Black Holes aren't real! Math Proof!


Dimensional Traveler
Ha! I saw the counter-point to this on reddit today and immediately thought of you. Here's the other end of the argument that was posted:

Recent headlines have proclaimed “Black Holes Don’t Exist!” They’re wrong. Black holes absolutely exist. We know this observationally. We know by the orbits of stars in the center of our galaxy that there is a supermassive black hole in its center. We know of binary black hole systems. We’ve found the infrared signatures of more than a million black holes. We know of stellar mass black holes, and intermediate mass black holes. We can even see a gas cloud ripped apart by the intense gravity of a black hole. And we can take images of black holes, such as the one above. Yes, Virginia, there are black holes.
i suppose there will be lots of mud slinging back and forth now.

I've always claimed you can't manufacture facts from fiction. But you can debunk fiction with facts.

Anyway, with no black holes to power John Titor's time machine, I can now say the John Titor story is now officially debunked! Again!

Weren't there a black hole, which was found in the space?
There are lots of opinions by astronomers that they think they are looking at Black Holes. But all their claimed evidence is indirect and could be explained away with more concrete fact based explanations.

Seems kind of like MIT proving that a bumblebee can't fly (or was that study just an urban legend?).

In other news, the study Einstein refers to is from UNC Chapel Hill. Go Heels!!!

UNC Chapel Hill according to google is specialized in medicine and law. Have they good physicists and cosmologists? Can they be trusted if this is not their main field?

UNC Chapel Hill according to google is specialized in medicine and law. Have they good physicists and cosmologists? Can they be trusted if this is not their main field?
You can trust a Tarheel.

Abstracting from the fact, that they are "Tarheel", :) what makes you believe them for the non existence of a mathematically calculated, theoretically suggested and more than one such objects found in the space, observed more than once? They are doctors and lawyers. I would trust them if they find a new way for treating cancer for example. But for the black holes?

Black holes are the perfect thing for lazy people who want to be respected and placed on a pedestal without doing anything at all. When was the last time a black hole expert made some amazing device with their knowledge? When did they contribute to world peace, end hunger, or make transportation easier and faster? Or maybe something like building a new power source to practically replace oil?

What I see is a few people who write a few books and are basically set for life, without having really done anything at all. And that's regardless of whether black holes exist or not.

Abstracting from the fact, that they are "Tarheel", :) what makes you believe them for the non existence of a mathematically calculated, theoretically suggested and more than one such objects found in the space, observed more than once? They are doctors and lawyers. I would trust them if they find a new way for treating cancer for example. But for the black holes?
Haha, no I don't think they've disproven black holes, but it's an interesting study as I mentioned. Also, I'm just displaying some "team pride" in my enthusiasm for UNC. :)

Haha, no I don't think they've disproven black holes, but it's an interesting study as I mentioned. Also, I'm just displaying some "team pride" in my enthusiasm for UNC. :)
They never proved Black Holes existed in the first place. All they have is a silly math equation.
If that's all it takes to create reality, think of all the other math equations that only need be written down on paper.

Get rich equation, personal harem equation, new car equation, new house equation, God equation, etc...

All they have is a silly math equation to disprove it, too, so why do you believe one over the other?
Because we are dealing with reality. Reality is not based on belief. It's based on facts. Facts are verifiable. And it is a fact that no direct observation of a Black Hole exists.
The concept of belief may be fine for religion. But it has no place in science.

Because we are dealing with reality. Reality is not based on belief. It's based on facts. Facts are verifiable. And it is a fact that no direct observation of a Black Hole exists.The concept of belief may be fine for religion. But it has no place in science.
It's still a belief if you haven't experienced it yourself. Have you been to space to verify that there are no black holes?

What proofs they give for the non - existence of the black holes after all? In brief... mathematical or something else?
It's a mathematical description showing that the mass of the star undergoing collapse will radiate away as energy rather than collapse into a black hole.
And there is direct observation of stars that go Nova that exhibit this kind of behavior.
