for what?

Darby,....I don't know, your figure it out when the time comes.

Creedo with tears in his eyes, both warmly hugs Darby and Roel, now certain that with a Catholic set of things, he can go back out into the world.

Darby now rises back onto his stilts, with his pope's outfit flappin in the breeze.

The Popester shouts a hearty,"Via' Con-dios", as he lopes off into the sunset.

Reol,.....Isn't that something Dan?

Creedo,..I don't know what to say??