Blast From The Past


Temporal Novice

Good Days to you All,

Below, A Brief Poem, Circa 2007-2009
Author and Title Anonymous

A Soldiers Most
Hail War As
A Renaissance Pi Melts
A Sidearm Dwelt
A Cosmic Clone Pole
Jihad Had Mom Due A Man
A Quarks Humble Tree
Manilla Curse
Foretells Kiwi Smirks
Demons Former Jig Jug
A Liberal Disses One
Toss My Foes A Reference
Heaters High Storm

I will respond in time...
Before his father the child will be killed,
The father afterwards between ropes of rushes:
The people of Geneva will have exerted themselves,
The chief lying in the middle like a log.

A hundred times will the inhuman tyrant die,
In his place put one learned and mild,
The entire Senate will be under his hand,
He will be vexed by a rash scoundrel.

The great Senate will ordain the triumph
For one who afterwards will be vanquished, driven out:
At the sound of the trumpet of his adherents there will be
Put up for sale their possessions, enemies expelled.
Well, it got a nibble out of you didn't it?

Got a nibble out of me too.

If that is coded, it's a tough one. I hope someone breaks it and posts it here.
A Soldiers Most
Hail War As
A Renaissance Pi Melts
A Sidearm Dwelt
A Cosmic Clone Pole
Jihad Had Mom Due A Man
A Quarks Humble Tree
Manilla Curse
Foretells Kiwi Smirks
Demons Former Jig Jug
A Liberal Disses One
Toss My Foes A Reference
Heaters High Storm

Okay, I'll take a stab at this cryptic future reference. We are still at war. A renaissance PI, would be a reference to math, probably greek, used in physics to denote nucular (melts), a quarks humble tree could be in reference to the upcoming CERN experiments in 2007, Manilla curse-a disease out of Manilla, etc. I'll let you guys take a try at the rest....
The earth has a couple of "cosmic poles", one in the arctic, the other in the antarctic.

And there have been a number of scientific articles about them in the last few years, saying that those poles are fixing to flip, and during the flipping process, there might for a time be two sets of poles, both a north and a south on each side.

I'd say that sounds alot like "cosmic clone poles", and I would interpret this poem as being a prophecy or prediction specifically covering events and developments between 2007 - 2009.
“A Sidearm Dwelt”

A most interesting phrase. A sidearm is a little weapon only capable of defending attackers at very
close range. Not a very powerful weapon, and not anything that can be used from a distance. It reminds me that John Titor mentioned that Israel was not prepared for a true offensive war, but were only prepared for a nuclear defense. They had no strong defense against an invasion force. Where they live, or dwell, their weapons are too small, like mere sidearms.

If I recall correctly, Zeshua’s previous posts defended Titor’s general outline of our future history.

Is Zeshua predicting a successful invasion and conquering of Israel in 2007 - 2009?
Good sleuthing, I think? I'm only getting a big headache.

Shouldn't it make sense? I mean I can barely get passed the fact Zeshua has called this a poem. If that's a poem, I'm an otter.

This is the only part that makes any sense to me:

Good Days to you All,

Below, A Brief Poem, Circa 2007-2009
Author and Title Anonymous

So that poem is penned anonymously next year? Maybe it will make sense next year?

sigh . . .
Well, its not a very conventional poem, but it is a poem.

A Soldiers Most
Hail War As
A Renaissance Pi Melts
A Sidearm Dwelt
A Cosmic Clone Pole
Jihad Had Mom Due A Man
A Quarks Humble Tree
Manilla Curse
Foretells Kiwi Smirks
Demons Former Jig Jug
A Liberal Disses One
Toss My Foes A Reference
Heaters High Storm

It has rhyming (melt/dwelt, jihad/had curse/smirks) and rhythm (cosmic clone, heaters high) and even a few plays-on-words (pi melts, humble pi, hail storm, renaissance reference). My guess is that there’s more plays-on-words there that we aren’t catching yet.

When is a “Mom Due”? When she is pregnant.
What is Jihad’s Mom? Islam’s motherland - Saudi Arabia.
What does she give birth to? A man.
When? 2007 - 2009.

Who are Zeshua's "foes"?
What are A-Soldiers, and why would they hail war the most of all right when the renaissance pi is melting?

Soldiers are part of what? A war machine.

What else is part of a war machine that starts with "A-____"?
What is a "renaissance pi", and why is it melting now?

What sort of pi started or began all the way back in the renaissance, and has lasted all the way til now when it is finally starting to deteriorate?
I liked my answer for that. Since they did not spell Pi "pie", it would indicate mathmatics. Specifically there may have been equations and formulations dating back to the reinessance, or perhaps the mathmatician was from a country where the Reinessance began (I know Im spelling that wrong) so for me, "reinessance pi" points to some sort of math, as in physics, that may be used in the future to create weapons that "melt." They come up with new bombs and weapons all the time.
"Renaissance" is a term that means something was being RE-born; i.e., something that had previously died was subsequently reborn anew in the 1700's.

The phrase "A Renaissance Pi Melts" contains the suggestion that this thing, whatever it is, is :

(A) somehow related to the mathematical quantity "pi", and

(B) it is now finally dying (melting) once again, just as it had long ago, before it was "reborn" again in the Renaissance.

One of the beautiful and most desirable qualities of poetry is its ability to transmit a maximum of meaning in a minimum of words.
True. And one of the most beautiful things about art of any kind (including the written word) is that the viewer gains subjective meaning from it and interprets it in their own way, finding meaning in it for themselves, and really-there is no right or wrong. Only the author of this poem can say with certainty what message they are meaning to convey. One person's guess is not more "accurate" than another's. We can all look at the same thing and see different things, and that's what art is about. To make people think, to collaborate-not to argue.
Normally all that would be very true. The difference here, if there is one, is that this may be a prophecy of our immediate future. If it is, and if it is also correctly deciphered, and then those prophecies come true, then that would constitute proof of a correct interpretation independent of the author's confirmation.

Alot of ifs.