oooooooooooooooooppps i was late because i changed isp and placed my old hard drive into a time capsule with this site on it and all i have about time travel including john titor info and my pass words that will leave the door open if someone from the future what to use my login to change anything i have said and im yet to see it happen. The time capsule will only be found after my passing whenever that may be you are all in there as well, and i hope the info about you all helps you with your past present and future including this site.
This site has been part of my life now for 3 years. I still enjoy this site very much and all of you have become a part of it your are kind of famliy to me now as i am unable to realy speak to anyone about my love for time travel and the what if is was true with people i talk to in my day today life. They would think i was mad.(im am). But happy to be mad about this topic.
My hope for all this is that we can discover that it is all true and some real good can come of time travel like help sick children with cancer and people who just need a little helping hand in life to get by till we have all the answers to all our questions.
Till then im happy to say i am glad to be part of your life in some small way.