If you havent yet, i recommend you look at my posts at then end of the "I Am From The Future" topic, because you will have no idea what im talking about.
Ok, now since the story doesnt take place on earth, we cant use Days, months, or years. Instead, i used Cycles, Full Cycles, and Great Cycles.
Cycle=15 Hours on Earth
Full Cycle=50 Cycles
Great Cycle=100 Full Cycles
(that sounds like an old math problem from algebra, dont it?)
To write a date, you write the current cycle(1-50), the number of Full Cycles(1-10) and the current Great Cycle number(Inf-Inf)
When the earlyest man started recording time, he started at 1/1/0
and recorded each day afterward. In relation to when Vertigo escaped his prison in the military base, it was 37/4/538
Remember: Current Cycle / Full Cycles / Great Cycles
There wont be a way to mesure time in smaller units like seconds or hours, because with the cycle system, they saw no use.
Now, for the Time Traveling part,
As described, there are two ways to Travel: The White Warrior Armor, or the Shaver Bracelets
The Armor, when used, will let you stay somewhere infinitly and indefinatly, even after u take off the armor.
The Shavers will only let you stay somewhere for a MAXIMUM of one cycle(15 hours our time) and then you get snapped back to where you came from.
In my story, Time works like a rope that Streches infinitly in each direction. A Flame goes down the line slowly, burning it.
There are three "Time Zones"
Past Time, Current Time,and Future Time.
Current Time is considered the time your in right now. current time changes all the time.Current Time will change by fractions of a millisecond. Its constantly refreshing itself.
As long as you havent time traveled in your life, your in current time, and no matter what happens with other people altering travel, you will stay the same. Ill exsplane later.
Past Time is anything that happened before current time.
Future Time: anything that is happening after current time. Future time shapes itself according to Current Time. For instance, if you devoted one cycle to being artistic, then your future will show you trying art and eithor failing or becoming popular. It alters itself untill it knows what to do just before that moment becomes Current Time.
(well if this were true, it would exsplane my Visions of the future.too bad)
Now, lets say i Time Travel for the first time. If i alter something important, nobody should know who HASNT time traveled yet. When you travel, it alters reality and creates a second time frame that your changes live in(if you alter something important)
Now, if time sees that there is duplicates of the same time frame, it will just send you to one. For instance.
Your friend goes back in time and kills an old man, and creates the alternate reality where the old man is dead. Then, YOU go back and kill the same old man at very close to the time your friend did it. After he dies, your friend should appear out of nowhere.
Time relized that the man in you and your friends alternate time line died at almost the same time, so insted of starting a new time line for yourself, you go to the one your friend was in and started.
when you travel to the past or future, you are in the original time frame UNTILL YOU MAKE A BIG CHANGE.
Once you have traveled into an alternate reality once, the only way to get back to the origonal is to go back to BEFORE you traveled, and then stop yourself from altering it, so that time thinks your still in the main timeline.(just like in the brothers example)
Ill draw up some charts and things later, like on sunday to show you all what im talking about.
Ok, now since the story doesnt take place on earth, we cant use Days, months, or years. Instead, i used Cycles, Full Cycles, and Great Cycles.
Cycle=15 Hours on Earth
Full Cycle=50 Cycles
Great Cycle=100 Full Cycles
(that sounds like an old math problem from algebra, dont it?)
To write a date, you write the current cycle(1-50), the number of Full Cycles(1-10) and the current Great Cycle number(Inf-Inf)
When the earlyest man started recording time, he started at 1/1/0
and recorded each day afterward. In relation to when Vertigo escaped his prison in the military base, it was 37/4/538
Remember: Current Cycle / Full Cycles / Great Cycles
There wont be a way to mesure time in smaller units like seconds or hours, because with the cycle system, they saw no use.
Now, for the Time Traveling part,
As described, there are two ways to Travel: The White Warrior Armor, or the Shaver Bracelets
The Armor, when used, will let you stay somewhere infinitly and indefinatly, even after u take off the armor.
The Shavers will only let you stay somewhere for a MAXIMUM of one cycle(15 hours our time) and then you get snapped back to where you came from.
In my story, Time works like a rope that Streches infinitly in each direction. A Flame goes down the line slowly, burning it.
There are three "Time Zones"
Past Time, Current Time,and Future Time.
Current Time is considered the time your in right now. current time changes all the time.Current Time will change by fractions of a millisecond. Its constantly refreshing itself.
As long as you havent time traveled in your life, your in current time, and no matter what happens with other people altering travel, you will stay the same. Ill exsplane later.
Past Time is anything that happened before current time.
Future Time: anything that is happening after current time. Future time shapes itself according to Current Time. For instance, if you devoted one cycle to being artistic, then your future will show you trying art and eithor failing or becoming popular. It alters itself untill it knows what to do just before that moment becomes Current Time.
(well if this were true, it would exsplane my Visions of the future.too bad)
Now, lets say i Time Travel for the first time. If i alter something important, nobody should know who HASNT time traveled yet. When you travel, it alters reality and creates a second time frame that your changes live in(if you alter something important)
Now, if time sees that there is duplicates of the same time frame, it will just send you to one. For instance.
Your friend goes back in time and kills an old man, and creates the alternate reality where the old man is dead. Then, YOU go back and kill the same old man at very close to the time your friend did it. After he dies, your friend should appear out of nowhere.
Time relized that the man in you and your friends alternate time line died at almost the same time, so insted of starting a new time line for yourself, you go to the one your friend was in and started.
when you travel to the past or future, you are in the original time frame UNTILL YOU MAKE A BIG CHANGE.
Once you have traveled into an alternate reality once, the only way to get back to the origonal is to go back to BEFORE you traveled, and then stop yourself from altering it, so that time thinks your still in the main timeline.(just like in the brothers example)
Ill draw up some charts and things later, like on sunday to show you all what im talking about.